
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
NIce. you started it and everything? sweet. also, id like to see you play, so maybe when i come back to US east, i could join (meeting all requirements of course).


Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
requirements : Give me a good duel.

Needless to say, this is the member list :

Leader : Me
Co-Leader : COTA-Trapper
Members :
Dragnskull (if he wants, he is gettin better, and he is a good friend)


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
The leader of a 3 person guild? You must feel special. Unfortunatly, I can't find my D2 or D2X Cd's, so the next time my brother comes over from his house he's gonna bring em.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
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COTA-GoD said:
rofl. The reason there is only 3 members is because most of them quit before 1.10 even came out, and i havent let anyone else in , because i couldnt find anyone that could give me a good duel. But your gonna sit here, and attempt to flame me, and ill get warned and you wont cause your a mod. So, stfu till you got a char on bnet east ladder, then you can talk shit, then i can own you, then i can post 20 screens, like i did to icast.
cota give me say.. 2 weeks and ill let you pwn me all you like :(


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
the reason i havnt joined cota is cause i dunno if i wanna change over to a group...i never liked the idea of being in a group...

in classic when i was always dueling, i dueled with myf riends (Team Hells.) and they told me "dude make a ****in hells- char" and id always say no, ive always been the "friend of the group" :S

me pwning

me pwning again

lee shooting arrows and i argue saying there bolts, u tell me what u think -.-


Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
david, that 2nd screen , half the bodies i killed, lol. You just had to post a pic of where i dies didnt you? =/ oh well, i was typing, lol... Oh, btw, bout the group thing, how bout the " LEE, WANNA GO DUELING?!?!?!?!1//1/1!?1?oenoenquestionmark!1!?" every time you get on? nubface X|

deal Diatenshi


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
...i thought i killed those...those are bodies from one of my sprees it hought?

and yes i like tod uel with a partner, its not as fun by yourself

and yes, i managed to accidently take a pic of hte 1 time you died :S didnt even realize it...

if its any condolance u were a zon and he was a charger pally :S...which we still pwnd...


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas

This one comes with a story.

today, me and my friend were lvling our new to-be-duelers (my ele druid and his bowasorc) in trist runs, we were talking with one another, and my friend lee made this comment:

"this sorc is goin to be so gay, its going to be the answer to all the ww azns out there. they wanna use a skill fomr another char? fine. i will to. hahaha"

and someone in the game says "what about trap azns?"

lee responds with "...traps = there skill..." but i came witha more frontal aproach... "pfft, there already pwnd, no need to worry abotu them" (this guy was a lvlng azn, most likely trap.

so this fuels the fire...the guy slowly starts arguign with us, claiming that we talk like were the best on bnet (actually to think about it, me and him havn tbeen owned least not while im around...) and hes like "pfft, i bet my pally can pwn u" so i laughed and said "duel after?"

so the trist finishes, and while were tristing i ask what char he has, he says just wait and find out, then he says "btw, if u 2 doubel team me, ill get my friend to bring in his druid" lee laughs (we know we can handle druids ezpk) and says druids are pwnd, then the guy was like "not a lvl 90 druid"

with all this talk between him and his friend, youd think theyd at least put up a fight...

after the trist run, in that game, he went and got his pally, which turned out to be a hammerdin, and his friend brought he wind druid we already expected. seeing a hammerdin, me and lee busted out laughing cause we knew what was abotu to ensue.

lee told me nto to even get my char and he would handle them on his own,..eventually i went and got her cause i got bored of watching...long story short: lee 2v1'd them like no other, beat the shit outa the druid until he left crying, then i brough my zon in and played with the hammerdin a bit.

i admit, he killed me though, i was standing right out of town and he was naked, and i was tlking to lee

within 2 seconds this conversation came up (literally everything here in 4 seconds)

Dragnskull_VIII: dude lee
Dragnskull_VIII: this is ****in halarious
Dragnskull was slain by random pally gay name
Dragnskull_VIII: youd think theyd at least
Dragnskull_VIII: aww i was typing
pally: whoped your ass naked
Pally leaves the world, DIablos minions weaken.

this made me laugh more than it did upset me, he got away with about 200k gold, but i gt about 2mil from him so it was all good

anyways, before he left...this screenie was taken by me. (lee pwnd this guy WITH bod, a hammerdin. keep that in mind. a hammerdin has(should have) max block, plus a nice holy shield, not to mention an archon/dusk shroud enigma with 1k base defense)

this guy died from literally 4 of my arrows. a pally. i couldnt understand it...lee said the druid died just as easy

youd think with all the talk these 2 guy shad, they would have given us a challenge... instead... lee pwnd them with multishot 2v1 then melled the non-naked pally in the face with his cta, while the pally was attempting to hammer him...


Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Dragnskull said:

This one comes with a story.

today, me and my friend were lvling our new to-be-duelers (my ele druid and his bowasorc) in trist runs, we were talking with one another, and my friend lee made this comment:

"this sorc is goin to be so gay, its going to be the answer to all the ww azns out there. they wanna use a skill fomr another char? fine. i will to. hahaha"

and someone in the game says "what about trap azns?"

lee responds with "...traps = there skill..." but i came witha more frontal aproach... "pfft, there already pwnd, no need to worry abotu them" (this guy was a lvlng azn, most likely trap.

so this fuels the fire...the guy slowly starts arguign with us, claiming that we talk like were the best on bnet (actually to think about it, me and him havn tbeen owned least not while im around...) and hes like "pfft, i bet my pally can pwn u" so i laughed and said "duel after?"

so the trist finishes, and while were tristing i ask what char he has, he says just wait and find out, then he says "btw, if u 2 doubel team me, ill get my friend to bring in his druid" lee laughs (we know we can handle druids ezpk) and says druids are pwnd, then the guy was like "not a lvl 90 druid"

with all this talk between him and his friend, youd think theyd at least put up a fight...

after the trist run, in that game, he went and got his pally, which turned out to be a hammerdin, and his friend brought he wind druid we already expected. seeing a hammerdin, me and lee busted out laughing cause we knew what was abotu to ensue.

lee told me nto to even get my char and he would handle them on his own,..eventually i went and got her cause i got bored of watching...long story short: lee 2v1'd them like no other, beat the shit outa the druid until he left crying, then i brough my zon in and played with the hammerdin a bit.

i admit, he killed me though, i was standing right out of town and he was naked, and i was tlking to lee

within 2 seconds this conversation came up (literally everything here in 4 seconds)

Dragnskull_VIII: dude lee
Dragnskull_VIII: this is ****in halarious
Dragnskull was slain by random pally gay name
Dragnskull_VIII: youd think theyd at least
Dragnskull_VIII: aww i was typing
pally: whoped your ass naked
Pally leaves the world, DIablos minions weaken.

this made me laugh more than it did upset me, he got away with about 200k gold, but i gt about 2mil from him so it was all good

anyways, before he left...this screenie was taken by me. (lee pwnd this guy WITH bod, a hammerdin. keep that in mind. a hammerdin has(should have) max block, plus a nice holy shield, not to mention an archon/dusk shroud enigma with 1k base defense)

this guy died from literally 4 of my arrows. a pally. i couldnt understand it...lee said the druid died just as easy

youd think with all the talk these 2 guy shad, they would have given us a challenge... instead... lee pwnd them with multishot 2v1 then melled the non-naked pally in the face with his cta, while the pally was attempting to hammer him...

This is a baba i pwned with cta. Keep in mind, this is a bowazon....

one last thing, ryan, why arent you using the higher resolution of 800x600.....your using 640x480 man...


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
All of you knock it off. Save the ''i can pk u good nub'' bullshit for in-game, because it doesn't need to be posted here. :)

And wow. That's ALOT of life. 0_0


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
I was talking to my totally hot Sebbe in a D2 Game about Tanning and how there might be cameras behind the mirrors. Let the picture do all the talking.

xDD!! Gah I love him.

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