Respected Member
hmm msgs from server (like channel or freindlist) are hard to control ... dont think we can do anything there ... perhaps using color hack
Hmm personally i wouldn't want any extra feutures so its as less detectable as possible. Ive been getting banned WAY too much.Originally posted by CuStOm-OwNaGe
jeez... the extended f list seem to be all the talk... ill get busy... it wont be hard... start giving me option u want to see in it...
~Cant Do ( as of now... )
cant view it in channel
and cant see if there online or not...
Mass messaging
~Am doing...
Editable colors for the extended part only
as many extra friends
same process as the build it... except it will be .f l
instead of /f l
lol, it's a waste of time. My brother reported a kid after he stole his account. Blizzard just replied saying they can do nothing.Originally posted by (oolspot1
I already have a module that does exactly what theapposal was talking about. no one i see on bnet has d2hackit though. sad really....
also, funny story, about 50 kids have claimed to report me to blizzard, yet I have received no banning or warning of any kind. rather odd