Put new rune ideas in here

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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Oath of Fëanor
Vex Cham Pul Ist
Paladin Only
450 to health
5 To all skills
50% ALll Resist
Enhanced Melee DMG 400%
Enhanced Magic DMG 200%
90% Chance of Corps become reaniamted
600% ehanced defence
2% Magic Find
10 Enchant
Health and Manaregen 150%


Jan 11, 2003
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Pffff my idea owns yours......

Rune Word


100% chance to cast a Level 6 C-slasher of doom and darkness (Basically its this attack the makes a clound of black lasers that form a C that makes you get frozen for randNorm(1,100) minutes.

100% chance to cast a +6 C mega omega weapon of high teck explosions and partial nudity of flowers. (That skill is pretty much self-explainitory.)

100% chance to cast a LVL 666 C tek of ownage. ( The enemies screen goes black for an undetermined amount of time).

100% to cast a level 120 ownage when struck

another bonus is that if u are killed the weapon will track down the ip of the person and hack them, and on your screen it will say that your a leet haxor.

Also if someone is in the game using the zero rune it will call them a noob with really gay ideas and then say C-SLASHER OF KOOL AWSOME GAYNESS WooT!


Nov 7, 2003
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*sarcasm on* Or how about a super duper pooper blast o rama igniting flame thrower machine that adds 100000000 percent damage per level of you and every one else in the game times 80000 for every letter in your name plus the damage of everyone else in the game times 90000 for every item in your inv. Wow I wonder how the game dynamics would handle such godly items? *sarcasm off*

The only good idea in this thread is the one that adds percent to your skill damage. The ones making fun of you idiots were funny too. The real funny thing is that idiot darkmatter didn't even get the sarcasm, LOL! I am so thankful none of you retards make video games.


Bo rune-
weapon: +30% damage
armour/helm: -20% defense, +300% duribility
shield: -15% defense, +400% duribility

Dy rune-
weapon: +40% Increased Attack speed
armour/helm: -10% all resists, +30% faster hit recovery
shield: -10% block rate, +50% defense

Odo rune-
weapon: +400% increased attack rate, -30% damage
armour/helm: -20% defense, + 30% all resists
shield: -100% defense, +200% all resists

Ur rune-
weapon: +300 - 400 fire damage
armour/helm: +70% to fire skill damage, -70% to enemy fire resist, -90% increased cast rate
shield: +100% fire resist, +10% increased cast rate

Anyways. Rune words:

Deoderant Armour
(Bo + Dy + Odo + Ur)

Level 15 - 25 Holy Fire when equipped
-40% defense
+300% duribility
+20% all resists
+30% faster hit recovery
+70% to fire skill damage
-70% to enemy fire resist
-90% increased cast rate
Level 1 - 25 Conviction Aura when Equipped
+3 to all fire skills
+30 to inferno
+3 to fire mastery

Speed (six socket sword)
(Shael + Dy + Zod + Ur + Odo + Odo)
+2020% increased attack speed
-90% damage
+300 - 400 fire damage
+10 to Zeal
Level 10 fanatism (Sp?) when equipped//Level 10 Redemption when equipped

I love those so much. Imagine using both at the same time...

Edit: To go with those two runewords...

40s helm, put in Ur Ur Ur Ur

+280% fire skill damage,
-280% enemy fire resist,
-360% increased cast rate.


Mar 28, 2005
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return of the mocked
transforms into purple dinosaur
50% chance of enemy fleeing on sight (including baal and diablo clone in hell)
50% chance of enemy becoming confused about sexuality ("")
20% chance of enemy going suicidal("")


Tyreal's Demise
2 socket wand or Necro head
zod + zod

+50% cast rate
+4 poison nova
+4 poison explosion
+4 poison dagger
+150% poison damage
+2 to all skills
+3 to poison and bone skills
level 50 thorns/level 50 conviction aura when equipped (random)
Reduce vendors’ prices by 33%
+40 - 100 poison damage
+50 - 70% all resists (random)
level 40 bone wall (100 charges)
level 40 bone prison (100 charges)
level 40 bone spirit (100 charges)
level 40 bone spear (100 charges)
level 40 teeth (100 charges)
level 40 cyclone armour (name?) (100 charges)


Jun 10, 2005
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Maryland, USA
I'll soon construct a full 32 rune remake. For now here's a simple outline and a few ideas I've come up with so far.

currently the rune system is broken up into low (el-lem) mid (pul-ist) and high (gul-zod) runes. Each rune gives a positive and staticc effect when used. My plan is a set of runes whose attributes are dynamic, and rather than pure random rolling determining the rune's attributes, it's curved so that there is a greater chance of the rune's attribute being LESS beneficial (if it is at all). The system is broken up into "bad" and "good" runes, 16 of each, subdivided into less clear low, mid, and high categories.

"bad" runes weaken your character and lower certain stats and properties. Why would you ever want one of these runes? Because in my list of new Runewords, the better the runeword, the higher "bad" runes will generally be in it - therefore the best runewords in the game will use the runes with the most detrimental effects.

This can get interesting because the detrimental effects are also randomly determined, with a greater chance that their detriment will be greater and therefore LESS beneficial. This means that when you're collecting runes for a runeword which contains a "bad" rune, you want the best % or value that that bad rune can give. for example, if the bad rune decreases your defense by a percentage between 10 and 20 randomly, then finding a copy of the rune that only reduces by 10 will be worth the most, because that's the copy you'd want to use in the runeword.

This decreases runes' overall value because a 10 would be significantly harder to find than a 20, rather than with all randomized values in d2, where it's as rare to find 20% chance guards as it is 40%. With most of the runes under an acceptable value to use in the godliest of players' runewords, and with the runes very rare drops in the first place, they'll be forced either to settle for less or wait for a long time and spend an exorbitant amount of money.

That said, here are the top-end "good" runes I've concocted.


Weapon: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Strength
Helmet: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Energy
Armor: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Vitality
Shield: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Dexterity

a little explanation: the random attribute on this rune is how much +stat is given per level. The value can range from .125 to .625 per level. This means the worst possible Das rune (+ .125 stat per level) gives you +12 to the stat at level 99, while the best possible Das rune (+ .625 stat per level) gives you +61 to the stat at level 99. What I like most about this is that you can't easily tell how good of a Das rune it is that you found right away. :)

Weapon: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Fire Resistance
Helmet: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Cold Resistance
Armor: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Lightning Resistance
Shield: +(.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level) to Poison Resistance

Weapon: + (1.0[0-99] - 2.0[0-198] per level) maximum magic damage
Helmet: Attacker takes Magic damage of (.75[0-74] - 1.25[0-123] per level)
Armor: Magic damage reduced by (.125[0-12] - .625[0-61] per level)
Shield: Attacker takes Magic damage of (1.0[0-99] - 2.0[0-198] per level)

Weapon, Helmet, Armor and Shield: + (.025[0-2] - .075[0-7] per level) to All skill levels

this is an interesting rune. It's literally impossible to tell whether it's a perfect Bös unless viewed by a character who is exactly level 94 (the first level the perfect Bös changes from +6 to +7 to all skills). This is the way the rune works: if it's perfect, you get +7 skills at level 94. If it's the worst possible, you will only every get +2 skills, and you will first get the +2 bonus at level 80.

the genius lies in how difficult it will be to tell whether or not it is perfect. The decimals can range ANYWHERE up to the thousandths place, so unless it is the best or worst rune possible, you can't tell what it is.

You wouldn't need a perfect, though. Normally all a person would care about is getting the +7 by level 98, which would be a .0714, still extremely rare on a scale from .0250 - .0750. So there is -some- leniancy.

Your first impression might be that any insertable item with that many skills is too godly. Therefore I'll share my drop chance ratio figures for this rune with you.

68% of Bös runes will be between .025 and .035.
21% of Bös runes will be between .035 and .045.
6% of Bös runes will be between .045 and .055.
3% of Bös runes will be between .055 and .065.
1.96% of Bös runes will be between .065 and .0713.
0.04% of Bös runes will be between .0713 and .075.

additionally, you mustn't forget that any kind of Bös to begin with has a drop rate equal to Zod.

Also, detracting from the 'godliness' of these good runes is the fact that NO high-end runewords will have the best "good" runes in them. Only the crap runewords with meager stats will use the most elite of the beneficial runes. This balances the spectrum of runewords, as the rune benefits in crap runewords will bring the item's worth up, and the rune detriments in elite runewords will bring the item's worth down (though the elite ones will always be far superior).

That said, here are the four worst of the "bad" runes.

Weapon: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) % to all resists
Helmet: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to all resists
Armor: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to all resists
Shield: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) % to all resists

as you can see, "bad" runes get worse as you level, thus making the greatest runewords of the game worse as your level increases. This will force 90+ chars to consider using lower quality runewords which use more of the "good" runes.

Weapon: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) to all attributes
Helmet: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) to all attributes
Armor: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) to all attributes
Shield: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) to all attributes

Weapon: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) % to attack rating
Helmet: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to attack rating
Armor: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to attack rating
Shield: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) % to attack rating

Weapon: - (.11[0-10] - .13[0-12] per level) % to damage reduction
Helmet: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to damage reduction
Armor: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to damage reduction
Shield: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to damage reduction

I'm still working on reasonable, balanced Runewords. I'll edit or post again when I have made a few more than I have. The greatest runewords in the game, those equating to botd, faith, enigma, etc. will use these and other "bad" runes with powerful negative properties, and the worst runewords in the game, those equating to Smoke, Stealth, Zephyr, etc. will use these and other "good" runes with powerful positive properties.

Tell me what you think of all this. I might incorporate it into the biggest d2 mod you've ever seen, that I've been planning for a while.

p.s. sorry if any of this was already suggested somewhere, I didn't read everything

p.p.s. do you think it's too much to make a rune "asm" and put it after "orj" in a runeword? :)


Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
sorry for double but this is a new idea and lost post was long as f*ck

the first runeword created with my above plan:

"ZusUlKief" - 3 socket body armor, helm, or shield

Zus Rune
Weapon: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) % to attack rating
Helmet: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to attack rating
Armor: - (.06[0-5] - .11[0-10] per level) % to attack rating
Shield: - (.11[0-10] - .16[0-15] per level) % to attack rating

Ul Rune
Weapon: - 85 Attack Rating against Undead
Helmet: - 100 Attack Rating against Demons
Armor: - 100 Attack Rating against Demons
Shield: - 100 Attack Rating against Demons

Kief Rune
Weapon: +50% Run/Walk speed
Helmet: +40% Run/Walk speed
Armor: +40% Run/Walk speed
Shield: +40% Run/Walk speed

I listed these so you could tell them apart from the runeword's bonuses.
Here are Compression's runeword bonuses (this list does NOT include individual rune bonuses OR helm/armor/shield bonuses)

Level 8-10 Conviction Aura when Equipped (varies)
+15% Fire Absorb
Replenish Life +17
+25% Increased Maximum Durability
+10%-15% Damage Reduction (varies)
+65% Faster Hit Recovery
+50%-250% Enhanced Defense (varies)

The following are Compression's item specific bonuses:

+8% Mana Regeneration
+2 to All Skills

Body Armor
+8% Maximum Life
+1 to All Skills
+20% to All Resistances

+8% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
+45% to All Resistances

and, here's some screenies of the item stats on a perfect Compression.




I plan to make much, much more.


Official Forum Hamster
Jun 22, 2005
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Mianus, CT
This may be a bump but plz dont warn me mods,
Teh rune(sorceress only)
Weapon = 100%faster cast rate
Armor/helm = 300 better chance of finding anything magic or rare or unique(if mf already exists on armor/helm this bonus to mf becomes 500+mf)
Shield = 300+ to life

Hax rune
All types are same = 200 to mf and 200 gold find

Or rune
Weapon, armor/helm = 10% enhanced life
Shield = 20%enhanced life

TehHaxor runeword 2000-4000 defense(Varies)

lvl 20-30 GODMODE when equipped(varies)
-999 life
+1000% mf
+1000 gold find
30%faster cast rate
5 to all sorceress skills
10 to Battle Orders
10%enhanced life

This runeword can only be used in 3 socket armor's with a defense of 300 or more
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I think they should have runes with mods that no other socketing items add. But the rune I'd like is:

Quo Rune:
100% Magic Find Bonus

And they have to make it rarer than Zod and you can't upgrade any combination of runes to get it. Also, they should let gloves and boots be socketable. That'd be nice ;)
Jul 8, 2005
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Owned Rune-

Armor- 999,999,999 to life
Helm - 999,999,999 to mana
Shield - 99.9% chance to kill every monster in the act and give you the experience when struck
Weapon - 100% to cast every spell that exists on strike




Jul 7, 2005
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Gig rune

weapon: 500% enhanced Damage
armor: 500% enhanced defense
helm: 500 to all resist
shield: attack takes damage of 500

if u didnt know i was being sarcastic, please stop making godly runes, it gets kinda annoying. and it will never happen

real Gig rune

25% faster run walk to all socketed items

Runeword: flight of the templar(hammers/polearms)(gig,guh,lo)
25% faster runwalk
hell buzzard morph(50 charges)
+1 to leap attack
level 10 vigor aura when equipped
+10 to blaze


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