It is an Mpeg file... and it is kind of "unsuitable" even tho it is just dogs... and I do not want to get banned off of BattleForums, so only upon request (If you PM me) I will give you the URL to the image or if you want add me to MSN (, Yahoo! (ControlYourCat) or AIM (MoesQuad97) and ask to see the video (either file-transfer, or the URL also)..
It is hilarius and it is 10 seconds long, but it may not be too suitable for people who are too young, or cant take that kind of stuff, so please do not re-post the URL or post it on BF... It may be "rude, disgusting, or very innapropriate" for non-mature people.
as long as you agree to those conditions, please contact me..
Lol, well sorry for the long post... but it isnt reallly your typical video... its a male dog... and uhh... another one...
If I give the URL to anyone and you post it in the forums It will be immediatley removed from my server.. so please dont share it..
Anyways, thanks,