Pindle/Meph Finds (paste logs here)


Nov 22, 2002
Reaction score
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Originally posted by Kuruption
something isn't right because i have about 534%mf and i ran pbot 3 days about 10 hours each day...and i found no uniques but i know the pickit is working because it picked up shitloads of full is going on. sorry but all of you guys's pickit posts are very unbelieveable to me..everyone complains about how they "have shitty finds" yet they run it for only 6-8hours and find a shako, vamp, wf.....
Consider yourself lucky I ran it for 3 months, got rich, then Blizzard deleted my account.


My account name on USWest is *Kangaru. Can someone plz whisper me and walk me through how to work pindle bot. I need to know how to set it up. I get confused, so plz whisper me and walk me through it. Or IM me on aim at PBOPDACLOWN.


Nov 23, 2002
Reaction score
my drops suck!

Thu Nov 28 09:46:06 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc2Tal Rasha's Guardianship ÿc0Dropped
Sun Dec 01 10:10:27 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc2Set Amulet ÿc0Dropped
Sun Dec 01 17:54:34 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc4Unique Ring ÿc0Dropped
Sun Dec 01 21:40:12 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc4Nosferatu's Coil ÿc0Dropped
Mon Dec 02 08:01:45 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc2Set Amulet ÿc0Dropped
Mon Dec 02 12:46:40 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc4Unique Amulet ÿc0Dropped
Wed Dec 04 07:27:33 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc4Black Hades ÿc0Dropped
Wed Dec 04 13:51:26 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc2Set Amulet ÿc0Dropped
Thu Dec 05 05:09:17 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc2Set Amulet ÿc0Dropped
Thu Dec 05 05:11:01 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc4Harlequin Crest ÿc0Dropped
Thu Dec 05 09:36:12 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc2Set Amulet ÿc0Dropped
Fri Dec 06 07:26:07 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc4Stormshield ÿc0Dropped
Sat Dec 07 14:23:05 2002 : *diabolicpaladan : ÿc4Unique Ring ÿc0Dropped


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
Reaction score
I really want to get a pindlebot, but I'm scared that it would like do something wrong and get popped....

oh yah and one more thing.

your accounts get deleted if they see you pindlebotting?


Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
i wear 802 mf!! and look at this shit.. i need to get rid of scs and rare ammy's!!! how do i do it???
02/12/09 02:05:54 : Lightsabre - Unique PhaseBlade
02/12/09 02:34:40 : Cleglaw's Pincers - Set ChainGloves
02/12/09 02:43:27 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 02:44:34 : Arcanna's Head - Set SkullCap
02/12/09 02:48:29 : Dimoak's Hue - Unique Bardiche
02/12/09 02:51:29 : Arctic Binding - Set LightBelt
02/12/09 02:56:00 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 03:06:15 : Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Set ColossusBlade
02/12/09 03:06:16 : Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge - Set ColossusBlade
02/12/09 03:31:14 : Lance of Yaggai - Unique Spetum
02/12/09 03:37:30 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 03:40:27 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 03:40:29 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 03:48:57 : Boneflesh - Unique PlateMail
02/12/09 04:06:42 : Hawkmail - Unique ScaleMail
02/12/09 04:07:35 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/09 04:14:27 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 04:14:28 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 04:22:08 : Unique Claymore
02/12/09 04:27:52 : Rite of Passage - Set DemonhideBoots
02/12/09 04:33:24 : Isenhart's Lightbrand - Set BroadSword
02/12/09 04:48:12 : Unknown Unique Ring - Unique Ring
02/12/09 04:49:16 : Set OrnatePlate
02/12/09 04:53:02 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/09 04:54:59 : Heavenly Garb - Unique LightPlate
02/12/09 05:15:02 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 05:15:03 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 05:18:02 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 05:18:06 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/09 05:18:07 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 05:30:42 : Cathan's Mesh - Set ChainMail
02/12/09 05:31:35 : Arctic Horn - Set ShortWarBow
02/12/09 05:35:12 : The Chieftain - Unique BattleAxe
02/12/09 05:37:55 : Angelic Mantle - Set RingMail
02/12/09 05:41:56 : Gravepalm - Unique SharkskinGloves
02/12/09 06:09:39 : Arcanna's Flesh - Set LightPlate
02/12/09 06:22:13 : The Gladiator's Bane - Unique WireFleece
02/12/09 06:30:53 : Howltusk - Unique GreatHelm
02/12/09 06:42:38 : Angelic Mantle - Set RingMail
02/12/09 06:55:15 : Set HeavyBoots
02/12/09 06:59:52 : Riphook - Unique RazorBow
02/12/09 07:01:42 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 07:11:55 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 07:12:49 : Unique BastardSword
02/12/09 07:15:43 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 07:16:34 : Sander's Superstition - Set BoneWand
02/12/09 07:18:17 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 07:25:04 : Sigon's Visor - Set GreatHelm
02/12/09 07:28:33 : Ironstone - Unique WarHammer
02/12/09 07:31:36 : Rakescar - Unique WarAxe
02/12/09 07:40:43 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 07:45:31 : Isenhart's Lightbrand - Set BroadSword
02/12/09 07:46:31 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 07:49:38 : Angelic Mantle - Set RingMail
02/12/09 07:49:38 : Infernal Buckle - Set HeavyBelt
02/12/09 07:51:35 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 07:55:14 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 07:58:56 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 08:23:15 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 08:26:45 : "Cathan's Visage' - Set Mask
02/12/09 08:41:43 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 08:46:28 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 08:59:10 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 09:14:37 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 09:18:15 : Sigon's Gage - Set Gauntlets
02/12/09 09:19:15 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 09:21:56 : Unique Sabre
02/12/09 09:47:07 : "The Tannr Gorerod - Unique Pike
02/12/09 09:48:00 : Skystrike - Unique EdgeBow
02/12/09 09:54:40 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 10:02:01 : The Salamander - Unique BattleStaff
02/12/09 10:16:11 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 10:21:01 : The Jade Tan Do - Unique Kris
02/12/09 10:23:50 : Wilhelm's Pride - Set BattleBelt
02/12/09 10:25:43 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 10:37:14 : Cathan's Mesh - Set ChainMail
02/12/09 10:37:14 : Wormskull - Unique BoneHelm
02/12/09 10:49:49 : The Jade Tan Do - Unique Kris
02/12/09 10:58:11 : Tearhaunch - Unique Greaves
02/12/09 11:11:52 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 11:39:19 : Natalya's Totem - Set GrimHelm
02/12/09 11:53:27 : Rite of Passage - Set DemonhideBoots
02/12/09 11:54:18 : Ironstone - Unique WarHammer
02/12/09 11:57:01 : Milabrega's Robe - Set AncientArmor
02/12/09 12:32:26 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 12:36:59 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 12:42:25 : Azurewrath - Unique CrystalSword
02/12/09 12:43:18 : Bladebuckle - Unique PlatedBelt
02/12/09 12:44:22 : Vampiregaze - Unique GrimHelm
02/12/09 12:46:08 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 12:49:36 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 13:09:58 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 13:29:30 : Guillaume's Face - Set WingedHelm
02/12/09 13:32:16 : Bverrit Keep - Unique TowerShield
02/12/09 13:35:15 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 13:41:46 : Ichorsting - Unique Crossbow
02/12/09 13:43:27 : Rare Amulet
02/12/09 13:51:55 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 13:51:55 : The Impaler - Unique WarSpear
02/12/09 14:07:38 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 14:12:21 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 14:31:22 : Milabrega's Rod - Set WarScepter
02/12/09 14:41:28 : Berserker's Hatchet - Set DoubleAxe
02/12/09 14:51:08 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 14:57:16 : Dark Clan Crusher - Unique Cudgel
02/12/09 16:31:16 : Cleglaw's Pincers - Set ChainGloves
02/12/09 16:47:10 : Spiritual Custodian - Set DuskShroud
02/12/09 16:51:14 : Hsarus' Iron Heel - Set ChainBoots
02/12/09 17:06:08 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/09 17:16:06 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 17:17:06 : The Jade Tan Do - Unique Kris
02/12/09 17:18:54 : Berserker's Hatchet - Set DoubleAxe
02/12/09 17:18:54 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/09 17:29:57 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 17:37:39 : Hawkmail - Unique ScaleMail
02/12/09 17:39:25 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 17:41:10 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/09 17:43:07 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/09 17:48:36 : Berserker's Hatchet - Set DoubleAxe
02/12/09 17:48:36 : Hellcast - Unique HeavyCrossbow
02/12/09 17:55:49 : Serpent Lord - Unique LongStaff
02/12/09 18:10:24 : Goreshovel - Unique BroadAxe
02/12/09 18:15:03 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/09 18:19:00 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 18:27:45 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/09 18:52:24 : Goldsteel Eye - Unique Cutlass
02/12/09 18:59:27 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/09 19:10:57 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/09 19:17:32 : Spire of Lazarus - Unique GnarledStaff
02/12/09 19:41:02 : Infernal Buckle - Set HeavyBelt
02/12/09 19:44:50 : Hwanin's Justice - Set Bill
02/12/09 20:03:00 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 20:09:11 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/09 20:13:55 : Hsarus' Iron Stay - Set Belt
02/12/09 20:15:41 : Gravespine - Unique BoneWand
02/12/09 20:20:20 : Tancred's Skull - Set BoneHelm
02/12/09 20:27:49 : Bloodletter - Unique Gladius
02/12/09 20:34:55 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/09 20:35:48 : Cathan's Mesh - Set ChainMail
02/12/09 20:48:18 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/09 20:54:42 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/09 21:00:08 : Cleglaw's Tooth - Set LongSword
02/12/10 00:03:24 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/10 00:23:50 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/10 00:34:12 : Frostburn - Unique Gauntlets
02/12/10 03:22:27 : Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Set SwirlingCrystal
02/12/10 04:21:21 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/10 04:36:14 : Unique BastardSword
02/12/10 04:41:19 : The Salamander - Unique BattleStaff
02/12/10 06:36:45 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/10 06:52:57 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/10 09:18:08 : Razortine - Unique Trident
02/12/10 09:34:51 : Berserker's Hauberk - Set SplintMail
02/12/10 09:34:52 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/10 10:40:58 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/10 11:13:34 : Sigon's Visor - Set GreatHelm
02/12/10 12:47:53 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/10 12:52:01 : Rare Amulet
02/12/10 14:23:39 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/10 17:18:10 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/10 17:19:00 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/10 17:23:28 : Isenhart's Horns - Set FullHelm
02/12/10 17:38:39 : Cairn Shard - Unique PetrifiedWand
02/12/10 17:42:23 : Boneslayer Blade - Unique GothicAxe
02/12/10 17:51:11 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/10 17:55:34 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/10 17:56:29 : Berserker's Hatchet - Set DoubleAxe
02/12/10 18:03:05 : Hellplague - Unique LongSword
02/12/10 18:03:56 : Arcanna's Deathwand - Set WarStaff
02/12/10 18:05:01 : Magic SmallCharm

my findings.. not much..


Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
california, but i'm asian and pround of it =)
Visit site
i'm so screwed

LOL... i found like 4 WF's, 2 GF's, shit load of tals armor, occys, and a bunch of other great stuff... i heard that blizz was deleting pindle account, so naturally i freaked out and created a new account to put all my stuff on.
guess what?
after i moved all my stuff onto the new account;
1) i didn't play on the new account for 2 hours so it probably got deleted
2) i forgot the stupid NAME of the account.

hehe... possible names:

not only that but i don't remember what password i put on it... i have 3 passwords that i would use... THAT i'm not telling you guys =P
but think... i spent hours matching and rematching the possible accounts with all the possible passwords to find my mule account... i never found it >.<
o well. my pindle account hasn't been deleted. my socr is still finding some good stuff here and there; but i kinda miss my WF's and GF's =/


Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
02/12/13 14:00:23 : Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Set CrypticSword
02/12/13 14:07:32 : Aldur's Rhythm - Set JaggedStar
02/12/13 14:07:32 : Spirit Forge - Unique LinkedMail
02/12/13 14:19:25 : Whitstan's Guard - Set RoundShield
02/12/13 14:21:02 : Natalya's Soul - Set MeshBoots
02/12/13 14:22:49 : Death's Touch - Set WarSword
02/12/13 14:23:37 : Sigon's Gage - Set Gauntlets
02/12/13 14:32:59 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/13 14:41:26 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/13 14:53:11 : Wizendraw - Unique LongBattleBow
02/12/13 14:57:21 : Goreshovel - Unique BroadAxe
02/12/13 22:51:14 : Sigon's Sabot - Set Greaves
02/12/13 22:55:58 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/13 22:55:58 : IstRune
02/12/13 23:04:13 : Moonfall - Unique JaggedStar
02/12/13 23:19:47 : Sazabi's Ghost Liberator - Set BalrogSkin
02/12/13 23:45:57 : Sigon's Guard - Set TowerShield
02/12/13 23:54:18 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/13 23:54:18 : Skystrike - Unique EdgeBow
02/12/14 00:07:58 : Earthshaker - Unique BattleHammer
02/12/14 00:13:02 : Tancred's Crowbill - Set MilitaryPick
02/12/14 00:13:51 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 00:17:11 : Tancred's Crowbill - Set MilitaryPick
02/12/14 00:38:51 : Blood Crescent - Unique Scimitar
02/12/14 00:48:15 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 01:04:39 : Isenhart's Lightbrand - Set BroadSword
02/12/14 01:05:27 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 01:14:49 : Natalya's Shadow - Set LoricatedMail
02/12/14 01:17:20 : Hawkmail - Unique ScaleMail
02/12/14 01:17:20 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/14 01:22:30 : Duskdeep - Unique FullHelm
02/12/14 01:33:23 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 01:42:12 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 01:49:59 : The Grim Reaper - Unique WarScythe
02/12/14 01:57:53 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 01:58:48 : Rakescar - Unique WarAxe
02/12/14 02:09:01 : Rusthandle - Unique GrandScepter
02/12/14 02:17:24 : Sparking Mail - Unique ChainMail
02/12/14 02:18:12 : The Dragon Chang - Unique Spear
02/12/14 02:27:27 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/14 02:30:30 : Tarnhelm - Unique SkullCap
02/12/14 02:33:58 : Bonesnap - Unique Maul
02/12/14 02:36:30 : Unique Claymore
02/12/14 02:40:08 : Rattlecage - Unique GothicPlate
02/12/14 02:41:46 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 02:54:41 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/14 03:04:13 : Wizendraw - Unique LongBattleBow
02/12/14 03:08:43 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 03:17:14 : Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Set OgreMaul
02/12/14 03:17:14 : Gravepalm - Unique SharkskinGloves
02/12/14 03:33:16 : Berserker's Headgear - Set Helm
02/12/14 03:33:16 : Ichorsting - Unique Crossbow
02/12/14 03:35:41 : Lidless Wall - Unique GrimShield
02/12/14 03:38:54 : Doomslinger - Unique RepeatingCrossbow
02/12/14 03:45:51 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 03:51:06 : Infernostride - Unique DemonhideBoots
02/12/14 03:58:00 : Berserker's Hatchet - Set DoubleAxe
02/12/14 04:10:39 : Arctic Horn - Set ShortWarBow
02/12/14 04:14:58 : Crushflange - Unique Mace
02/12/14 04:20:56 : Hellcast - Unique HeavyCrossbow
02/12/14 04:26:16 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 04:26:17 : Lightsabre - Unique PhaseBlade
02/12/14 04:33:38 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 04:38:38 : Death's Touch - Set WarSword
02/12/14 04:41:11 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 04:43:52 : Isenhart's Lightbrand - Set BroadSword
02/12/14 04:45:32 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 05:07:27 : Set HeavyBoots
02/12/14 05:09:27 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 05:14:36 : Guillaume's Face - Set WingedHelm
02/12/14 05:26:09 : Unique Flamberge
02/12/14 05:29:34 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 05:31:18 : Hsarus' Iron Heel - Set ChainBoots
02/12/14 05:36:18 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/14 05:57:20 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 06:00:01 : Skull Splitter - Unique MilitaryPick
02/12/14 06:08:50 : Arctic Binding - Set LightBelt
02/12/14 06:13:56 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 06:16:42 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 06:24:12 : Swordback Hold - Unique SpikedShield
02/12/14 06:32:04 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 06:33:49 : Blackoak Shield - Unique Luna
02/12/14 06:33:49 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 06:38:10 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 06:42:20 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 07:48:50 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 07:54:52 : Azurewrath - Unique CrystalSword
02/12/14 08:02:41 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 08:11:57 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 08:19:18 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/14 08:19:18 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 08:23:26 : Cleglaw's Pincers - Set ChainGloves
02/12/14 08:25:53 : Arctic Binding - Set LightBelt
02/12/14 08:31:51 : Duskdeep - Unique FullHelm
02/12/14 08:49:11 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 08:53:59 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 08:57:25 : Nightsmoke - Unique Belt
02/12/14 08:58:13 : Kelpie Snare - Unique Fuscina
02/12/14 09:07:17 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/14 09:10:36 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 09:12:22 : Treads of Cthon - Unique ChainBoots
02/12/14 09:15:48 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 09:23:32 : Berserker's Headgear - Set Helm
02/12/14 09:24:19 : Sigon's Sabot - Set Greaves
02/12/14 09:27:32 : Arctic Mitts - Set LightGauntlets
02/12/14 09:30:33 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/14 09:36:33 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 09:44:02 : Wall of the Eyeless - Unique BoneShield
02/12/14 09:48:07 : Sigon's Gage - Set Gauntlets
02/12/14 09:50:47 : Isenhart's Horns - Set FullHelm
02/12/14 09:57:48 : Unique ShortBattleBow
02/12/14 09:59:26 : Skull Splitter - Unique MilitaryPick
02/12/14 10:00:25 : Unknown Unique Ring - Unique Ring
02/12/14 10:06:01 : Harlequin Crest - Unique Shako
02/12/14 10:13:09 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 10:14:55 : The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Unique Flail
02/12/14 10:15:43 : Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Set DeathMask
02/12/14 10:19:23 : Hsarus' Iron Stay - Set Belt
02/12/14 10:21:58 : M'avina's Embrace - Set KrakenShell
02/12/14 10:28:56 : Sigon's Visor - Set GreatHelm
02/12/14 10:29:44 : Hsarus' Iron Heel - Set ChainBoots
02/12/14 10:30:33 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 10:34:39 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 10:44:04 : Hsarus' Iron Heel - Set ChainBoots
02/12/14 10:47:25 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 10:49:02 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 10:52:43 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 11:15:09 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 11:32:08 : Berserker's Hauberk - Set SplintMail
02/12/14 11:32:59 : Set HeavyBoots
02/12/14 11:33:48 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 11:40:22 : Milabrega's Rod - Set WarScepter
02/12/14 11:43:39 : Harlequin Crest - Unique Shako
02/12/14 11:43:41 : Harlequin Crest - Unique Shako
02/12/14 11:45:24 : Set WarGauntlets
02/12/14 11:47:56 : Berserker's Headgear - Set Helm
02/12/14 11:55:53 : Tancred's Crowbill - Set MilitaryPick
02/12/14 12:02:18 : Arcanna's Head - Set SkullCap
02/12/14 12:34:51 : Set Sabre
02/12/14 12:48:21 : Unique Claymore
02/12/14 12:49:23 : Iratha's Coil - Set Crown
02/12/14 12:50:16 : Cathan's Mesh - Set ChainMail
02/12/14 12:53:39 : Steelclash - Unique KiteShield
02/12/14 12:53:43 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 13:12:38 : Arctic Binding - Set LightBelt
02/12/14 13:15:28 : Unique GreatSword
02/12/14 13:58:58 : "Cathan's Visage' - Set Mask
02/12/14 14:00:44 : Hsarus' Iron Fist - Set Buckler
02/12/14 14:11:16 : Deathspade - Unique Axe
02/12/14 14:18:03 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 14:18:47 : Vidala's Fetlock - Set LightPlatedBoots
02/12/14 14:20:37 : Skull Splitter - Unique MilitaryPick
02/12/14 14:46:14 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/14 14:48:13 : Tancred's Crowbill - Set MilitaryPick
02/12/14 14:52:28 : Arctic Binding - Set LightBelt
02/12/14 14:55:03 : Hellplague - Unique LongSword
02/12/14 14:55:03 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 15:00:48 : Magnus' Skin - Set SharkskinGloves
02/12/14 15:07:40 : Milabrega's Rod - Set WarScepter
02/12/14 15:14:16 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 15:16:02 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 15:22:44 : Venom Ward - Unique BreastPlate
02/12/14 15:30:59 : Arctic Binding - Set LightBelt
02/12/14 15:39:45 : Sigon's Sabot - Set Greaves
02/12/14 15:48:15 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 15:50:43 : Arctic Mitts - Set LightGauntlets
02/12/14 15:50:45 : Unique Claymore
02/12/14 15:51:42 : The Chieftain - Unique BattleAxe
02/12/14 15:57:09 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 16:14:01 : Sigon's Shelter - Set GothicPlate
02/12/14 16:18:26 : Rakescar - Unique WarAxe
02/12/14 16:20:58 : Isenhart's Horns - Set FullHelm
02/12/14 16:27:40 : Arcanna's Flesh - Set LightPlate
02/12/14 16:28:37 : Angelic Mantle - Set RingMail
02/12/14 16:30:23 : Iselstrike - Unique TwinAxe
02/12/14 16:35:35 : Natalya's Shadow - Set LoricatedMail
02/12/14 16:39:03 : Duriel's Shell - Unique Cuirass
02/12/14 16:39:50 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 16:46:06 : Unique Sabre
02/12/14 16:50:52 : Spellsteel - Unique BeardedAxe
02/12/14 16:51:48 : The Chieftain - Unique BattleAxe
02/12/14 16:56:41 : Arctic Horn - Set ShortWarBow
02/12/14 17:00:24 : Iselstrike - Unique TwinAxe
02/12/14 17:04:01 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 17:09:15 : Isenhart's Horns - Set FullHelm
02/12/14 17:12:44 : Naj's Circlet - Set Circlet
02/12/14 17:13:44 : Duskdeep - Unique FullHelm
02/12/14 17:33:48 : Civerb's Ward - Set LargeShield
02/12/14 17:35:41 : Sigon's Wrap - Set PlatedBelt
02/12/14 17:35:41 : Cleglaw's Pincers - Set ChainGloves
02/12/14 17:37:15 : Civerb's Ward - Set LargeShield
02/12/14 17:50:04 : Unique TwoHandedSword
02/12/14 17:54:17 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 17:57:05 : Unique GreatSword
02/12/14 18:03:26 : Magnus' Skin - Set SharkskinGloves
02/12/14 18:05:03 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 18:09:25 : Hsarus' Iron Stay - Set Belt
02/12/14 18:26:02 : Unique TemplarCoat

kinda gay shit.. but aight..


Dec 10, 2002
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I could complain more but thats all I found


Nov 11, 2002
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lol if you go into your diablo II folder and look at your saves you shall find the names of all the chars you currently have on any account with a character name blizz might be able to get you the account name from there you can try your passwords


New Member
Dec 15, 2002
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when i get connection interuption and my pbot wants to sign back on and it types in some crazy shit and i want to know what im doing wrong


Nov 9, 2002
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My Drops also aren't the greatest but meh...

02/12/13 17:45:36 : "The Tannr Gorerod - Unique Pike
02/12/13 17:51:44 : Sigon's Shelter - Set GothicPlate
02/12/13 18:08:46 : Cleglaw's Tooth - Set LongSword
02/12/13 18:23:50 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/13 18:29:17 : Unique Sabre
02/12/13 18:50:02 : The Battlebranch - Unique Poleaxe
02/12/13 18:51:10 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/13 19:12:07 : Bloodrise - Unique MorningStar
02/12/13 19:24:01 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/13 19:27:57 : Bloodthief - Unique Brandistock
02/12/13 19:27:57 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/13 19:40:27 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/13 19:44:10 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/13 19:53:49 : Hsarus' Iron Stay - Set Belt
02/12/13 21:34:33 : Rare Jewel
02/12/13 21:46:43 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/13 21:50:31 : Rare Amulet
02/12/13 23:28:11 : Magic Jewel
02/12/13 23:30:57 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/13 23:34:05 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/13 23:37:47 : Magic Jewel
02/12/13 23:37:48 : Blade of Ali Baba - Unique Tulwar
02/12/13 23:43:42 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/13 23:57:57 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 00:04:06 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 01:26:08 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 01:29:27 : Spellsteel - Unique BeardedAxe
02/12/14 01:37:15 : Aldur's Advance - Set BattleBoots
02/12/14 01:40:09 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 01:42:58 : Rare Jewel
02/12/14 01:43:53 : Sureshrill Frost - Unique FlangedMace
02/12/14 02:04:39 : Berserker's Headgear - Set Helm
02/12/14 02:13:25 : Rare Amulet
02/12/14 02:22:26 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 02:29:21 : Hawkmail - Unique ScaleMail
02/12/14 02:32:27 : Bartuc's Cut Throat - Unique GreaterTalons
02/12/14 02:39:59 : Vidala's Fetlock - Set LightPlatedBoots
02/12/14 02:46:21 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 03:25:31 : Hone Sundan - Unique Yari
02/12/14 03:26:24 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 03:31:39 : Credendum - Set MithrilCoil
02/12/14 03:32:32 : Arctic Mitts - Set LightGauntlets
02/12/14 03:59:27 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/14 04:09:44 : Coldkill - Unique Hatchet
02/12/14 04:09:45 : Sigon's Sabot - Set Greaves
02/12/14 04:10:49 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 04:24:13 : The Minotaur - Unique AncientAxe
02/12/14 04:51:28 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 05:39:17 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 05:41:20 : Civerb's Ward - Set LargeShield
02/12/14 05:44:55 : Magic Jewel
02/12/14 05:49:04 : Rare Amulet
02/12/14 05:53:07 : Sigon's Visor - Set GreatHelm
02/12/14 05:55:19 : Bloodthief - Unique Brandistock
02/12/14 06:01:05 : Berserker's Headgear - Set Helm
02/12/14 06:05:11 : Stormchaser - Unique Scutum
02/12/14 06:13:45 : Rare Amulet
02/12/14 06:22:18 : Cleglaw's Pincers - Set ChainGloves
02/12/14 06:25:26 : Venom Ward - Unique BreastPlate
02/12/14 06:34:05 : Hellslayer - Unique Decapitator
02/12/14 11:15:23 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 13:38:48 : Rare Jewel
02/12/14 13:45:31 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 13:47:51 : Bloodrise - Unique MorningStar
02/12/14 13:59:57 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/14 14:11:31 : The Jade Tan Do - Unique Kris
02/12/14 14:24:09 : Blastbark - Unique LongWarBow
02/12/14 14:36:32 : Stoutnail - Unique SpikedClub
02/12/14 14:43:32 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 14:50:18 : Magic Jewel
02/12/14 14:59:41 : Spineripper - Unique Poignard
02/12/14 15:06:53 : The Centurion - Unique HardLeatherArmor
02/12/14 15:07:47 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 15:11:51 : Unique GreatSword
02/12/14 15:14:48 : Civerb's Cudgel - Set GrandScepter
02/12/14 15:14:48 : Cathan's Mesh - Set ChainMail
02/12/14 15:21:35 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 15:26:32 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 15:33:21 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 15:36:02 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 15:37:14 : Fleshrender - Unique BarbedClub
02/12/14 15:58:51 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/14 16:06:01 : Tancred's Skull - Set BoneHelm
02/12/14 16:08:57 : Sigon's Gage - Set Gauntlets
02/12/14 16:18:34 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 16:26:35 : Sigon's Shelter - Set GothicPlate
02/12/14 16:27:41 : Vidala's Fetlock - Set LightPlatedBoots
02/12/14 16:28:34 : Infernal Buckle - Set HeavyBelt
02/12/14 16:34:23 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 17:08:08 : M'avina's Tenet - Set SharkskinBelt
02/12/14 17:09:03 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/14 17:15:29 : Magic Jewel
02/12/14 17:17:20 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 17:17:20 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 17:22:07 : M'avina's Icy Clutch - Set BattleGauntlets
02/12/14 17:23:13 : Undead Crown - Unique Crown
02/12/14 17:29:00 : Unique TwoHandedSword
02/12/14 17:35:00 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 17:55:05 : Skull Splitter - Unique MilitaryPick
02/12/14 17:57:06 : Berserker's Hatchet - Set DoubleAxe
02/12/14 17:57:06 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/14 18:16:12 : Rare Jewel
02/12/14 18:19:20 : Peasant Crown - Unique WarHat
02/12/14 18:20:14 : Unknown Unique Ring - Unique Ring
02/12/14 18:36:41 : Serpent Lord - Unique LongStaff
02/12/14 18:42:32 : Blackleach Blade - Unique Bill
02/12/14 18:44:46 : Magic Jewel
02/12/14 18:45:51 : Arctic Binding - Set LightBelt
02/12/14 18:48:58 : Sparking Mail - Unique ChainMail
02/12/14 19:17:33 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 19:22:33 : Sander's Taboo - Set HeavyGloves
02/12/14 19:23:38 : Isenhart's Parry - Set GothicShield
02/12/14 19:28:33 : Hsarus' Iron Stay - Set Belt
02/12/14 19:34:47 : Tancred's Crowbill - Set MilitaryPick
02/12/14 19:35:44 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 19:47:39 : Trang-Oul's Scales - Set ChaosArmor
02/12/14 19:59:25 : Chance Guards - Unique ChainGloves
02/12/14 19:59:25 : Chance Guards - Unique ChainGloves
02/12/14 20:15:22 : Goreshovel - Unique BroadAxe
02/12/14 20:17:23 : Woestave - Unique Halberd
02/12/14 20:21:28 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 20:35:43 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 20:38:48 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/14 20:41:44 : "Cathan's Visage' - Set Mask
02/12/14 21:33:07 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 21:33:11 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/14 21:43:58 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 21:44:53 : Tearhaunch - Unique Greaves
02/12/14 21:52:32 : Death's Touch - Set WarSword
02/12/14 21:54:34 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 22:00:03 : Immortal King's Will - Set AvengerGuard
02/12/14 22:13:29 : Rare Amulet
02/12/14 22:16:42 : Unique GreatSword
02/12/14 22:16:42 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 22:19:48 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 22:20:55 : Unknown Set Ring - Set Ring
02/12/14 22:41:00 : Tancred's Skull - Set BoneHelm
02/12/14 22:56:39 : Isenhart's Lightbrand - Set BroadSword
02/12/14 23:04:51 : Steelclash - Unique KiteShield
02/12/14 23:06:42 : M'avina's Tenet - Set SharkskinBelt
02/12/14 23:13:28 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/14 23:23:07 : Rare Amulet
02/12/14 23:24:13 : Coif of Glory - Unique Helm
02/12/14 23:29:01 : Pelta Lunata - Unique Buckler
02/12/14 23:29:01 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/14 23:31:59 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 23:39:50 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/14 23:41:43 : "The Tannr Gorerod - Unique Pike
02/12/14 23:42:49 : Magic Jewel
02/12/14 23:46:48 : Bloodthief - Unique Brandistock
02/12/14 23:51:45 : Darkglow - Unique RingMail
02/12/15 00:01:41 : Moonfall - Unique JaggedStar
02/12/15 00:02:45 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/15 00:04:58 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/15 00:05:54 : Duskdeep - Unique FullHelm
02/12/15 00:15:16 : Rare Amulet
02/12/15 00:23:51 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/15 00:32:51 : Hwanin's Justice - Set Bill
02/12/15 00:41:15 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/15 00:42:11 : Magic Jewel
02/12/15 01:55:31 : Bladebuckle - Unique PlatedBelt
02/12/15 02:00:40 : The Battlebranch - Unique Poleaxe
02/12/15 02:08:32 : Magic Jewel
02/12/15 02:11:46 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/15 02:16:55 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/15 02:23:12 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/15 02:24:08 : The Grim Reaper - Unique WarScythe
02/12/15 02:29:02 : Wizardspike - Unique BoneKnife
02/12/15 02:31:58 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/15 02:48:59 : Bladebone - Unique DoubleAxe
02/12/15 02:49:54 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/15 03:00:13 : Iratha's Coil - Set Crown
02/12/15 03:04:15 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/15 03:04:15 : Rare Jewel
02/12/15 03:08:16 : Sigon's Wrap - Set PlatedBelt
02/12/15 03:09:10 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/15 03:15:03 : Bladebuckle - Unique PlatedBelt
02/12/15 03:28:55 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/15 03:35:08 : Tancred's Skull - Set BoneHelm
02/12/15 03:36:03 : Face of Horror - Unique Mask
02/12/15 03:40:55 : Sigon's Sabot - Set Greaves
02/12/15 03:49:03 : Stoutnail - Unique SpikedClub
02/12/15 04:06:28 : Isenhart's Case - Set BreastPlate
02/12/15 04:12:31 : Unique TwoHandedSword
02/12/15 04:23:04 : Rare Amulet
02/12/15 04:27:05 : Set Sabre
02/12/15 04:31:07 : Magic Jewel
02/12/15 04:32:13 : Unknown Set Amulet - Set Amulet
02/12/15 04:40:16 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/15 04:58:06 : Skull Splitter - Unique MilitaryPick
02/12/15 05:14:29 : Sigon's Shelter - Set GothicPlate
02/12/15 07:38:05 : Soul Harvest - Unique Scythe
02/12/15 07:42:13 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/15 07:43:22 : Grim's Burning Dead - Unique GrimScythe
02/12/15 07:56:56 : Magic GrandCharm
02/12/15 08:30:08 : Whitstan's Guard - Set RoundShield
02/12/15 08:36:14 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/15 08:37:19 : Magic SmallCharm
02/12/15 08:38:25 : Moonfall - Unique JaggedStar
02/12/15 08:42:27 : Azurewrath - Unique CrystalSword
02/12/15 08:51:33 : Magic Jewel
02/12/15 08:51:36 : Bloodrise - Unique MorningStar
02/12/15 09:16:04 : Magic Jewel
02/12/15 09:18:09 : Magic LargeCharm
02/12/15 09:24:17 : Milabrega's Orb - Set KiteShield
02/12/15 09:30:11 : Cathan's Mesh - Set ChainMail


New Member
Dec 16, 2002
Reaction score
Eugene, Oregon
Visit site

Hey everyone, I am fairly new to botting and had a few questions, i dont have a pickit.txt file that came with my program, how do i get it to make logs of all drops? Also can someone tell me how to make it pick up sc's and jewels (magic/rare) thanks a lot.
My e-mail:
Aim Handle: Brandon51287
Dec 19, 2002
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hey wats up new to the forums but not the game and i was just wondering if one of u could get together with me and make my chars invincible...or at least get me a good bot or items:SPLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!
THX!!!!!! if u do!!!!!;):)

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