to crash ppl u send a special character, which my hack does. press shift+0 when the patch is enaled. the cd key grabber doesnt work, and neither does th ename spoofer. i was to lazy to add those in.
im on a laptop and dont have a number pad.. if thats the number pad to the right of the main part of the keyboard..
for some reason i cant get the impersonator to work.. and what do i press to do the virus upload thing and nuclear launch.. i was just pressing buttons and it worked for some reason but im not sure what i pressed. Also if i want the colors to work i have to press enter ( get the text message box open ) then hold shift and press a number for color. Once again im on a laptop so i think my controls might be slightly different in some way? Enlighten me please
well ok but, can you please tell me what i have to press to do the virus alert / nuke / and impersonator / as if i were on a normal keyboard. and what is splashdown.. btw thx for the hack / help you own and fast reply
oh thx but what are the commands for virus / nuke / and impersonator on a regular keyboard thx u own^^ and i dont quite understand the spamming thing.. thx for your patience i know im a newb
Nickolay do you have AIM or MSN in which i could contact you so i dont clog up this forum.. Plz .. and when ever i turn on the hack now.. its like spam but i didnt press ne thing to start and i cant stop it.. aim ?
Ok, but why does it crash me and the opponenets? help?
and why does the virus thing keep going on itself? it gets anoying... how do you control it? most of the time mit just starts itself, help?
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