PIcK My LoTtEry Numbers


Jan 17, 2003
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In the first season finale "Exodus, Part 2" Hurley sees the Numbers engraved on the hatch of the Swan. In the second season episode "Adrift" it was revealed that the Numbers are the code that must be entered into the computer in the Swan every 108 minutes (4+8+15+16+23+42=108). Entering the Numbers resets the countdown timer to 108 minutes. If the operator doesn't push the button in time, the counter flips to a series of hieroglyphs; during this time it's still possible to finish typing in the Numbers, press execute, and return the counter to 108 minutes. The crew in the Swan were supposed to be replaced every 540 days (108 x 5), which means that each crew would enter the Numbers at least 7200 times. In the fourth season episode "Confirmed Dead", a television news anchor reports that although the remains of Oceanic Flight 815 had been found, all 324 passengers and crew had been confirmed dead (108 x 3=324).
I'm so glad I realized that show sucks during the pilot.

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