the games, to me and my friend, were god to us.. but the shows killed it but i thought the mewtwo movie was good, except for the "you showed me friendship..." crap.
thats whats i hate about cartoons and SOME anime today- they have a good idea but make it too kiddish!
same thing with my favorite "comics" Squee! and Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, both done by the same guy who made the Invader Zim cartoon on nickelodeon. the guy that makes them is sick- like twisted. in JTHM (johnny the ...) the main character (johnny, or Nny as he calles himself) kidnaps people then tortures his victims then kills them and he has killed about 150 people in one comic book...
and Squee is his nextdoor neighboor. so, in telling you this, with the comics being funny as crap and share good thoughts and feelings and dont fall under the "kids entertainment" or 'friendship theme" dont you think the cartoon invader zim would be good? NO! zim kills people and they heads explode but the crap-holes at nick edit out what was supposed to make the show so great.
so, in saying this, when some ideas come out they are great at first and have a lot of fans and stuff but then they get too confident and try to extend and expand their merchandis and in doing so they take away the original quality of what made the idea so great in the first place. i guess this is what hapened ot pokemon. i would have kept playing but i quote what Viz says in his posts.