BattleForums Member
Okay heres the deal, my comp is F***** well before when i got on i would be able to play for about an hour then suddenly the comp shuts off, BUT the little blue light around the power button is ON, so its like its not really off, but i can't do anything with it. Anywayz recently its been just getting worse and worse, now i can only be on for (NO EXAGGERATION) 7 secs. Before it goes. What i have to do now is run it in safe mode in order to get it on. I tried Norton but everytime i run a scanner it shuts off.......Can anyone help me with this?
Oh and btw if you were wandering how this is related to d2, well I CAN"T play if my comp is F*****....LoL
IF there are any specifics you would like to know, pm me or just post it, but this is killing me, its been this way for around.......2 months
Oh and btw if you were wandering how this is related to d2, well I CAN"T play if my comp is F*****....LoL
IF there are any specifics you would like to know, pm me or just post it, but this is killing me, its been this way for around.......2 months