scv lol thats what turrets are for use a little common sense
good to see ya in the forums man
Arn't we forgetting about Guardians???????Remember, NOTHGIN zerg can do will take out Marines/Medics other than yours truly...the LURKER.
Tanks counters Lurker.
1) You get marine/medics much (much much much) faster than Guardians.Originally posted by KerriganForever
Arn't we forgetting about Guardians???????
4 carriers will NOT take out 30 marines with around 8 medics.. first your carriers intercepters will all be destroyed in about 10 seconds.. and you'll have lost 1 carrier by then.. then you'll be left with 3 carriers and no intercepters on them.Originally posted by SkuZZy
marines are ok, but going all-marines... I dunno about that. They are way too weak (40hp). If your dragoons will own marines so harshly and carriers, forget about it. 4 carriers could prob take down 20-30 marines. Sure, marines w/ medics and stim packs might beat zealots, but that's about all they are good for (and zerglings and stuff).
lol, all races are equally balanced, the best player in the world uses terran!A good terran stategy is to pick another race. They are pretty bad for multiplayer.
lol???? Marines and medics are the only way to beat a good zerg player!Sure, marines w/ medics and stim packs might beat zealots, but that's about all they are good for (and zerglings and stuff).
I can get a tank drop in 6 minutes and destroy ur economy!you can get 2 vults 4 rines and a decent wall in about 4-6 minutes
OR u can stop playing BGH and get some real skills! Tank drops on the cliff over expansions are much harder to stop, and ffs u dont scout with one of the 4 starting SCVs!First; sacrifice an SCV to use as a scott in the very beginning of the game.
Second; quickly build for a drop-ship and tanks.
Third; Fly the drop-ship on the very edge of map to each ledge on enemies' base.
Forth; Lock-Down a tank on this "small patch of higher-ground" (only enough room for one tank) Then, blast-away at enemies' Probes, SCVs, or Drones. and have an F--king Good Time!!!!!!
Originally posted by Silent_Assassin
heres a good strat with terran distract with firebats and marnies and come from either side of base wiht BC's and a Dropships loaded with Goliths (that are upgraded)