PvP BLizz Sorc Help



I calculated it using Blizzard's own formula, mook. It says that 1k cold damage is reduced to 4. Ergo almost 10k would be reduced to 40. Wow. I'm really shaking in my boots.


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t.A.T.u97 said:
I came from East and moved to europe and what I witnessed was crappy players all around. East is filled with American children who cannot play. Its as simple as that.

No, any amazon would die from one arrow from my act one merc. I've gone against far more superior players than most likely any of you, and not one ama has proved my theory wrong. Its so funny how people say sorcs suck, yet they are using an amazon, a character only good in .09

Really, when you have a legendary status on your realm, then maybe u can talk to me.

Edit: 9.8k isnt near the damage Im dealing...
i know you just didnt say your merc would one shot me? thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard...how much damage does your merc do?

more importantly, mercs arent even allowed in duels..its nub and bm, not that it'd do much for you anyway even if they were,...plus i'd get concetration and might, and i'd have a better shot of one shotting you then you would me...especially since you wouldnt even get a chance to land one blizzard

haha, and i know you didnt just try and imply you had legendary status? that made me laugh

im not saying sorcs suck, im saying cold sorcs are a joke to zons...please try and be literate


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Guru said:
i know you just didnt say your merc would one shot me? thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard...how much damage does your merc do?

more importantly, mercs arent even allowed in duels..its nub and bm, not that it'd do much for you anyway even if they were,...plus i'd get concetration and might, and i'd have a better shot of one shotting you then you would me...especially since you wouldnt even get a chance to land one blizzard

haha, and i know you didnt just try and imply you had legendary status? that made me laugh

im not saying sorcs suck, im saying cold sorcs are a joke to zons...please try and be literate
First off, Merc is doing 10k an arrow, You won't last. 10k from a merc, 16k from a Bliz, you or anyone else doesnt stand a chance. I reinstate that you and any other ama would fall to one arrow, guaranteed.

Amazons suck PVP, more than anything, and yours is no exception.

As for my legendary status:

When you get people you don't know calling you a legend in games, then you may talk to me. I don't insist on it, I'm being told it constantly. You don't know me, you haven't been in my realm, don't talk shit.


Perhaps you have problems reading? If so, I will kindly restate what he said.

more importantly, mercs arent even allowed in duels
Now that your merc has been quite efficiently removed, all he would need to do is wear the absorbing gear I've set out and you wouldn't be able to touch him.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Big-Fat-Homo said:
Perhaps you have problems reading? If so, I will kindly restate what he said.

Now that your merc has been quite efficiently removed, all he would need to do is wear the absorbing gear I've set out and you wouldn't be able to touch him.
According to rules as well, only a small % of absorb and resists is allowed in duels. You wanna play this rule game you'll just screw yourself over. Seriously, stop trying. What are you trying to prove? Both of you are just more mindless unknown US East players, which have no individuality. You are not noticed and your pvp skills are not noted. Until you have people telling you that you are a legend, then you may criticize me as much as you want.


Actually, seeing how absorb has a cap of 40% anyone who says anything about you using it knows nothing about the game. Thanks.

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