Post pics of yourself here

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BattleForums Senior Member
Oct 11, 2002
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i'm having an inner struggle on whether to post my picture here or not....for one thing, i don't have any pictures of me hanging around, i could probably hunt one down, but still.....for another, i don't want you all to start vomiting over your keyboards, that's a bitch to clean up....and three, i can't figure out a means because my scanner doesn't work with this computer, and i have not video camera. and i have no web cam. send me a free one and you get a lovely picture of....some random farm animal i find off the internet.

kitty, i'd say that you should just not post a picture, i mean, hypothetically youtr parents could let you, but that would take some doing....i know that i'm in mainly the same situation as you, except you probably weren't a sheltered youth up to age 10 and your parents don't think you downloaded a porn viewer onto your grandmother's computer with malicious intent.

a reason: i trust them not to do anything with this picture, just as they trust me not to do anything with, that's a shitty reason. just don't post a picture, if people form their own conclusions ignore them....


Jan 10, 2003
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4 words kitty---> dont post your pic ^_^ I didn't and I wont ever post one although I have many, you dont know who could be on this site!
I once had a friend that posted her picture on a forum site and well... I dont want to get into that but she never posted her pics again and I learned from her mistakes


Dec 20, 2002
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In a stupid country
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Originally posted by TrongaMonga
Cortalos should delete the posts that have nothing to do with the topic: "pos ur picture"
Why doesn't he. People are practically spamming here and there are only like 4 or something people who actually posted their pic.

"My webcam is broken" nice excuses.. I mean I understand clearly the importance of a working web cam but I do think that you took pictures earlier before it broke.

I mean did it blow up or something when you took your first pic??

About safety.

So what is a perv going to do?
Chase a stupid girl from a forum cross country? We live at diverse locations ok, and I am currently in Asia.

Pervs? Honestly I feel sort of offensed by your thoughts of thinking any1 at this form would track you down to rape or do anything bad to you cause they've known how you look like. No1 knows the exact location of any1's home.

I mean how many people living in MASS?
How many people living in Ontario??

and you guys are saying stuff that sum people at this forum have a serious enough retarted pervertness to track you down or something.

Think logically people.

Well yea, it is true that there are many other ways that one could get harmed by posting a nice pic of themself at this forum and I do understand in that means. a little. but I say there aren't much actual chances. Do you look that good or something? To make pervs waste their time on you. Pervs got better stuff to do.


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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i think it's best if the women don't post their pics.


-=[ Retired BF Admin ]=-
Sep 17, 2002
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Alright, to start things off, I'm sorry I didn't split this thread sooner... life unfortunately picked up into 'Suck Mode' recently. Next, all other posts (about 3 pages) were split from this one to reduce spam. Basically if you had posted more than once, I kept your first post and sent the rest to The Void with the rest of the junk.

The guidelines of this thread were simple enough and some people (punk rock yam, wing_0, ghetto_rap_masta, and a few others) had to turn this into SpamFest 2003, or make offensive posts to people that actually posted their pics here as stated in the title.

I think my biggest mistake was taking out the last paragraph I originally had in my first post which said, "If you don't have any pics to post here, please go elsewhere." Wasn't that direct, but it had the same intent.

Originally posted by Kamikaze
i think it's best if the women don't post their pics.
In many ways, I fully agree with you. Tracking people down isn't the issue here. It's people taking pictures of the girls on the forums, and using them for purposes other than looking at. There's many things you can do with someone's picture once it's digitalized (cropping and pasting on to other... offensive pictures is one possibility).

I also highly recommend the women don't e-mail their pictures. Same general idea. You can never be sure who you're sending these pics to. ;)

As for more pics of me, I recently found another one back from an old field trip with some of my friends to New York back in 2000. We chilled out in Central Park for a few hours which was where this picture was taken...

Please keep in mind this picture was taken back when I had really really long hair. Heh, it's only about 4 inches long now ;)

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