The matrix IS a deep movie but there are to many points of veiws to discuss.... Its like discussing If god exists, the contreversy will never end
That's true. There are so many points you could argue and so many different ways to interpret everything that it's impossible to cover it all.
When I watch the Matrix, I'm thinking, "Wow, this is kickass," not, "Wow, I can see how that relates to the Bible." But I can respond in such a way if people want to give me something to comment on

Though I don't know much about philosophy....
I dont think you can bring such a deep movie dont into words like that.
Because Neo did not want to die... it wasnt his choice to be killed. It was just the only way that he would be able to save the world.
Whee, I can relate that to the Bible! Jesus didn't want to die, either, but he did because he knew it was the only way he could save the people of the world. In a sense, he was sacrificed for the good of humankind. This is the same with Neo; he is sacrificed so that Agent Smith can be defeated and Zion will be saved. Neither of them
want to be killed, but they go through with it anyway. That can relate to what Galatia said:
The only thing that can beat evil is free will. We all have the power to beat evil. Everything is a matter of choices and life is a series of choices.
They choose to give up their own lives to save the lives of many others.
if someone has any questions that can start a debate or something.... my friend said it has to do with the bible alot to...
like in the first matrix Neo broke into room 303 to get to the phone then smith shot him... jesus rose on the 3rd day (easter). And neo rose from being dead to become the one. It also has alot of biblical terms like... neo, trinity, morpheus, zion.
I hadn't thought of the 3 thing, but it makes sense. The major Biblical symbols that come ot my mind are the names; Neo is the One, Trinity refers to the holy trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, etc. Also, at the end of Revolutions, Neo's position when he dies resembles Jesus' position on the cross.
That's all I can think of right now. I'm curious to see what other people have to say ^_^