You mean on this akk in my sig? Well, since all I used to play with left, I just play solo and nothing else. He offered me to AT, I didn't ask him (and i haven't played 2v2 for half a year). And he's quite good ud, he rapes them, and thx to u I just saw he develops his acc and makes good stats! And yes ud+hu is imba when two players are good and not one to have to play as two players. Our loss was he getting disconnected during a battle and me having to control 4 heroes and units, I also had delay, it was no way in a battle. The prob is I see him and another good hu occasionally, ofc I would AT with them but it's not like the buddies I used to have almost every day. Well, which shows they have a life and so do I , and once getting some skill - we can now both have a life and rape when playing. The perfect combo right?
And who are you addressing this at? I said you are ok for AT, I would play with you since you have had quite a lot of games and you learn smth around those posts here. I prefer to play either with good soloers or teamers who have played many games and know what to do and I will not have to be like for 2, coz sometimes I win when my ally leaves and lose when he doesn't , talking about bad allies in public custom games I do for fun.