Pinacle of The Art

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Nothing special
Oct 15, 2002
Reaction score
Seattle, WA.
*Meanwhile Rebirth starts attacking the rear wall*
Vesquire: AGH! When do they ever end?
*Vesquire shoots an arrow of light through some undead forces then causes a small explosion of light hurling close undead away. He than shoots another light arrow up at an archer tower which part of it almost explodes but the archers up there are part disintegrated by the light.
A sudden barrage of arrows from behind the wall lands exactly where rebirth stands. most of them getting hit by at least one arrow.*
Vesquire: AGH! I think they might be poison tipped!
*Vesquire than lobs an arrow over the wall and a few screams could be heard as other undead start charging rebirth. Rebirth is forced to start backing up the undead are almost overwhelming. Vesquire shoots three arrows into one point making a small hole where he rushes into and does a spin attack with his sabers doing significant damage to the undead around him. He than flies up taking severe wounds from arrows, spears and swords that has been pointed at him when he attacked.*
Vesquire: This almost seems hopeless...
*Vesquire retreats back to Pheonix and fires more arrows at the undead*
Vesquire: I hope the others are doing better then this.
*Vesquire sees an arrow coming towards him and grabs hold of it, he looks surprised but than quickly joins back in the fight. throwing the arrow somewhere but not noticing that the shard if life made it an arrow with an aura of light and it severely hurt an undead.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Toricas steps forward and the darkness disperses. He reaches out his hand and Castus falls to the ground screaming. He then turns and flicks a hand towards May, she flies back, but the Gem does not, it speed forward into Toricas's hand. He looks at it for a moment*

Toricas: So this is what he's been reduced to? You had so much potential.

*He slowly tightens his grip on the Gem and notices May twinge in pain.*

Toricas: So, the link is much deeper than I had anticipated. Maybe this is the reason for resistance. We shall see how the events of today turn out...

*With a wave of his hand a great demonic creature rises from the ground, its nearly as tall as Castus and it holds a flaming swallow. It stands lifeless and almost, empty. Toricas stares at the Gem for a moment before thrusting it into the creatures chest. A bright blue light surrounds the creature and slowly turns a deep red, almost black. It springs to life screaming. May falls curls up on the ground, a terrible pain ripping at her very soul. Castus rushes forward and grabs this demonic abomination, but is thrown to the ground, a large scaled foot on his neck. Try as he might, Castus cannot wrench free. He slowly begins to pass out from lack of air.*

May (through the pain): Stop IT!!!

Toricas: Oh, why should he stop? Its not like there's any love between the two.

Ryu: You have no say on the matter.

Toricas: Don't I? I know that Castus never saw his father while he was alive. I know that he held a deep and profound hate for him since he was five. I know that Trias doesn't know a single thing about Castus.

*The demonic Trias lifts Castus off the ground and throws his limp body at Yemeth and Abaden, pinning them to the ground. He summons forth a small HellBall and hurls it at Aphra. Ryu jumps in the way and takes the majority of the hit. Toricas watches as his creation wreaks havoc on those he once held dear. D.T. rushes forward and grabs Ryu and slowly begins crushing him with his sheer strength. While trying to crush him, D.T. starts kneeing him in the face, soon Ryu is left with a broken jaw, arm, and nose.*

Toricas: Stop. He's had enough for now. Tell me, how do you think you will fare in this battle? Your commander is down, as well as your heavy hitter and support. All you have left is a useless mage, a single Cleric, and a Dragonoid...You may begin again...

*D.T. Lunges at Ryu and continues beating the crap out of him. May tries to stand up to stop him some how, but the pain is overwhelming. Yemeth and Abeden meanwhile, are trying to push Castus off of them in vain.*


*Vesquire fires an arrow at a giant skeleton running him at full speed and sends it flying into a group of skeleton archers behind it, destroying them all. Outside the wall Sirus is decimating the undead forces, but taking heavy damage at the same time. Jans flies up and stands upon the wall. He holds up his shield, and with a visible pulse, a wave of sonic energies rush forth, shattering the bones of skeletons throughout the battlefield. He jumps back down to where Burn lays injured. He is still swinging his weapon, but cannot wield it effectively whilst laying down. Ashes stands by him and guards Crack while he attempts to break the castle walls. A single human warrior walks around the far side of the castle. He just enters viewing range as an arrow pierces his head and sticks out, halfway in. The soldier makes no motion to remove it, he simply continues forward towards Pheonix. As he reaches them all the undead turn and flee. Ashes turns to him and brings a huge hammer down upon his head. The instant it hits it shatters, sending stone fragments everywhere. several fragments pierce Vesquire in the arm and Jans's wings are riddles with fragments, making flight a bad idea, lest he want to feel pain and risk falling from the sky. The warrior stands at the ready, ready to attack any who approach him.*

Warrior: Fight me! Any of you!

*Jans walks forward to battle the warrior. He takes on an ancient Guardian fighting stance and prepares for the attack, The warrior lunges at Jans with no weapons whatsoever and begin punching and kicking him. Ever blow landed is only a minor one, but Jans cannot seem to so much as knick the warrior. The warrior grabs Jans by the head and tries to snap his neck, but Jans twists out of it. Anticipating this move the warrior kicks Jans square in the chest and sends him stumbling backwards.*

Jans: What the hell are you?

Warrior: I am human, that is all.

Jans: Why the hell can't I hurt you?

Warrior: Did you check your weapons, maybe they aren't sharp or something.

*Jans slices straight through the wall.*

Jans: I think not.

Warrior: I guess you just aren't that good at fighting *trails off into laughter*

*He rushes at Jans and elbow's him in the face, sending him to the ground, passed out in a heap. Vesquire turns to attack but is sent spinning to the ground by a roundhouse kick*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Aphra: Brother!

D.T. actually seems to stop at that. Toricas flashes anger, but D.T. continues shortly. Ryu feels his shard react to Aphra, and his wings take an angelic glow, one that they had never taken before. Ryu feels his wounds wash away as he takes flight above D.T., coughing out a bit of blood.

Ryu: *to self* I can't let them get hurt because of me... *aloud* Aphra!
Aphra: Right. Though I was hoping not to use this.

Aphra casts what appears to be a sanctuary spell, but even Toricas takes a moment to look at it. Aphra's shard is glowing brighter than it ever has, and it is obviously affecting this sanctuary spell beyond what Toricas had expected. He simply smirks as he nods at D.T. to continue his "torture" on Ryu. Ryu, however, begins flying around the room at an incomprehendible speed. D.T. has trouble just locking onto him for a second while Ryu slows, purposefully, to have D.T. waste a spell and energy attacking.

Aphra: *thought* Brother? What's this?
Ryu: *psionically to Aphra* Don't worry. I have a plan, and I don't want to kill Trias. He's still there, LOOK!

The last part, "LOOK!" was heard by all his allies. May looks through her pain at Trias. Castus, though barely concious and unable to move, looks to Trias. Aphra looks through her spell to Trias. Abaden and Yemmeth look over Castus, still unable to move his body, to see Trias. Well, they don't see Trias, but the dark perversion that was created upon the thrust of May's gem into the body of the abomination. Through Dark Trias, a bright light is glowing.

Ryu: *psioncally to SaS* I can't use my Lighhawk Wings or Darkhawk Wings against him... *aloud* But I do have an idea! Toricas! Your perversions will end!
Toricas: How do you think that?
Ryu: Oh... I have my ways.

Ryu roars forward, and everyone's heads jerk back as they believe Ryu's visage to be replaced by that of the holy dragon, Bahamut. With a power, unmatched, Ryu smashes into D.T. Aphra believes she sees that tail, again, whipping and lashing about, causing "damage" to the chaos in the room. Ryu is actually brining order with every attack. As he damages the chaos, Toricas and D.T. seem to feel the pain of the damage Ryu is causing, but it's nothing like a direct attack. Ryu continues to move at a speed too much for D.T. to follow.

Toricas: *thinking* He grows more intruiging with every battle...

Ryu has yet to cast a spell, but he seems confident, none-the-less, that he can retake Trias. He also keeps in psionic contact with the others. Aphra is maintaining her sanctuary spell, which is now starting to be "attacked" by the chaos as Ryu damages it. The sanctuary, however, doesn't appear to waiver in the least. The battle simply...continues.[/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*A laughing is heard as Toricas seems to step through some sort of door. There seems to be no trace of him until Castus is heard yelling something and his weapon hitting the Chaos wall. Ryu turns to see Toricas standing next to Yemeth, Abaden and Castus.*

Toricas: Witness a fraction of my power. I sense a bond with these two, it's almost destiny...

*He reaches down and seemingly puts his hands inside Yemeth and Abaden's heads. They scream out as Castus is thrown off and slams into May. They bulk up to twice their size as huge wings burst from their back. They look almost exactly like D.T., save for a few facial features and D.Y. is covered in horrible scars that glow with a deep red light. Yemeth, Abaden and Toricas stare at Aphra for a moment, then with a burst of light the Sanctuary fades in several points, the sanctuary field around Castus and May fades away. D.Y. and D.A. rush forward and lift the two of the ground. Castus is too weak to fight back, and May can barely see through the pain. Overhead the battle between Ryu and D.T. continues. Castus and May are carried off and soon, D.Y. and D.A. return. They lift off from the ground with lightning speed and smash into Ryu. D.Y. turns a bright blue as a great axehead forms in the air below him. D.T. and D.A. both rush Ryu and eventually pin him to the ground just long enough for D.T. to get off his attack. All eight of the cirlces upon the axehead burst with pure black light of non-elemental energy and slam into Ryu. Ryu is able to withstand much of the attack, but it weakens him severely. At the end he is able to squirm free and get away from the three. Toricas meanwhile, is having a bit of fun with Castus and May. Through the immense pain May can see she and Castus are in a huge laboratory. Disfigured humans, obviously dead, arein tubes and other containers around the room. At the rear of the lab eight men lie in some sort of stasis. Near the front about a dozen huge men stand lifeless, their cold eyes staring at May. By this time Castus has regained full consciousness, and is trying to break free from his chains. No matter how hard he tried, he cannot. Toricas walks around the room carrying potions and other things back and forth. After some time he walks over to the tables where May and Castus are bound. He inspects their wings and does some ethnically questionable things to May, but such is the way of all maniacal bastards. Castus is helpless to naught but watch. May tries to resist, but she eventually gives in. After Toricas is finsihed he walks over to the dozen creatures and places his hand on each one's forehead in turn. Each spring to life and stand at the ready, half watching the door, half watching May and Castus. The pain May is feeling seems to be gradulally increasing as she begins to pass out from the pain. Toricas walks over and slaps her around a bit.*

Toricas: Can't have you taking a nap now, can we? I have much planned for you two.

Castus: You touch her of us once more and i'll rip you limb from limb. If you even think it I'll rip you limb from limb.

Toricas (laughing): Really!?!? And how exactly do you plan on doing that?

Castus: Like this!

*With a flash of green light he slips from his bonds as per a Freedom of Movement spell. He rushes at Toricas and pins him to the ground. With unrivaled speed he picks up Toricas, and slams him into the ground. The ground around where he landed is punched in. The 6 creatures that were watching advance with blinding speed and all tackle Castus at once. Four hold him still while the other two rips the wings from his back. They then bind him back up.*

Castus (coughing up blood): You [baleeted] [del taco], I swear I'll be the last one you see, you heart in my hands.

Toricas: I highly doubt it.

*On the other table May screams out in pain as she begins to glow with a dull red light. Toricas walks over and inspects what is happening*

Toricas: An odd turn of events...


*Rebirth is fighting a stalemate. Vesquire is taking out any remainign undead. The fragments in his arm are making it difficult to fire, but he endures. Jans continually stands up, attempts to fight, and is thrown to the ground once more. Burn's leg opens up and begins minor repairs.*

Hero: I think we had better get inside before this guy kills all of us.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]A message flashes from May to Ryu. He can hear it plain as day, though pain is evident in the transmission of the message. Ryu, at this point, is just keeping a step ahead of the three attacking him. DT, DY, and DA are punching, swining, and stepping with Ryu, attempting to harm him. Ryu dodges, while he attempts to decipher May's message. He may know the archaic it was transmitted in, but he still needs time...

May: *translated to Ryu* Save them! No longer hold back!

Ryu understands the message as a sonic boom, in a sense, is created from the sudden stop Ryu comes too that knocks DT, DY, and DA out of the air, and they fall to the ground -- temporarily paralyzed. Ryu takes the moment to form the Blade of the Seven Lighthawk Wings and the Blade of the Seven Shadowhawk Wings. He looks at both for a moment as DT, DY, and DA begin to regain control. Ryu's golden armor forms as he looks at his swords and pulls them apart, fully spreading his arm span. Ryu then smashes the blades together, merging them in an awesome display of light and energy. The dark abominations are thrown back, and, for a moment, pinned to the wall. Ryu emerges from the light holding the Dragonic Blade of Sunfire, a blade comprised of the fourteen Wings of Lighthawk and Shadowhawk.

Ryu: I only showed the leader of the AW a small, very small fraction of this blades ability. I think I'll step it up a notch for you. You abominations will be a test, of sorts.

The abominations simply grunt and moan, and Ryu knows that's all they can do. He looks at Aphra, who is preparing to extend her sanctuary to Ryu and anyone else who enters the room, as an explosion of epic proportions may be caused.

Ryu: Aphra... Don't bother with extending it over me. It's my energy. Concentrate on finding and protecting May and Castus. Your psionics will allow it!
Aphra: Yes, brother.

Ryu's wings begin to glow with a holy light, again. This time, the abominations begin to feel pain from the ability Ryu's dragonic wings and Shard of Light give him. Ryu hovers in the air, unmoving, unmovable, unwaivering. He stands ready, knowing. He feels power begin to pulsate through him as he prepares his strike, and the abominations begin to aproach. Ryu's wings seem to grow with his power, and they soon trail off in all directions, seemingly unendingly.

Ryu: This is only a fraction... This is only a fraction of my power! I will help the SaS and Rebirth!

Ryu then flies straight at DT, knowing he may be best as the first target. DT barely comprehends Ryu's attack, for the speed of it is beyond what he can follow. DT does manage to dodge, but not before a huge slice of the DBoSf takes it's toll -- taking an arm with it. DT bellows in pain, and Ryu can hear Trias' words of thanks. It is as if harming the abomination has healed a part of Trias.

Ryu: May... Thank you for that information![/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*May physically and mentally feels the attack upon D.T. She screams bloody murder as her eyes begin to bleed. Slowly she covulses and bucks on the table. Blood begins to leak out from her ears.*

May (screaming): RETURN HIM UNTO ME!

*Her skin begins to bubble and it bursts in several places. Meanwhile on the other side of the door D.T. falls to the ground bellowing. His skin begins to bubble and burst as well.*


*Red light explodes forth from May's chest while outside the doors D.T. throws his head back. Blue light bursts forth from his eyes, nose, and mouth. Back in the lab.*

Toricas: NO! I won't let you release him!

*He places his hands upon her forehead and forces the torments back into D.T. As he does the table below May implodes beneath her as she rises to her feet, blood covering every part of her body. She walks forward towards Toricas and places her hands upon his temples. The Creatures attmpt to rip her off, but her grip os too strong, bonded to this man's "soul." A deep red glow begins to run through May as Toricas begins screaming in pain. Outside the lab, D.T. implodes upon himself, leaving only the soul of Trias. He looks in ver bad shape, and is missing an arm. He looks at it for a moment in disbelief, and remembers something. He can't have his arm cut off. With a dim glow his arm reappears.*

Trias (coughs up a silvery transparent liquid): God dammit. Did you have to hit so hard? *he notices the other two* Oh shit...


*Jans persists attacking the warrior to no avail, until a piercing scream fills the valley. At this moment Jans connects his sword with the warrior's arm, and cutsit clean off. Before he can attack again the warrior tackles him to the ground. The next swing Jans makes has no effect.*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Ryu: *as he and Trias go back to back* Is that all you have to say?
Trias: You never answered my question.
Ryu: All is necessary. I don't fully comprehend the DBoSf's strength yet. I know I'm only using the smallest possible fraction of its and my own strength, but, beyond that, I don't know much.
Trias: That answers the question, perfectly. Now then, how do we deal with them?
Ryu: I suppose the same way we've always dealt with abominations.
Trias: *sighing* I was hoping you wouldn't say that. Can't we just kill them and get this over with?
Ryu: You know as well as I that neither may be slain.
Trias: I'm glad to see you're back to your old self.
Ryu: And I'm glad to see you haven't lost a step of wit.
Trias: You know May is in trouble.
Ryu: You know I'm always a tactician, and one step ahead.
Aphra: I have her!
Trias: Her pain is immense.
Aphra: She's managed to deal quite the blow.
Ryu: Ha! Just like the woman you chose, huh?
Trias: Too bad I couldn't do as I wished.
Ryu: Don't dwell too much on the past.
Trias: *staving an attack* Advice you should take to heart!
Ryu: *staving an attack* Point taken!

Ryu and Trias fight the abominations, DA and DY together. Ryu's DBoSf blazing with an intense light and heat of holy and epic propotions. Trias fighting at a limit once undreamed. The more Trias fights, though, the more May seems to gain in strength, and that aids Aphra in her search and aid of May. Aphra watches the battle, and smiles as the two friends exchange banter and fight perfectly in unisence. She begins to sense Castus with May, and smiles at that.

Aphra: We must all pull together now! The abominations will be purified! The evil will be purged! We will end the war! It is written upon the stars! Martha guides the light of her children!

Ryu hears Aphra begin a prayer with stronger words than he is used to hearing from her, and he smiles at the same time as Trias. Aphra's prowess as a wayward has grown, much to the pleasure of the Patriarch and High Mother of High Deephaven.

Trias: We'll want to find a way out of this soon!
Ryu: With you it was easy... They are a bit...different![/color]


Nothing special
Oct 15, 2002
Reaction score
Seattle, WA.
*Vesquire is still picking off some undead when suddenly the warrior Jans is fighting turns and knocks him into the wall*
Vesquire: Ow...
Jans: Sorry...
*Vesquire's arm is injured severly now so he uses his remaining hand to use one of his sabers. He soon seems to be losing energy and is almost lsoing to single undead. Vesquire is soon losing concentration and getting hit*
Vesquire: AGH!
*The undead swarm Vesquire seeing that he is weak. But the shard of life knocks them all back "killing" them. Vesquire kills one of the undead near him and collapses to his knees and heals himself. He is now eager to fight again*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Ryu: Think it's time for one of those miracles we hear so much about?
Trias: When isn't it when you're around?
Ryu: *sweat drop* Harsh.
Trias: But true.

Ryu and Trias continue to fight, headstrong in the battle. Their banter not taking a single step out of their dance of blades. Both are also formulating a plan as they go about this. The dance seems like one of beauty to Aphra. Ryu and Trias have both gained in skill, and DA and DY can't keep up. They seem to be throwing amatuerish punches, but that is only because of the unisence Ryu and Trias dance with. The holy energies of the two warriors engulf the room, and it is wearing at the abominations.

Ryu: Hmm? May freed you, correct?
Trias: You helped.
Ryu: But she ultimately was the one who did it.
Trias: Right...what's your point?
Ryu: *smirking* A connection! Abaden is connected to Fallen, and Yemeth is connected to Alimorel!
Trias: Call them! I can continue to fight!
Ryu: Aphra! Extend your sanctuary to me, now!
Aphra: Done.

Ryu lands and pulls out Abaden's gift to him, a coin. He recalls the words Abaden and Fallen gave to him upon the acceptance of the coin. He flips it and, as if cued long before, Fallen's hand simply reaches out and catches it. Ryu looks at him, and Fallen smiles.

Fallen: Long time, no see.
Ryu: Sorry to call you so suddenly.
Fallen: It is no bother. *looking around* We are in a strong sanctuary.
Ryu: It is my sisters. But, for now, let us concentrate on other things.
Fallen: *seeing DA* Brother?! What has happened!
Ryu: It is Toricas' fault. Do not worry, I have a plan.
Fallen: And what of Yemmeth?
Ryu: I need Abaden freed first.
Fallen: Okay. What do I do?
Ryu: I'll distract Dark Abaden. I'll try not to severe a limb, but I will have to damage him.
Fallen: I'm fine with that, as long as he is clensed.
Ryu: *smiling* That is where you come in! I need you to concentrate on him. Take his torment! Free his mind from the abomination he has become!
Fallen: That will work?
Ryu: *sighing* I hope so. *looking at Trias who has lost some ground* Stay within the sanctuary!

Ryu flies out before Fallen has a chance to reply. However, he knows now what he must do. He falls to one knee and begins to concentrate on his brother, Abaden. Ryu readies his Dragonic Blade of Sunfire, and Fallen is impressed with the weapon. Ryu brings it, ready to swing once more. He aims at DA, knowing this will be as hard as him as it is painful to Abaden and Fallen.

Ryu: Forgive me...[/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Inside the Lab. May is still holding Toricas's temples in an unrelenting grip. He tries to break her arms to get her off, but finds he cannot move. With a flash of red light both she and Toricas are thrown from the spot where they were. May slams into the table where Castus is bound. The table crashes to the ground as he rips himself free from his bindings. He helps his mother to her feet. When she is standing once again the Gem reappears around her neck.*

May: He is truely free once more. You shall pay for your defilment of my Love.

*Her two longswords flare into existance in her hands. Castus's Flail appears with a rush of wind, flaming with divine fire. He twirls it around and embers fly forth, landing upon the hulking creatures. The embers burn into their skin, leaving horendous scarring upon their lifeless skin. They show no other signs of being injured.*

Toricas: My Apocalypse Walker prototypes know no pain, they simply have no knowledge of it. Granted they are not as fast or intelligent as the other two versions, but they are far stronger. I'd say they could rip the Tarrasque in half by brute strength. Maybe rip adamantium armor from someones body, compress it, and feed it to them.

May: Then we will teach them of pain, suffering, and torment.

*She rushes forward and brings both longswords down upon the closest AWp. The beast falls the the ground in four pieces. Castus also rushes forward and swings his flail. One end connects with the face of a beast, crushing its skull, while the other rips off a good sized portion of another's abdomen. The two continue fighting until 8 of the AWp's mix bodily fluids with one another in a heap upon the floor. Castus has blood streaming down his face from a cut, his wings lay on the ground, still twitching, and May is covered in blood from AWp's. Her hair has become stained with their blood.*

May: You are fighting a losing battle Toricas.

Toricas: Who says I've even begun fighting? *he fades off into laughter*

*While Castus fends off the remaining four AWp's, May retrieves Castus's two pairs of wings. She prepares a Regeneration spell and affixes the wings back onto his back. They make no movement for several minutes, but they slowly begin flapping at a slow pace. The four AWp's tackle Castus and force him to the ground, May is just able to avoid being crushed by the weight of Castus and the AWp's. She's had enough, these creatures return to their eternal rest now. She runs the blade of each longsword against the other and then makes a motion to slice one with the other. Instead of damaging the blades, they merge into one. It is more than a sword, but a state of being, Animus Immoderatus Emplexor. The blade is wreathed in both flame and ice. Running down the length of the blade is the depiction of two lovers embracing, more specifically May and Trias. Set in the hilt is an emblem, the emblem of the family Nusradai, a great spiral with an arrow protruding from the center. She turns to Toricas.*

May: This is for defiling my love. *She swings at the AWp's and two explode* This is for harming my child. *again, same result.* This is for defiling my body. *swings and a wave rushes forward. Toricas's left arm falls to the floor.* This is for the One as Two *swings again, another wave, Toricas falls to the ground, legs missing.* This is for those who should lie dead. *she rushes forward and brings the sword down into his heart.*

Toricas: Well, that was lovely...

*He fades away and clapping is heard in the distance behind May.*

Toricas: My, You don't dissapoint do you? If a mere forgery could do all that, then surely I must have some true power, eh?

*With a wave of his hand the room fills with Bodak. May decimates their ranks with Castus at her side. Soon, none remain.*

Toricas: So, you stood up to the first test, of many.

*He waves his hand once again, spectres form throughout the room. These prove to a bit more worthy, one actually manages to knick May's armor before they are all dead once again.*

Toricas: I could keep this up all night...

*He waves his hand once again and huge Flesh Golems Appear through out the room. The lab seems to expand ******d as they contiunually appear. Soon the Lab is as large as the Boeing 747 manufacturing hangar [bigest building by area, or widthxlength at least]. Flesh golems begin attacking May and Castus. They hold their own for long enough...*


*Trias and Ryu keep D.A. and D.Y. Busy while Fallen concentrates upon his brother. Searching for his mind and his torments. He grips the coin tightly in his hand. Soon he lets out a terrible roar. He has found the torments within his brothers soul.*

Fallen (screaming): I CAN'T TAKE IT!!! ITS OVERWHELMING!!!

*His skin begin to burst as blood streams from his eyes and mouth. He does not stop, D.A. seems to be slowing down, and his skin begins to ripple.*

Fallen (though clentched teeth): I must Endure, for my brother... Ancestors, lend me strength!

*Fallen immediately grows in size and turns a bitch black color, almost lost among the chaos wall. Great horns burst forth from his back and his claws grow to more than 2 feet in length. Even though he is black as the night, his skin can still be seen rippling, bubbling, and bursting open. The black becomes as red once again as blood flows down his sides onto the floor.*


*The battle between Jans and the warrior continues as it has been, Jans attacks, Jans gets his ass handed to him. Whatever force is protecting this warrior is stronger than anything he's ever encountered before. He is determined not to give up. Time and time again he stands, fights, and is knocked down again. He refuses to surrender. In his mind surrender is worse than defeat.*


*Deep within the castle the EBG await SaS's return. Deeper still the King of the Rurikans sits silently upon his throne, watching the happenings all around his castle. He can do naught but laugh at the feeble attempts. Somewhere withing the castle, out of the sights of the King, the Marlin brothers await their chance to take on Ryu and May.*

ooc: damn that was a long post, its like over 6000 characters...


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
OOC: And you didn't return Abaden to us >_<
[color=royal blue]
Ryu sees fallen and knows it is time. He rushes forward, DBoSf ready. He takes a deep and heavy slice at DA, and knows he's hit as he promised when no limb falls. However, there may be a scar on his chest. DA let's out a deafening scream, a groan of true misery. Aphra quickly sheilds the ears of all in the room with a silencing spell upon DA. It only works in lowering the decibal rating of the cry, but it does save everyone's hearing.

Ryu: Fallen! I'm sorry for requesting this of you, but it's time to bring him back!
Fallen: Do not...apologize...! I...I him!

Fallen screams in tomrent in the same way and time as DA. Their screams seem like too much is occuring for them to bear. Ryu and Trias continue to fight the abomination that is DY. They know DA is changing, as they saw him starting to shrink in size. Dark Abaden is shrinking. His demonic look is lessening, as he becomes more as he was. There is one major difference, and that is the scar Ryu had caused in distracting him. Soon, there is no trace of the demonic abomination of Dark Abaden. Abaden sits, broken and beaten. He's bleeding the same as Fallen, and he is not moving. It's apparent that he is alive, and Aphra quickly extends her sanctuary over him.

Ryu: He's back!
Trias: Now we just need to get Yemmeth!
Ryu: Yeah...about that...
Trias: Change of plans?
Ryu: An evolution of plans, actually. It will be harder to find Alimorel!
Trias: Why do I trust you?!
Ryu: Because I'm always a step ahead. Abaden, himself, is connected to Yemmeth.
Fallen: *looking "normal" again* Ah... He will need time to recover!
Abaden: I heard the plan, and I agree. I fear only Yemmeth, himself, can find his love.
Ryu: When you are ready, please start. But heal yourself first!
Abaden: Ah! You know me too well, friend. I'll be ready soon.

Abaden begins to call upon healing spells for himself and Fallen. Aphra's sanctuary keeps them safe from the battle, and Fallen doesn't enjoy being held back. DY seems to have been weakened by the loss of both DT and DA. Ryu and Trias take turns, now, attacking and resting. Though they don't really need the rest. They seem to still be at peek condition. Soon, Abaden stands, fully prepared. He knows Yemmeth's mind so well that he finds it quickly. He doesn't seem to take as much damage from aiding Yemmeth's mind as Fallen did with his. Dark Yemmeth begins to slow, and Ryu smiles.

Ryu: Trias, it's my turn again.
Trias: Oh? But I was just starting to have fun.
Ryu: You should help your love, May. She may well need it.
Trias: I'll go when Yemmeth returns.
Ryu: Hmm? Castus and May can handle themselves. For now...!!

Ryu charges Dark Yemmeth as Trias backs off. Trias crosses his arms and lands to watch the short bout. Dark Yemmeth doesn't want to go without a fight, though the abomination is now fighting the true individual inside it. Yemmeth and Fallen are fighthing Dark Yemmeth, but they need Ryu's distraction. Ryu's DBoSf is that distraction. Ryu aims carefully before he lets a heavy, downward slice across Dark Yemmeth's chest. Yemmeth and Abaden feel it, and Abaden is starting to show some of the same symptoms Fallen did.

Ryu: Now! Dark Yemmeth can't fight back!
Abaden: Yemmeth will return!

Soon the grotesque abomination stops completely. This one doesn't let out the same moan of pain, but it does show pain and torment upon it's face. Soon, the abomination begins to shrink -- the scarring disperse. One major scar remains, and it is the "opposite" swing as the one upon Abaden's chest. Soon Yemmeth is seen, and he lets out a scream as the misery leaves him. Ryu lands on the ground and looks upon both allies.

Ryu: I think it's time we found and aided May...
Yemmeth: *standing* Yes.
Ryu: You heal yourself first![/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*After Yemeth fully heals himself, Yemeth, Abaden, and Fallen look towards the huge doors and nod. All three of them rush at the door as fast as they can and slam into it. It splinters under their attack, but it does not fall. They move back and do it again. This time splinters and wood fragments go flying throughout the Lab. They look around at the Flesh Golems.*

Abaden: Looks like we got some work to do!

*Fallen leaps into the air and begins ripping the flesh Golems apart. [he's in his ultimate form modified by his proximity to a family member] Yemeth and Abaden begin casting offensive spells [my, aren't they offensive] while May and Castus are deep within, pummeling at their own rate.*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Ryu: Aphra, can you keep that sanctuary up?
Aphra: Yes, brother. I may use this as long as I like. It will even travel through your portal.
Ryu: Good to hear.
Trias: *looking to Ryu* Care to dance?
Ryu: The only dance we know!

Abaden, Fallen, and Yemeth watch as Ryu and Trias rush in, weapons still awash in holy energies. They haven't lost a step. They unload their frustration of returning the dead to a false life upon the flesh golems -- their ultimate goal Toricas. Toricas notes thier presence all to soon as Abaden, Fallen, and Yemeth join in battle. Aphra's undead repullsion field is still in effect, and the flesh golems can't even approach her sanctuary, let alone attempt to damage it -- which they can't.

Ryu: Toricas can't let them alone!
Trias: We'll stop him.
Abaden: Oh! I have a few choice words for him!
Yemeth: We'll share them with him, then.
Fallen: Can we cut the banter?!
Ryu and Trias: What would be the fun in that?

Aphra simply watches the fighting abilities of these five. Ryu and Trias, alone, were a treat to watch. Now the dance is of five, with two others across the room. Aphra's actions seem to influence the dance, too, and Toricas begins to feel uneasy. His grip on the EBG's slipping. His anger begins to focus upon Ryu and Trias. Ryu had aided in freeing Trias. They had both aided in freeing Abaden and Yemeth. They both are, now, fighting with a grace unmatched. Toricas can do naught but watch as his Flesh Golems are beaten to pulps and disintegrated with holy energies.

Toricas: *twitching* My...plans...[/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*As Trias seems to evaporate and blaze across the room in a steak of white light, AIE begins to glow with a bright light. May holds it before her, the light alone is enough to strike fear into the hearts of these golems. The blade lengthens to the size of a fullblade, but remains perfectly balanced and light enough for use in one hand. She brings the sword up to her face, holding it in each hand. It begins to ripple as she speaks, matching the soundwaves.*

May: Toricas! Your legions hold no challenge for me anymore! Return them to the deapths of hell! There need not be any further bloodshed this night. Surrender yourself to us, and dispell the enchantments you have woven into the souls of the Elite Black Guard of this castle, and you will not die.

Toricas: Hah! Like I could ever die. Fate hasn't written an end to me yet! I am eternal!

May: No...*with a quick spin, she sends out a wave of energy from AIE, decimating the remaining Flesh Golems.*... You aren't.

*As the wave nears Toricas, he begins to fear for his life, The wave cuts him straight through. Even though he has been mortally wounded, he continues to be the evil bastard he is.*

Toricas (breathing hard): I cannot be beaten by a mere woman! I will NOT be beaten by a bitch!

*He lets out a terrible scream as his body bursts open and a huge reptilian creature slithers out from within.*

Reptillian Toricas.: Once I have killed you, I will follow your soul to the abyss and tear it apart!

*He lunges across the room and drags her to the ground. At the back of the room several small whooshing noises can be heard as eight men rise from a deep sleep and teleport away. Toricas Waves a clawed hand as the Apocalypse Walkers [normal ones] appear throughout the room. He yells at them to attack.*

AW Captain (to Ryu): You have been the only ones to ever defeat us in battle, and for that, we honor you. *All the AW's bow and stand aside* Now, We have outgrown our master. We would help you to destroy his mortal shell, but there is still a bond of sorts between us. We will no longer impede your efforts. *They stand at attention and stare blankly at each other. As Ryu and the others run towards Toricas, he waves his hand and they are thrown back and pinned to the ground, their bodies unwilling to move. May stares into the reptillian eyes before her with a look of pity.*

May: If you will not submit, you will die.

*There is one final flash of light as the reptile grows a white line down his back, and slowly falls to the ground in several dozen pieces. No one notices, but a faint black light rises from the corpse, and blinks out of existance.*

May: He is dead, and without him, the Rurikan Kingdom will soon fall as well.

AWC: I ca...nevermind...

*The remaining AW's teleport away with a flash*


*The fight between Jans and the warrior has taken a turn for the better, much better actually, Jans rushes twords the warrior one last time with his sword, and with this strike, decapitates the warrior.*

Vesquire: What happned?

Jans: I don't know, but he's dead, i'll live with it. Sirus! Open the wall!

*The large Dragon rises above the wall and with a blast of light, the castle wall disintegrates. Waiting on the other side is a small detatchement of EBG.*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=royal blue]Ryu: *getting up* Let's return to the castle.
May: Agreed.

Ryu opens a portal and waits for the others to pass through, first. He looks around and...feels as if something is not quite right. He makes it through the portal and observes at the Elite Black Guard awaiting them.

EBG Commander: Your back for you beating, I see?
Ryu: I doubt it.
Trias: *preparing himself* What are they?
Ryu: Nothing more than human pests, now. Is your sanctuary still up, Aphra?
Aphra: Yes.
Abaden: Time for battle.
Yemeth: Hmm? Sould be fun.
May: What say you? Surrender now? Or shall we battle to your deaths?[/color]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
EBG Commander: Why would we ever want to surrender?
May: This is why. *She rushes forth and brings AIE down through him in a single swipe.* Any other takers?
EBG 2: Uh, no thanks...

*They all turn to run away as May's sword stops glowing and splits down the center in a diagonal fashion. The two parts fade and reappear in each hand, neither are flaming.*


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Before May can give chase The large doors before them are thrust open by a wave of dark energies. On the other side of the door, darkness seems to flow as a fog throughout the room. The fog seems to absorb the light from all around. The only thing that is visible through the for is several red, glowing eyes...*

ooc: theres the handoff!!! And....and....and...!


Nov 29, 2002
Reaction score
The original Sin City LAS VEGAS!
OoC: Well... holy crap. I outdid myself. ^_^

*Slowly the fog clears, revealing the Throne room of the entire Rhurikian empire. The sits on his throne, emancipated and ancient looking, but with a sinister red glow to his eyes and a dark aura that pulses around the room. Three figures stand next to him. The Marlin Brothers flank the King himself, each glowing with an aura that beats a devilish counter-point to the King's own. Darz stands behind William a bit, looming over the King's shoulder with a sardonic grin. A spark of light flashes from the arm of the King's throne, a crystalline hourglass stands near his hand with the sand magically suspended at the top and a small figure seemingly wandering endlessly across a desert in the bottom. (Ryu should recognize Tsukin`asu's form but cannot sense her, more on her prison at the bottom) As the scene plays out for the heroes as the file into the room, a dark shape wriggles across one of the walls, catching May's attention before it disappears.*

King: Welcome heroes, I commend you for making it this deep into my castle.

Giles: But that stops here, your end is now.

*May turns her attention to the figure, or rather, figures that are flickering across the walls. Still paying attention to the conversation.*

Darz: We are the Shadow Guard, the Black Soldiers, the Elite Shrouded in Darkness. And we have called you here to fulfill a purpose in the grand sceme that will determine the outcome of this world.

*Ryu glances at Darz, doubt mixing with the hate in his eyes. Had there been something in that? It almost seemed as if Darz had been chanting or intoning something, not speaking with...*

Ryu: May!

*At Ryu's cry May suddenly realizes what had been nagging her about the room. The black figures burst into abyssal spell script that whirl across the walls and feeds on the dark energy that permeates the room.*

May: It's a trap! The whole room, no, the whole castle is a trap! Ryu get us out of here!

William: Too late dearest, your time is now...

*He turns and finishes the spell*

William: Darkest night and deepest hell, brightest light and highest heaven. Forces of the ying and yang infuse this spell with power beyond the gods and create the tomb in which the forces of destiny shall clash for all of eternity!

*Before anyone can move the world explodes in a riot of color. Not just darkness, not just light, but an array of color so abstract, omnious, ancient, benevolent, fantastic, and unreal that it cannot be described in any language know to man or god. The forces that make up the universe pull apart for a few moments to draw upon the bindings of fate and allow mortals to do the impossible. The hundreds of thousands of soul enslaved by the Rhurikians in their undead armies cry out as their physical bodies are sacrificed in spell that allows men to do the work of gods. Your minds scream and black out, not having been meant to comprehend the enormity of what has been released. The world fades into chaos that penetrates even your unconsious mind, and then there is nothing...*

*May awakens*

*The world has become comprehendable once again, but no more sane. She stands upon a field of purest white, steching in all directions forever. There is no change, just May, and the light. Suddenly, she becomes aware, as if she had never looked directly behind her in all her searching, she just becomes aware of what lies behind. Slowly she turns, only to look upon the darkest of all nights, the blackest eternity, a color so black that no light can seemingly escape it's grasp.*

*But it does anyway*

*May stands in a world of an eternity of black and white. Each side in it's purest form, each obviously straining for what the other has. For in this world you can feel the strain. The white wants everything to be white, it yearns with all it's being to cleanse the black just beyond that line. The black has the same yearning, to envelope all that is white just beyond that line. Yet neither moves, the line seperating the two colors is a beginning and an end. A perfect and flawless division that never moves. For in this place there is nothing but black and white, without one the other may not exist or it may. In this place there is nothing but black and white, or at least that's how is was before.*

*William stands directly opposite May, in the same position in the black zone. He grins... and raise his hands with a barrage of needles at ready.*

The game is winner take all, shall we dance dearest?

*Ryu awakens*

*A cool breeze blows gently across his face as the dragonoid stands atop what seems like the highest mountain in existance. Yet he can see perfectly in all directions and breath easily. No pollution, haze, or even cloud would ever mar this place. For Ryu knew this place, knew it in his very soul. This place was so beatiful it could hurt the eyes, yet it didn't. So vast that he knew that if he entered flew into the mountains they would never end, and yet the entire range seemed less than a few miles long. He knew for a fact, that if he flew across the endless sea of green grass waving gently in the winds on the rolling hills that surrounded the mountains that he could fly forever without a change in scenery, and yet arrive back at the mountains in a few minutes.*

*He knew he was not alone*

*He didn't need to see the large man standing directly across from him on a similar mountain peak to know he was there. He didn't need to see the man's distinctive features and massive weapon to know that it was Giles. He didn't need a past experience with this man to realize that something lurked below that fragile body that could cut through adamantium in a single stroke. He didn't need to know the rules of this place to know that this was a duel to the end, these two being would fight until one lost, and that one would be the victor.*

*This place was built for them, built for their kind, built for the battle that has been fought endlessly since the beginning of time and yet would only begin in the here and now. This was home, this was not. This was the end, but also not.*

Welcome Ryu, to the homeland. Prepare yourself for a battle of the likes you have never experienced before!

*With a roar Giles explodes off his peak, massive wings and sword to match tear through the air in violent fury as the gigantic man rushes towards Ryu with lethal force.*

<The hourglass that holds Tsukin`asu is a variant of the Glass of Entombing Differences are as follows. None of the communication time has been used, if the sand fills the glass from the use of that time the person inside dies, there is no owner of the glass so anyone can communicate with it but the person inside will not be released when the brothers or the King dies. If you break the glass or try to remove the person by magical means the person inside is freed but their mind is destroyed and they lose 4d6 Con and Dex permenantly.>

OoC2: Wow, I'm saving a copy of this. I'll now pass the ball to BAMtheDOC who will be writting his own playground for Darz and Tiamat (If he wishes) to deal with the rest of the PCs/NPCs/Minions. The planes that the other four are on will not allow any being no matter how powerful in or out until on side has won and the other has lost their respective battles. This includes Trias in May's gem and certain gods that may be inclined to save their choosen. (glares pointedly at plushie Bahamut and the female dragon god who's name I can never remember) Telepathy is barred too. We're on different planes for Mike's sake.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
OOC: I see Tacitus neglected to mention this... Ryu cannot go anywhere Bahamut, Avian, and Tiamat are not. With this true, they have "installed" a safeguard. That safeguard is that each of the three dragons exist in a unique realm inside Ryu's mind itself. You can say that they may not affect him in any great way -- changing his rules of existance -- , but they can still grant him his Holy Avenger, Lighthawk Wings, and Shawdowhawk Wing abilities as well as the new Dragonic Blade of Sunfire.
[color=royal blue]
Aphra, Castus, Fallen, Abaden, and Yemeth awake to see a realm...unlike their wildest dreams could imagine. They look about to see a realm much like the TYSOn they used to know, well...all except Castus. It is demonic, human, and angelic all at once. A plane with no division, but existing in division. A world without unity, but existing in unity. They are standing, backs to eachother. They then look above them, with a sudden realization. They look to see Darz glaring at them.

Darz: I see you've awakened.
Aphra: Brother!
Castus: *thinking* Brother?!
Aphra: Why have you brought us here?!
Darz: You have grown, sister. Your mind is that of an adolescent elf, and yet you have the body of a full grown woman. Our brother, your half-brother, must have become quite protective in the years we have been seperated.
Yemeth and Abaden: What do you want?!
Darz: An outcome to a conclussion. I wish to see how strong my brother has grown. I wish to see how strong his choice of allies is.'ll note you cannot withdraw your sanctuary or escape it. I wish to test these four.
Castus: You don't get the question!
Darz: Oh! I get it! I will only answer as I wish.
Yemeth and Abaden: To arms!

Yemeth and Abaden charge at the dragonoid who shares the same bloodline as Ryu, and who has the same mother as Aphra. They have faced him before, but then they had Ryu. Then Darz was not at the same level as he is now. Darz shakes his head in disappointment as seven blades of utter darkness appear before him. They merge into one, forming the Seven Wings of the Darkhawk Blade. One swoop of the blade send both falling straight to the ground. They arch their backs in pain as they hit the ground. Aphra tries to move forward, but her sanctuary acts as a double edged sword. She cannot move from where she is. With that true, she can only use rudementary healing spells that can carry over distance. Fallen sits back and waits, observing his opponent.

Darz: I was hoping for more of a challenge.


Ryu feels the attack coming, though he never sees it. Giles is behind him, and he confirmed that in speaking. Ryu notes the fealing in his right hand; his strongest blade still with him. The Dragonic Blade of Sunfire quickly stretches behind him as Ryu flings it over his shoulder in a defensive position. Giles blade hits, and he smiles as the challenge begins. Before Giles can respond, however, Ryu seemingly disappears. Giles feels the presence behind him and reacts accordingly. For the first time since the battle begins, they look into eachother eyes. Ryu's behind his DBoSf, and Giles behind his huge blade. They hear the sound of metal straining, and Giles retreats -- temporarily.

Giles: I'm impressed!
Ryu: *looking at him* Just to warn you, I realize your plan. You wish me separated from all influence.
Giles: I had also thought you couldn't planeswalk.
Ryu: I'm an expert at planeswalking. I'd have thought Darz would tell you. We can move from one point on a plane to another without actually leaving it.

Giles smiles before charging again. When the clash, Giles pays attention to their swords. He knows he heard straining metal, but he saw no sparks. Giles quickly realizes that Ryu's blade isn't composed of any type of material he had ever seen or does he know. It creates no sparks striking upon Giles blade, but Giles sees that his sword indead is creating sparks. Before Giles can observe any further, Ryu disappears again, and Giles senses Ryu behind him again. Ryu had prepared a fireball spell, and it's almost at its mark.[/color]

ooc: added Fallen
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