Pindle/Meph Finds (paste logs here)

Yugp X

May 26, 2003
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I been doing mephi runs last day or so and i been getting more decent items than with pindle obviously, should i just go back to doing pindle and persevir with getting nothing most of the time until i get wf or gf or something like that?


May 17, 2003
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i found a wf this morning at around 9... musta taken a lot out of the bot cus i havent found anything else and its now 5:30

but who the F*** cares.. i got a wf :D


New Member
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
03/02/20 11:41:20 : Small Charm Dropped
03/02/20 12:13:07 : Small Charm Dropped
03/02/20 13:21:44 : [Elite] Hellslayer
03/02/20 17:09:21 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/02/20 17:59:48 : [Exceptional] Lidless Wall
03/02/20 18:34:05 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/02/20 19:52:12 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/02/20 19:59:51 : [Exceptional] Shaftstop
03/02/20 20:44:06 : [Ecpt] Lavagout
03/02/20 21:10:54 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/02/21 10:11:06 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/02/21 14:12:27 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/02/21 14:43:27 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/02/21 15:04:25 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/02/22 12:36:24 : Jewel Dropped
03/02/23 00:25:31 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/02/23 00:26:11 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/02/23 11:38:49 : [Exceptional] Goldstrike Arch
03/02/23 19:09:19 : Small Charm Dropped
03/02/24 18:44:50 : [Ecpt] Gloomstrap
03/02/24 19:05:23 : Jewel Dropped
03/02/24 19:05:23 : Small Charm Dropped
03/03/01 10:53:53 : [Normal] Goldwrap
03/03/01 10:56:17 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/03/01 12:23:07 : [Exceptional] Shaftstop
03/03/01 12:28:53 : Small Charm Dropped
03/03/01 14:14:53 : Jewel Dropped
03/03/01 15:07:21 : [Elite] Baranar's Star
03/03/02 19:29:55 : Small Charm Dropped
03/03/29 13:02:45 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/03/29 15:28:36 : [Exceptional] Blackhorn's Face
03/03/30 11:29:57 : [Ecpt] Gloomstrap
03/03/30 11:35:14 : [Exceptional] War Traveler
03/04/02 22:20:38 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/02 22:22:29 : [Exceptional] Lycander's Aim
03/04/04 17:53:34 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/04 18:36:29 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/06 18:28:42 : [Exceptional] Shaftstop
03/04/06 18:37:06 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/12 01:16:41 : [Elite] Stormshield
03/04/12 01:47:21 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/04/12 01:48:34 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/12 02:08:55 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/12 02:44:22 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/12 04:32:11 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/12 04:32:13 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/12 04:32:13 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/12 13:37:03 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/04/12 13:38:31 : [Normal] Goldwrap
03/04/12 13:50:34 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/12 13:51:54 : [Elite] Blackoak Shield
03/04/13 00:20:54 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/13 00:35:00 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/13 00:36:11 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/13 00:53:09 : [Exceptional] Skullder's Ire
03/04/13 01:37:21 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/13 01:42:26 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/13 02:22:23 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/13 02:48:02 : [Exceptional] Herald of Zakarum
03/04/13 02:50:35 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/13 03:18:05 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/13 04:08:51 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/13 04:19:18 : [Exceptional] Stealskull
03/04/13 04:19:20 : [Exceptional] Stealskull
03/04/13 04:19:20 : [Exceptional] Stealskull
03/04/13 16:09:53 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/15 18:40:45 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/15 18:52:25 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/04/15 18:54:58 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/15 19:21:49 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/15 19:24:12 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/04/16 18:30:06 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/16 18:38:31 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/16 21:11:52 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/16 21:40:24 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/16 21:44:53 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/17 11:40:18 : [Normal] Goldwrap
03/04/17 15:17:15 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/17 15:46:10 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/17 15:47:16 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/17 17:11:00 : [Exceptional] Bartuc's Cut Throat
03/04/17 17:17:34 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/17 23:48:37 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/17 23:50:52 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/18 00:14:34 : [Normal] Goldwrap
03/04/18 00:30:23 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/18 00:41:53 : [Exceptional] War Traveler
03/04/18 01:12:54 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/18 01:36:46 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/18 01:42:10 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/04/18 01:46:09 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/18 02:10:30 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/18 02:25:14 : [Exceptional] Lidless Wall
03/04/18 02:43:18 : [Exceptional] Crown of Thieves
03/04/18 02:43:20 : [Exceptional] Crown of Thieves
03/04/18 19:34:08 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/18 19:36:41 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/18 19:43:45 : [Exceptional] Titan's Revenge
03/04/19 11:06:19 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/19 17:29:30 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/19 17:33:12 : [Normal] Magefist
03/04/19 17:37:09 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/04/19 17:44:30 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/19 21:09:23 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/19 21:29:25 : [Exceptional] Titan's Revenge
03/04/19 21:45:41 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/20 00:35:37 : [Exceptional] Titan's Revenge
03/04/20 00:54:25 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/20 00:57:16 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/04/20 01:16:34 : [Ecpt] Blade of Ali Baba
03/04/20 01:17:50 : [Exceptional] Razortail
03/04/20 01:24:25 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/20 01:25:35 : [Normal] Chance Guards
03/04/20 02:05:26 : [Normal] Chance Guards
03/04/20 02:05:27 : [Normal] Chance Guards
03/04/20 02:05:27 : [Normal] Chance Guards
03/04/20 11:53:43 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/20 19:01:18 : [Ecpt] Lavagout
03/04/20 19:05:23 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/20 21:26:33 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/20 21:27:51 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/04/20 21:51:04 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/20 22:07:13 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/20 22:15:39 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/20 22:20:13 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/04/20 22:20:13 : [Normal] Magefist
03/04/20 22:29:11 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/20 22:30:34 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/20 22:42:09 : [Normal] Magefist
03/04/20 22:46:33 : [Elite] Harlequin Crest
03/04/20 22:50:23 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/20 23:02:33 : [Exceptional] Razortail
03/04/20 23:42:07 : [Elite] Stormshield
03/04/21 14:21:55 : [Normal] Goldwrap
03/04/21 22:05:14 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/21 22:07:42 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/21 22:14:30 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/21 22:53:46 : [Exceptional] Buriza-Do Kyanon
03/04/21 23:35:45 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/22 15:27:58 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/22 15:42:01 : [Elite] Harlequin Crest
03/04/22 15:45:54 : [Normal] Magefist
03/04/22 15:47:10 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/22 15:47:10 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/22 15:51:11 : [Set] Whitstan's Guard
03/04/22 15:59:49 : [Normal] Magefist
03/04/22 16:00:42 : [Normal] Magefist
03/04/22 16:23:15 : [Exceptional] Gerke's Sanctuary
03/04/22 16:23:15 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/23 23:40:45 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/23 23:40:45 : [Normal] Magefist
03/04/23 23:42:05 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/04/23 23:43:23 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/23 23:43:23 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/04/23 23:44:39 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/23 23:49:02 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/23 23:49:03 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/23 23:49:03 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/24 08:57:36 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/24 09:07:15 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/24 09:22:08 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/24 09:41:53 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/04/24 13:30:14 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/04/24 19:45:29 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/24 19:51:28 : [Exceptional] String of Ears
03/04/24 23:10:25 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/24 23:39:39 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/24 23:39:40 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/25 07:57:37 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/25 08:01:21 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/25 08:08:12 : [Exceptional] Herald of Zakarum
03/04/25 08:17:11 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/04/25 09:52:56 : Jewel Dropped
03/04/25 09:55:16 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/25 11:43:13 : [Exceptional] Stealskull
03/04/25 11:53:25 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/25 11:54:38 : [Normal] Goldwrap
03/04/25 12:02:46 : [Exceptional] Herald of Zakarum
03/04/25 12:02:47 : [Exceptional] Herald of Zakarum
03/04/25 12:02:47 : [Exceptional] Herald of Zakarum
03/04/25 12:21:00 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/25 12:21:44 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/25 12:29:58 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/25 12:31:50 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/25 12:31:53 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/04/26 00:00:56 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/26 00:12:43 : [Exceptional] Herald of Zakarum
03/04/26 00:26:26 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/26 00:36:45 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/04/26 00:39:18 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/26 00:39:19 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/26 00:39:19 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/04/26 13:40:25 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/26 13:41:18 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/26 16:19:55 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/26 16:21:05 : [Exceptional] Stealskull
03/04/26 16:26:31 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/26 16:46:36 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/26 16:50:24 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/26 16:51:01 : Small Charm Dropped
03/04/30 18:35:09 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/04/30 18:36:22 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/05/01 21:54:44 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/05/01 22:03:53 : [Elite] Nosferatu's Coil
03/05/01 22:07:42 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/05/01 22:14:24 : [Set] Trang-Oul's Scales
03/05/02 23:59:52 : Jewel Dropped
03/05/03 00:01:19 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/05/03 00:08:31 : [Exceptional] Razortail
03/05/03 00:12:02 : [Norm] Frostburn
03/05/03 00:12:02 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/05/03 11:08:40 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/05/03 11:14:29 : Unique Ring Dropped
03/05/03 11:34:03 : [Normal] Magefist
03/05/03 11:42:31 : [Elite] Baranar's Star
03/05/03 14:14:00 : [Exceptional] Lycander's Flank
03/05/03 14:15:23 : [Set] Set Amulet (possibly Tal Rasha's Amulet)
03/05/03 15:02:05 : [Exceptional] Goldstrike Arch
03/05/03 15:12:47 : Small Charm Dropped
03/05/04 12:17:11 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/05/06 17:06:51 : Rare Amulet Dropped
03/05/09 19:31:48 : [22] Um Rune Dropped
03/05/10 12:13:09 : [Ecpt] Blade of Ali Baba
03/05/10 12:31:56 : [Elite] Harlequin Crest
03/05/10 12:40:13 : Rare Ring Dropped
03/05/10 13:10:29 : Jewel Dropped
03/05/10 13:28:15 : Jewel Dropped
03/05/10 23:57:53 : Unique Amulet Dropped
03/05/11 00:01:52 : [Exceptional] Titan's Revenge

Yugp X

May 26, 2003
Reaction score
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id edit ur snagit.ini file if i were you, ur picking up shit items lol, only get it to pick up decent things...

Yugp X

May 26, 2003
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Heres my pindle finds, ive taking out the charms and jewels...

May 30 2003 11:23:30 Vampire Gaze ([Unique Grim Helm)
May 30 2003 09:49:42 Natalya's Soul
May 30 2003 06:51:56 Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer (Set Cryptic Sword)
May 30 2003 00:35:33 Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Set Colossus Blade)
May 29 2003 23:10:57 The Cranium Basher (Unique Thunder Maul)
May 29 2003 19:42:54 Skullder's Ire (Unique Russet Armor)
May 29 2003 17:06:24 Trang-Oul's Shield (Set Cantor Trophy)
May 28 2003 16:07:28 Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Set Lacquered Plate)
May 28 2003 00:03:42 Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Set Colossus Blade)
May 27 2003 13:25:13 Hellmouth (Unique War Gauntlets)
May 27 2003 11:27:41 String of Ears (Unique Demonhide Sash)
May 27 2003 10:52:41 Buriza-Do Kyanon (Unique Ballista)
May 27 2003 10:52:19 Chain Gloves May 27 2003 10:52:00 Chance Guards (Unique Chain Gloves)

Still waiting for a gf or wf, hopefully a good % gf :p


May 20, 2003
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Today i found the rarest item sofar :)
Griswolds's Redemption (Set Caduceus)

Just for fun i´ve counted the number og balrog skins i have found, because i havent got an arkaines yet... The number ended at 39 balrog skins but no unique.. yet :)


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
May 29 2003 17:56:05 Snowy Large Charm--Stats: (Min Cold Damage=2) (Max Cold Damage=3) (Cold Duration[25=second]=25)
May 29 2003 18:15:20 Grand Charm of Balance--Stats: (Faster Hit Recovery=12)
May 29 2003 18:17:39 Large Charm of the Icicle--Stats: (Min Cold Damage=2) (Max Cold Damage=5) (Cold Duration[25=second]=25)
May 29 2003 18:24:02 Steel Small Charm of Fortune--Stats: (Attack Rating=31) (%Magic Find=4)
May 29 2003 18:28:20 Ruby Grand Charm--Stats: (Fire Resistance=28)
May 30 2003 00:11:42 Grand Charm of Inertia--Stats: (Increased Run/Walk Speed=7)
May 30 2003 00:13:02 M'avina's Tenet (Set Sharkskin Belt)
May 30 2003 00:28:32 Fiery Small Charm--Stats: (Min Fire Damage=1) (Max Fire Damage=3)
May 30 2003 01:03:26 Small Charm of Winter--Stats: (Min Cold Damage=5) (Max Cold Damage=9) (Cold Duration[25=second]=25)
May 30 2003 01:09:47 Jewel of Truth--Stats: (Faster Hit Recovery=7)
May 30 2003 01:16:53 Grand Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=4)
May 30 2003 01:24:10 Burly Small Charm of Dexterity--Stats: (Dexterity=1) (Base Armor Class=18)
May 30 2003 01:26:52 Steel Grand Charm--Stats: (Attack Rating=112)
May 30 2003 01:44:37 Small Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=1)
May 30 2003 01:49:45 Iron Large Charm--Stats: (Attack Rating=49)
!!May 30 2003 01:51:12 Jewel Rune Whorl Jewel--Stats: (Enhanced Damage=27) (1-handed Max Damage=9) (2-handed Max Damage=9) (Lightning Resistance=13) (Base Max Throw Damage=9)
May 30 2003 02:01:26 Haemosu's Adament (Set Cuirass)
May 30 2003 02:05:00 Jagged Large Charm--Stats: (1-handed Max Damage=1) (2-handed Max Damage=1) (Base Max Throw Damage=1)
!!May 30 2003 02:10:21 Ring Raven Frost Ring--Stats: (Dexterity=16) (Mana=40) (Attack Rating=159) (Min Cold Damage=15) (Max Cold Damage=45) (Cold Duration[25=second]=100) (%Cold Absorb=20) (Cannot Be Frozen=1)
May 30 2003 02:21:13 Bronze Grand Charm of Balance--Stats: (Attack Rating=31) (Faster Hit Recovery=12)
May 30 2003 03:03:54 Dark Clan Crusher (Unique Cudgel)
May 30 2003 03:05:00 Hibernal Large Charm of Sustenance--Stats: (Life=21) (Min Cold Damage=13) (Max Cold Damage=24) (Cold Duration[25=second]=25)
!!May 30 2003 03:29:55 Jewel Bone Eye Jewel--Stats: (1-handed Min Damage=8) (2-handed Min Damage=8) (Base Armor Class=36) (Min Fire Damage=6) (Max Fire Damage=14) (Base Min Throw Damage=8)
May 30 2003 04:53:29 Pierre Tombale Couant (Unique Partizan)
May 30 2003 05:04:54 Rugged Large Charm--Stats: (Stamina=16)
May 30 2003 05:11:16 Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest (Set Death Mask)
May 30 2003 05:26:20 M'avina's Tenet (Set Sharkskin Belt)
!!May 30 2003 05:31:52 Toxic Small Charm--Stats: (Min Poison Damage=100) (Max Poison Damage=100) (Poison Duration[25=second]=125)
May 30 2003 05:33:55 The Meat Scraper (Unique Lochaber Axe)
!!May 30 2003 05:52:49 Jewel Bitter Scarab Jewel--Stats: (Strength=1) (Energy=6) (Life=8) (Attack Rating=19)
May 30 2003 06:08:04 Jewel of Bliss--Stats: (1-handed Min Damage=6) (2-handed Min Damage=6) (Base Min Throw Damage=6)
!!May 30 2003 06:42:52 Jewel Storm Heart Jewel--Stats: (Strength=6) (Enhanced Damage=28) (1-handed Min Damage=2) (1-handed Max Damage=4) (2-handed Min Damage=2) (2-handed Max Damage=4) (Base Min Throw Damage=2) (Base Max Throw Damage=4)
May 30 2003 06:49:13 Small Charm of Life--Stats: (Life=10)
May 30 2003 07:00:09 Boneslayer Blade (Unique Gothic Axe)
May 30 2003 07:01:09 Jewel of Joyfulness--Stats: (1-handed Min Damage=4) (2-handed Min Damage=4) (Base Min Throw Damage=4)
May 30 2003 07:28:50 Amulet Civerb's Icon Amulet--Stats: (%Mana Regeneration=40) (Replenish Life=4)
May 30 2003 07:30:10 Arm Of King Leoric (Unique Tomb Wand)
May 30 2003 07:35:38 Aureolic Jewel--Stats: (Mana After kill=1)
May 30 2003 07:39:49 Steel Grand Charm of Fire--Stats: (Attack Rating=124) (Min Fire Damage=1) (Max Fire Damage=3)
May 30 2003 07:47:51 Small Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=2)
May 30 2003 07:48:40 Shimmering Small Charm--Stats: (Fire Resistance=3) (Lightning Resistance=3) (Cold Resistance=3) (Poison Resistance=3)
May 30 2003 08:09:31 Haemosu's Adament (Set Cuirass)
May 30 2003 08:09:58 Small Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=2)
May 30 2003 08:13:38 Peasant Crown (Unique War Hat)
May 30 2003 12:05:27 Grand Charm of Inertia--Stats: (Increased Run/Walk Speed=7)
May 30 2003 12:08:24 Large Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=3)
May 30 2003 13:13:42 Amulet Nokozan Relic Amulet--Stats: (Fire Resistance=50) (Max Fire Resistance=10) (Min Fire Damage=3) (Max Fire Damage=6) (Light Radiues=3) (Faster Hit Recovery=20)
May 30 2003 13:35:48 Large Charm of Frost--Stats: (Min Cold Damage=1) (Max Cold Damage=3) (Cold Duration[25=second]=25)
May 30 2003 13:38:42 Lucky Grand Charm of Life--Stats: (Life=15) (%Magic Find=6)
May 30 2003 13:44:32 Stout Large Charm of Life--Stats: (Life=15) (Base Armor Class=8)
May 30 2003 13:46:41 Large Charm of Storms--Stats: (Min Lightning Damage=1) (Max Lightning Damage=29)
May 30 2003 13:59:39 Hexfire (Unique Shamshir)
May 30 2003 14:17:20 Turquoise Jewel of the Glacier--Stats: (Mana=16) (Min Cold Damage=5) (Max Cold Damage=14) (Cold Duration[25=second]=50)
May 30 2003 14:18:09 Burly Small Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=1) (Base Armor Class=15)
May 30 2003 14:42:17 Stout Small Charm--Stats: (Base Armor Class=1)
May 30 2003 15:23:58 Jewel of Daring--Stats: (Dexterity=4)
!!May 30 2003 15:26:00 Rugged Small Charm of Inertia--Stats: (Stamina=4) (Increased Run/Walk Speed=5)
May 30 2003 15:36:42 Ring Manald Heal Ring--Stats: (Life=20) (%Mana Regeneration=20) (Mana Leach=5) (Replenish Life=6)
!!May 30 2003 15:43:57 Jewel Viper Heart Jewel--Stats: (Enhanced Damage=9) (Lightning Resistance=12) (%Magic Find=4)
May 30 2003 15:45:26 Rugged Small Charm--Stats: (Stamina=5)
!!May 30 2003 15:49:26 Cruel Fanged Knife
May 30 2003 15:49:31 Russet Large Charm of Thunder--Stats: (Fire Resistance=9) (Min Lightning Damage=1) (Max Lightning Damage=15)
May 30 2003 16:11:22 Maroon Jewel--Stats: (Stamina=20)
May 30 2003 16:12:10 Ring Nagelring Ring--Stats: (Attack Rating=52) (Magic Damage Reduction=3) (Attacker Takes Damage=3) (%Magic Find=19)
!!May 30 2003 17:02:05 Jewel Death Eye Jewel--Stats: (Mana=13) (Attack Rating=31) (1-handed Min Damage=6) (2-handed Min Damage=6) (Min Fire Damage=2) (Max Fire Damage=10) (Base Min Throw Damage=6)
May 30 2003 17:02:09 Jewel of Virility--Stats: (Strength=6)
!!May 30 2003 17:05:01 Ring Raven Frost Ring--Stats: (Dexterity=15) (Mana=40) (Attack Rating=240) (Min Cold Damage=15) (Max Cold Damage=45) (Cold Duration[25=second]=100) (%Cold Absorb=20) (Cannot Be Frozen=1)
May 30 2003 17:13:15 Iron Grand Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=5) (Attack Rating=69)
May 30 2003 18:04:20 Grand Charm of Life--Stats: (Life=15)
May 30 2003 18:59:21 Small Charm of Craftmanship--Stats: (1-handed Max Damage=1) (2-handed Max Damage=1) (Base Max Throw Damage=1)
May 30 2003 19:05:33 Silver Jewel of Daring--Stats: (Dexterity=8) (Attack Rating=57)
May 30 2003 19:10:58 Grand Charm of Vita--Stats: (Life=40)
May 30 2003 19:52:46 Blanched Jewel of Envy--Stats: (Base Armor Class=7) (Min Poison Damage=20) (Max Poison Damage=20) (Poison Duration[25=second]=50)
!!May 30 2003 20:03:51 Amulet Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet--Stats: (Strength=5) (Energy=5) (Dexterity=5) (Vitality=5) (Fire Resistance=29) (Lightning Resistance=29) (Cold Resistance=29) (Poison Resistance=29) (Amazon Skills=2) (Paladin Skills=2) (Necro Skills=2) (Sorceress Skills=2) (Barbarian Skills=2) (Druid Skills=2) (Assasin Skills=2)
May 30 2003 20:07:25 Grand Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=5)
May 30 2003 20:07:52 M'avina's Tenet (Set Sharkskin Belt)
!!May 30 2003 20:14:58 Amulet Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet--Stats: (Strength=5) (Energy=5) (Dexterity=5) (Vitality=5) (Fire Resistance=26) (Lightning Resistance=26) (Cold Resistance=26) (Poison Resistance=26) (Amazon Skills=2) (Paladin Skills=2) (Necro Skills=2) (Sorceress Skills=2) (Barbarian Skills=2) (Druid Skills=2) (Assasin Skills=2)
!!May 30 2003 20:35:31 Windforce (Unique Hydra Bow)
May 30 2003 20:39:54 Lizard's Grand Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=4) (Mana=18)



May 31, 2003
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May 31 2003 06:09:42 Hellmouth (Unique War Gauntlets)
May 31 2003 05:48:55 Arkaine's Valor (Unique Balrog Skin)
May 31 2003 05:25:49 Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer (Set Cryptic Sword)
May 31 2003 05:11:50 Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Set Lacquered Plate)
May 31 2003 01:57:10 Windforce (Unique Hydra Bow)
May 31 2003 00:48:22 Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Set Colossus Blade)
May 30 2003 11:24:39 Trang-Oul's Shield (Set Cantor Trophy)
May 29 2003 23:16:29 Natalya's Mark (Set Scissors Suwayyah)

yeah =)


May 29, 2003
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May 30 2003 07:36:15 Jewel May 29 2003 08:09:10 Jewel May 29 2003 00:54:40 Nosferatu's Coil (Unique Vampirefang Belt)
May 29 2003 00:02:09 Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer (Set Cryptic Sword)
May 28 2003 23:52:19 Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Set Lacquered Plate)
May 28 2003 23:32:41 Natalya's Mark (Set Scissors Suwayyah)
May 28 2003 19:04:44 Thundergod's Vigor (Unique War Belt)

The stuff is good, but i got the mest stuff within like 2 hours, and i've run it for a night and a day after that and havent found anything... execpt for jewels. Is it just luck??

AND should I use my occy and liddless and kill pindle about 10-20 seconds faster, or use gull dagger and rhyme for more mf? Right now I've been using occy and liddless.
May 31, 2003
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I am setting up a sorc to do pingle runs and I was wondering if you could tell me what I should put my skills into

At lvl 80 would be great.

Also if anyone could help me with rushing my char that would be great also.

Just trying to get some help out in this lonely server.



May 20, 2003
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May 31 2003 07:08:43 Hellslayer (Unique Decapitator)
May 31 2003 06:17:49 Ruby Jewel of Lightning--Stats: (Enhanced Damage=37) (Min Lightning Damage=1) (Max Lightning Damage=32)
May 31 2003 05:51:44 Harlequin Crest (Unique Shako)
May 30 2003 07:29:31 Small Charm of Balance--Stats: (Faster Hit Recovery=5)
May 29 2003 15:38:47 Sparking Grand Charm--Stats: (Plus Skill Tree=36)
May 29 2003 15:33:20 Crimson Small Charm of Vita--Stats: (Life=17) (Fire Resistance=5)
May 29 2003 15:30:44 Jewel May 29 2003 12:07:58 Fine Small Charm--Stats: (Attack Rating=13) (1-handed Max Damage=3) (2-handed Max Damage=3) (Base Max Throw Damage=3)
May 24 2003 07:55:26 String of Ears (Unique Demonhide Sash)
May 24 2003 06:28:45 Ist Rune
May 24 2003 06:22:54 Jewel May 21 2003 16:51:44 Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Unique Greater Talons)
May 21 2003 16:40:01 Jewel


May 19, 2003
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Run Logs for Sovange


Found Item Logs for Sovange

Jun 01 2003 11:51:32 Amulet Jun 01 2003 10:34:23 Amulet Jun 01 2003 09:32:38 Amulet Jun 01 2003 08:18:14 Blade of Ali Baba (Unique Tulwar)
Jun 01 2003 07:36:29 Chance Guards (Unique Chain Gloves)
Jun 01 2003 06:30:03 Amulet Jun 01 2003 03:57:47 Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Set Lacquered Plate)
Jun 01 2003 02:22:10 Amulet Jun 01 2003 00:43:20 M'avina's True Sight (Set Diadem)
May 31 2003 22:46:24 Chance Guards (Unique Chain Gloves)
May 31 2003 16:34:55 Lightsabre (Unique Phase Blade)
May 31 2003 13:21:33 Amulet May 31 2003 12:39:42 Ring May 31 2003 12:28:23 Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Set Colossus Blade)
May 31 2003 12:00:54 Amulet May 30 2003 19:50:54 M'avina's True Sight (Set Diadem)
May 30 2003 19:23:30 Blade of Ali Baba (Unique Tulwar)
May 30 2003 18:59:13 Ring May 30 2003 18:47:27 Amulet May 30 2003 14:17:13 Rune
May 30 2003 12:21:34 Titan's Revenge (Unique Ceremonial Javelin)

This is with 421% mffind so i think i gonne stay with 150% because then i found good stuff :/


May 31, 2003
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Jun 03 2003 17:35:39 Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Unique Greater Talons)
Jun 03 2003 16:47:23 Eaglehorn (Unique Crusader Bow)
Jun 03 2003 15:47:51 Thundergod's Vigor (Unique War Belt)
Jun 02 2003 09:48:29 Valkyrie Wing (Unique Winged Helm)
Jun 02 2003 06:41:34 [ms]Kleiner Zauber der Trägheit--Stats: (Increased Run/Walk Speed=5)
Jun 02 2003 04:37:20 Harlequin Crest (Unique Shako)
Jun 01 2003 21:26:18 [ms]Kleiner Zauber des großen Glücks--Stats: (%Magic Find=6)
Jun 01 2003 21:09:46 [ms]Kleiner Zauber der Vita--Stats: (Life=20)
Jun 01 2003 15:32:20 Buriza-Do Kyanon (Unique Ballista)
May 31, 2003
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Nothing good dropped so far but I did get a Glads bane armor and some other crap.

Only about 1k runs

When does the good stuff start rolling in guys>??
I have about 450 mf!

Reply when ya can

Jun 4, 2003
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Here is my first day nothing good eccept the titans

Jun 03 2003 10:03:48 Rugged Small Charm of Frost--Stats: (Stamina=14) (Min Cold Damage=1) (Max Cold Damage=2) (Cold Duration[25=second]=25)
Jun 03 2003 10:03:50 Grand Charm of Greed--Stats: (%Gold Find=22)
Jun 03 2003 10:18:38 Grand Charm of Venom--Stats: (Min Poison Damage=15) (Max Poison Damage=15) (Poison Duration[25=second]=100)
Jun 03 2003 10:39:28 Fiery Small Charm--Stats: (Min Fire Damage=1) (Max Fire Damage=2)
Jun 03 2003 10:48:26 Stormchaser (Unique Scutum)
Jun 03 2003 10:49:30 Large Charm of Craftmanship--Stats: (1-handed Max Damage=1) (2-handed Max Damage=1) (Base Max Throw Damage=1)
Jun 03 2003 11:01:04 Peasant Crown (Unique War Hat)
Jun 03 2003 11:13:01 Skin of the Vipermagi (Unique Serpentskin Armor)
Jun 03 2003 11:13:35 Burly Large Charm of Inertia--Stats: (Base Armor Class=26) (Increased Run/Walk Speed=5)
Jun 03 2003 11:14:01 Kuko Shakaku (Unique Cedar Bow)
Jun 03 2003 11:14:30 Small Charm of Lightning--Stats: (Min Lightning Damage=1) (Max Lightning Damage=9)
Jun 03 2003 11:22:30 Bloodtree Stump (Unique War Club)
Jun 03 2003 11:22:30 Razortail (Unique Sharkskin Belt)
Jun 03 2003 11:35:15 The Fetid Sprinkler (Unique Holy Water Sprinkler)
Jun 03 2003 11:45:19 Hwanin's Refuge (Set Tigulated Mail)
Jun 03 2003 11:51:20 Carin Shard (Unique Petrified Wand)
!!Jun 03 2003 11:59:44 Ring Dwarf Star Ring--Stats: (Life=40) (Stamina=40) (%Stamina Recovery=15) (Magic Damage Reduction=15) (%Gold Find=100) (%Fire Absorb=15)
Jun 03 2003 12:02:14 Stout Large Charm--Stats: (Base Armor Class=2)
Jun 03 2003 12:06:30 Butcher's Pupil (Unique Cleaver)
Jun 03 2003 13:36:31 Small Charm of Strength--Stats: (Strength=1)
Jun 03 2003 18:34:12 Spineripper (Unique Poignard)
Jun 03 2003 19:14:40 Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye (Set Swirling Crystal)
!!Jun 03 2003 19:16:41 Blade of Ali Baba (Unique Tulwar)
Jun 03 2003 19:24:31 Bright Jewel--Stats: (Attack Rating=10) (Light Radiues=1)
Jun 03 2003 20:05:44 Infernostride (Unique Demonhide Boots)
Jun 03 2003 20:31:17 Butcher's Pupil (Unique Cleaver)
Jun 03 2003 20:32:03 Ocher Large Charm of Balance--Stats: (Lightning Resistance=8) (Faster Hit Recovery=8)
Jun 03 2003 21:12:59 Grand Charm of Frost--Stats: (Min Cold Damage=1) (Max Cold Damage=2) (Cold Duration[25=second]=25)
!!Jun 03 2003 21:31:46 Titan's Revenge (Unique Ceremonial Javelin)
Jun 03 2003 21:59:38 Hwanin's Refuge (Set Tigulated Mail)
Jun 03 2003 22:02:41 M'avina's Tenet (Set Sharkskin Belt)

only have 290 something mf tho , didnht put anyhting good on the sorc for fear of the account getting delted and losing the gear

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