BattleForums Senior Member
I have my good days, and I have my bad. Wing_Zero has a picture in which I totally sucked balls with Tormented Soul (I don't normally do that, he is extremely easy to get Double Kills with).
Treads, Butterfly, 2 Cranium Bashers, Monkey King Bar, and Buriz. I had 800 crits
Aghanims Scepter, Linken's Sphere, Guinsoos, Boots of Travel, Refresher Orb, and Maelstrom. Fun game IMO.

Treads, Butterfly, 2 Cranium Bashers, Monkey King Bar, and Buriz. I had 800 crits

Aghanims Scepter, Linken's Sphere, Guinsoos, Boots of Travel, Refresher Orb, and Maelstrom. Fun game IMO.