
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Yeah i know its to hard to look at two screens with a gay stick to use, PSP 9/10 DS 3/10. The PSP has such better manufacturing.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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COTA-GoD said:
what good games are for the ds? Rofl, the psp allready has better games.
yeah amazing games. I mean they turned Metal Gear Solid into a card game. yeah man my backing goes to THAT system. :rolleyes

Yeah i know its to hard to look at two screens with a gay stick to use, PSP 9/10 DS 3/10. The PSP has such better manufacturing.
If you actualy PLAYED the system without talking out of your ass, you would realize the screen split is a genious idea. No longer are the race tracks in a race game in the small corner, but now on the touch screen. Castlevania DS has the map and several menu items and info on the top screen. Metroid Prime hunters has the touchscreen for the map and is used as a sort of map with the stylus, making D-pads and joysticks obsolete. The touch screen even personaly rivlas the ability of a mouse in a FPS on the computer.

Keep in mind when I made this thread, it was after I read through just the technical specs for the system. While nowafter information has reached my ears I have decided I'm not so enthusiastic about it. First off, I'm not going to buy a PSP just cause it plays MP3's. The fact it plays dvd movies sounded good, until I saw a show for the process of watching it which took a good 30 minutes using 3 programs to convert the file and reduced the quality of the movie drasticly and the fact the disk doesn't hold a full movie. I have to say the PSP isn't looking that good.
One thing that bugged me about the PSP is the same thing that bugged me about the Gameboy Advanced. While the Nintendo DS and the earlier released Gameboy SP had a compact ability to enclose itself nicely in a package, the PSP sports an older Gameboy Advnaced Original design which I find rather out dated. The Gameboy Advanced screen cracked easily, and the PSP has a LCD screen that I am scared may crack in my hands.

About 4,800 Japanese PSPs have been returned to Sony due to problems with the handheld's square button, according to a recent interview with Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi in Nikkei Business magazin
Plus faulty manufacturing.

Nikkei Business reported that, to date, 6 percent of the 800,000 shipped units have been returned to Sony for repair.
The whole reason is they didn't want to reduce the screen. one of the developers just said "problems with the button? deal with it we didn't want to reduce the screen size."

PLUs, the DS has cartrages(Nintendo and it's stubborness) removing the reliance on the memory card both the Playstation and Gamecube and now the PSP has. Yeah the PSP is the only handheld you need to buy memory cards for. I was wrong ealier about the weight. after looking in to it more, the PSP weighs more... alot more. While many ppl look to the PSP for wireless internet gaming, the DS has it's own wireless capabilities and the two are VERY similar. Plus the DS may download a game to allow to people to play off one cartrage over the small wireless abilities built in. The DS will also see the microphone which is built in to be used effectively I'm sure come time the DS goes online.

The DS has it's pictochat, which with a stylus becomes the best thing to type with nexxt to the keyboard. Phones and d-pads are the way of the past now, th touch screen adds speed and ease to typing in, be it in a chatroom or jsut a name for your character in a game.

I myself already have ALOT of gameboy gmaes physicly (though im not shy about downloading them). The fact I can also play my Metroid Zero game on the Nintendo DS and on either of the two screens i feel like makes me happy in my pants.

That Is why I went for the DS instead of the PSP but i may end up getting both.


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Jan 29, 2005
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umm just real quick ds games sucks at least with psp u get final fantasy games which is like 1 of the best games in the world and the way u controol dc its stupid .how r u going to play with a ****ing pen its so gay


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Jan 29, 2005
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yea but i will proubly end up getting dc anywas (am mad spoiled)

RisenDeMoN: Don't double post. Use the EDIT button instead.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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RAMBOwarrior said:
umm just real quick ds games sucks at least with psp u get final fantasy games which is like 1 of the best games in the world and the way u controol dc its stupid .how r u going to play with a ****ing pen its so gay
The Nintneod DS has a pen true, and you will find yourself liking the pen especialy for menus and typing letters and such. The Nintendo Ds itself has a D-pad also, which may sound obsolete, but trust me an analog stick can become very annoying on a 2-d game which handhelds still will have regardless of specs.

Just to tell you I play Mario Ds which is still the greatest game of all tiem (Mario 64 was N64's best game to date) and I use the D-Pad through the whole thing, pulling out the stylus (pen) only to click "continue" or "quit" on the menus. Though the Pen is only used in the minigames, and the minigames themselves are just worth it. trust me the touch screen minigmaes will make you understand that the DS is beyond worth the price (which I should point out is half the price of the PSP)

at least with psp u get final fantasy games
That is a misconception. The Nintendo Ds is getting a Final Fantasy III game and a Final Fantasy Crystal chronicals released upon it.


Jun 2, 2003
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Ive played a ds, and every time i *had* to use the screen, i thought it was retarded , and it was pointless, the ds has no good games (except maybe metriod, havent played it, poor metriod having ot be a nintendo game :( ) psp on the otherhand, has alot of features that i cant wait for. So what if the stupid asians got a bad batch? obviouslly they got tested on them and canadians / americans will get better ones.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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COTA-GoD said:
Ive played a ds, and every time i *had* to use the screen, i thought it was retarded , and it was pointless, the ds has no good games (except maybe metriod, havent played it, poor metriod having ot be a nintendo game :( ) psp on the otherhand, has alot of features that i cant wait for. So what if the stupid asians got a bad batch? obviouslly they got tested on them and canadians / americans will get better ones.
Launch titles were disapointing.
However, some games that look/ are good:
Mario 64, Tiger woods golf thing, Metroid Prime Hunters, Mario Kart DS, castlevania DS, Need for Speed Undergound, Goldeneye:Rouge Agent, Wario Ware touched to name a few.
Other possible Titles include a Mario DS exclusive, Sonic DS, Bomberman Return of Final Fantasy games (III and chrystal chronicals and possibly more), a Starwars episode III game, possibly a SSBM, a Resident evil Game (nintendo and capcom signed for capcom to begin developing games)

The only PSP game that looked intersting to me was Devil may cry game which won't be coming out too soon. Other PSP games don't look to incredibly fantastic (actualy they "look" good, but looks don't mean i'm just buying the system.) When I get to it, many of the games are no-name, Nintendo has many returning classics.
Sony really has no first party games.


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Feb 26, 2004
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Pan said:
yeah amazing games. I mean they turned Metal Gear Solid into a card game. yeah man my backing goes to THAT system. :rolleyes

If you actualy PLAYED the system without talking out of your ass, you would realize the screen split is a genious idea. No longer are the race tracks in a race game in the small corner, but now on the touch screen. Castlevania DS has the map and several menu items and info on the top screen. Metroid Prime hunters has the touchscreen for the map and is used as a sort of map with the stylus, making D-pads and joysticks obsolete. The touch screen even personaly rivlas the ability of a mouse in a FPS on the computer.
Hmm **** you, I have played the DS, the Button placement sucks dick, cant find the on button, and its gay.
Pan said:
The Nintneod DS has a pen true, and you will find yourself liking the pen especialy for menus and typing letters and such. The Nintendo Ds itself has a D-pad also, which may sound obsolete, but trust me an analog stick can become very annoying on a 2-d game which handhelds still will have regardless of specs.
How about pressing the directional pad and pressing A. Not that hard.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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TrOiK said:
Hmm **** you, I have played the DS, the Button placement sucks dick, cant find the on button, and its gay.

How about pressing the directional pad and pressing A. Not that hard.
If you can't find the button that says "Power" on it, there is something really wrong with you


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Feb 26, 2004
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Pan said:
If you can't find the button that says "Power" on it, there is something really wrong with you
I have to say you couldint find it your first time around. even tho i dont care about the DS it can suck my balles.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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TrOiK said:
I have to say you couldint find it your first time around. even tho i dont care about the DS it can suck my balles.
Funny how you werne't there when I got it. Just to let you know I had already knew the layout anyways, so I turned it on with ease, no hassel.


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Feb 26, 2004
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Pan said:
Funny how you werne't there when I got it. Just to let you know I had already knew the layout anyways, so I turned it on with ease, no hassel.
see ur a cheater

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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ShadowFury said:
Here are some shots. and yes it does kick the ds's ass.
Considering 1/2 the Ds's screens are blocked by that abombination and the fact there is that god aweful shit on the PSP's screen disproves the "psp kick's the DS's Ass" statement.

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