Thats not an explanation. We also move around the sun, and we are no planets. And count the asteroids. The comets, maybe, too. The last belt, where the comets material come from. I dont the name of that one now.
Hello there. I know that, but even if that wouldnt happen, we would still revolve around it. It's called gravity. Why do the satellites (and the astronauts) revolve around Earth? I know the distance is gigantic, but the sun has 99% of the solar system mass anyway
Ok you mislead me. Sattelites are called so coz they revolve aroung a heavenly body but not the sun and only planets are called so coz they revolve around a sun or a star. Sattelites don't do that.
What if I tell you that not only planets revolve around the stars?
Stars themselves revolve around them between them. Planets revolve around them. Asteroids revolve around them. Comets revolve around them. Dust revolves around them. Gas revolve around them. Moleculs revolve around them. Atoms revolve around them. Electrons revolve around them.
Need more? Its not only by the fact that Pluto revolves around the Sun that it can be considered a planet.
well before this post i had only heard rumors about planet "x". after reading these theories i resaerched it a little. back to the main subject and a question asked earlier. Smash, there are many different estimates and hypothesis on how large it is. on site actually says that there may be 2 planets. if you would like some of my reference sites im willing to pm them or even post them. but in actually numbers, they say it could vary greatly and there are no "accurate' measurements. no one is sure, but the range in size is huge.
One thing you have to remember about planets is that they have lots of mass and therefore gravity would be exerted from it on other planets and the sun too. I haven't done any searching on this topic of Planet X, but I know that masses attract each other even we exert a small force on the earth and the farthest stars and obects and vice versa. All mass exerts a tiny force that acts both ways. So I attract the earth to me and the earth attracts me to it. Also gravity works an infinite scale so you are affected by it no matter where you are. Well, hope that sheds at least some light on this situation.
very true williamdell, the forces of gravity act at almost infinite distanes. but it is well known gravity is an extremely weak force. therefore a planet "x" could be rather large an still cause little to zero effect on the planets closer to the sun.
Still, in order for it to stay held into the sun's gravity it would probably have to be moving at a slow speed. If it was a large planet it would almost certainly be easily identifiable so it is most likely small like Pluto. The planet would still exert forces on all the celestial bodies in the solar system and I would think that those forces would be identifiable but then again the force may be too small to be detected by us. I still don't think there is a Planet X.
Well once again you make a good point. these forces are detectable which is the reason the theory for planet "x" came about. odd movements in uranus and pluto's orbits called residuals. these are unexplainable and seem to be cause by some unknown gravitational force. this is the theory behind planet "x".
Ok, well now I can see where you're coming from. As I said I have done no research on this topic of planet x but I can see how that could lead to a belief in a 10th planet. I'm not sure what else I can say, but I would think that at least something is out there if what you say is the case.
The possibility exists, but i do not believe that there was. I never heard anything about fossils at all though. that is new to me. i have heard theories about the existence of water. One thing though i do believe is that there someday will be life on Mars. Im hoping to be one of the lucky one to go there.
A rock felt on Antarctid. It had the same constitution of the rocks on Mars. A microscopid analsys revelaed what seemed to be little worms fossilized. Can be fake, of course, but Mars has Ice on the poles, so there may have been water in Mars
Yes, but that ice is dry, meaning it is carbon dioxide frozen.
The only way we could live on Mars, is to obviously make it warmer. And how do we do that? Easy, pollute it, we make pollution making machines which, over time, warm the planet. Then we go from there.
Question to all: What would the Earth be like, without Jupiter?
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