Paganism - The Untold Truth


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Aug 2, 2002
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The Swiming Pools
Paganism has been around for a long time like 2 to 3 thousand years. Basically Paganism is a nature based religion so technically all the native american religions are sorrta pagan not that im try to defend it to much so really pagan is not new age it all stone age more like it. I have a friend that is wiccan and we have did some things we did cast a circle for health and i must say i havnt gotten sick seince so i would say it works. also tarot cards are fun and can be accurate if you can read and interpert the cards right. i always knew something was more to that pinicale in jd avatar then ow it looks cool
Dec 14, 2002
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Pagan by definition is anything non-protestant.
~quoth jd-inflames

Therefore, Buddhism would (technically) be considered pagan. I truly believe that there must be some form of higher power, but I have yet to find my spiritual "path", so to speak. I have been leaning towards paganism, mainly due to the fact that I cannot stand the rigid structure of the protestant faiths. At least most pagans truly believe their faith, instead of many of the protestant worshippers who only go to church on tradition and habit.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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Yeah...look in the dictionary, Buddists are by definition Pagans. Pagans aren't all about magick and all of that propaganda, some pantheons are a lot easier to understand, and to follow spiritually.

And Megendo, allow me to clear a few things up for you. I put up my avatar when I first registered in early October and kept it there for the avatar contest. I didn't become Pagan until a week before Samhain...and I have been whining about the avatar contest's ending so that I could change my avatar ever since ;)

And as for me sharing my experience...I know what you are saying, and I have always known that...but it is old and these people need to be opened up to the light. It's not like these events are much of a secret anymore...pagan forums are opening up by the hundreds nowadays and there is nothing here anymore to hide our secrets. Not to mention, that is old experiences for me...I have grown a little stronger and a little wiser since then...these people would definately not understand some of the things I see/experience now.

And you refer to all pagans as tree-huggers...I beg your pardon...nah.
Dec 14, 2002
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As for sharing your experiences, it's a little different these days. Pagans of old had to hide their faith and experiences to avoid persecution and death. These days, people are a little more open, and Inquisitions are a lot less common.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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My Sanctuary
Well...we aren't really more open about it nowadays, but that's only because other people just think we are crazy and don't believe in our beliefs anyway...


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by jd-inflames
these people need to be opened up to the light
That sounded so much like the "Jerry Fallwell Christians" that it's so popular to bash these days. Made me laugh.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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Haha, I suppose it did. Enjoy the laugh for the short while it lasts =\


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Dec 23, 2003
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Ok...... The title is very dramatic for something that many 'believers' can't shut up about. Hell, there are about 3 people in our school that believe in it. Not once has any shown one shed of proof, it's bullshit.

I am going to try pick apart this thread piece by piece.
The pagan religion is one of the oldest religions known to man,
Pagan by definition is anything non-protestant.
That's stupid, why would it's definition be decided by a religion that came after it.
So that means it is every other branch of Christianity but protestant that means that it is buddism, hinduism and everything else. Well if it is anything not protestant then it is obviously the oldest because hinduism is -.-.
I respect some other religions because they can't actually prove it but Panganism can and there is no proof except blatent lies and mindless zombies trying to be unusual and special, while there are of people trying to be unique by going into cults ect, it's pointless.
Wiccans are a pantheon of the Pagan’s path.
What path is that? What are they supposed to do? Abuse there "powers" and "magic" and write about it on a webpage or forums.
remember the first ritual I ever performed, I took my pentagram, put it over incense smoke to symbolize fire, doused it in our version of Holy Water to symbolize water, put grass over it to symbolize earth, I think you can guess what I did for wind…and then for the fifth element, spirit, I did something that I didn’t expect to work. Something most Pagans don’t fool with because it’s known as dark magick, and definitely something that someone new to the craft shouldn’t do, but I bled for it. This is what truly made me believe. I took my knife and cut open my thumb and covered my medallion with blood. To my surprise, I looked down at my thumb to see the wound retract and all that was left was a small scar. Call me crazy, but that did it for me. I put on the necklace and felt the warmth from it immediately, I told it that I wanted power, and that’s exactly what it gave me. I know you don’t understand what I mean when I say power…but hopefully I can answer that with the proper question.
Ok.... you take stuff typically associated with pagansim, a pentagram, some version of holy water that you didn't bother to name, grass and "incense smoke". What the hell is incense smoke? Do you just walk into a shop and ask "can I have some incense smoke please!?".
Do you have a medallion, necklace a pentagram or are they the same thing? Now you've been practising this from 9-10 month which is quite new and you then advise people that are new not to practise "dark magic". Why did you fool with it then? So you could cut yourself and say to a necklace and say "giveeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeee powwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr". What power did you get? The ability to stand on your head and count while talking to someone on the phone? Now you start calling us idiots by saying we don't know what "power" is.
Telling what I’m telling right now to a group of non-believers is really not something that is normally done…but it needed to be.
I hate it when people refer to them as devil worshippers, or satanists. People shouldn't talk, if they don't know what they're even talking about
Wern't the original pagans devil woshippers? Now everyones transformed the image of a witch into a nice ****ing peace loving hippy.
If you think you are going to do well in something then of course you are going to succeed.
Idealism at it's finest.
What I mean by energy, is just this little "something" that you can feel sometimes. You know when you feel strong, you feel this strange heat around you. And when you are scared or tired, that energy just seems to go ahead and you feel cold. It's all about balance really.
What the hell ? It's about balance? So you don't want to feel strong you want to be in the middle? What does being scared have to do with tiredness?
There is also a difference between good and bad energy
Ohhhhh really?
positive and negative if you want to think of it that way. This is what pagans mean when we say that we can see ghosts and demons etc. When we say that we can see such things, those shadows that just don't belong their, those little things with no form that just run across the street. That's what we call the negative energy. They make us really warm, but they also make us sick to our stomachs. It gives us kind of that nervous the feeling when you know something is going to go wrong.
What other way can you think of it? How can you see something without a form? They amek you sick and warm at the same time?
The moon is also a very important part to us, as is Samhein (pronounced "Sowen", what you would call Halloween). When the moon is full, we call that our "Veil". Those negative energies are a lot more hidden to us at this time...and when there is a New Moon (when you can't see the moon), the veil is down and we can see more than usual. Now, last Samhein we had a new moon, so we saw all kinds of weird shit the whole week before. Now in Murray, Kentucky (where I was during Samhein last year), weird stuff happens more often than where I live now, mainly because there are more pagans and other kind of cults...even worse stir bad stuff up. In Murray, they have their infamous Vampire cults, their Werewolf cults (which is NOT pagan just to let you know...they are on the same line as those idiot satanists), well...they like to stir up a bunch of things that they can't really see, nor handle like we could. Like I said before, everyone has the power to do these strange things, they just have to believe in the fact that it's possible. Don't believe everything you hear however, not everything is possible, seeing is believing after all.
loool. How coicendential that when you can see the moon you can see energy better.. and the other way round. What bad stuff do they stir up?
Never, would I EVER, claim to be a Vampire. Those people do nothing more than play a game that they don't understand. That's right, they play off things as a game...when all they are really doing is making a mess of things that they don't really understand nor know anything about.
Right...... You start off by bashing the stereotypical view of pagans and then start saying that all vampires know nothing and they play games. You haven't explained why or how, you just seem to write stuff as facts then leave them unsupported...
When I say draw from people, I mean that I can tap into their "bubble" as some preppy little girls call it, and feel the energy coming off of them. That is a rather difficult concept to explain, not because it's hard for me to word, but because it's hard to word to a group of non-believers. BUT, I can tell you now...what I do IS NOT a game...there are people out there who are older than most of your grandparents who have been beleiving in this stuff since they were children and haven't had anything to make them believe otherwise
These girls are preppy because they call it a bubble? What do you call it mr.hard ass pagan? It isn't a game because games are actually real........
Tarot cards are a very well known key for scrying, or trying to read the past, present, or future. Us pagans use it with each other seriously, and read the non-believers as a gag...sometimes telling what we truly see and baffle the person or just give them a false future and scare the piss out of em
Tarrot cards are completely ambigious in how they are interpretated, they are not magical in anyway shape or form. If they were then they could tell you what timed and play something could happen but the death card could mean you quitting or getting fired from a job, or something like that, they could mean everything and that's why a lot of stupid people are drawn into them.
As for the elements, yeah there are 4 physical, but you always need a 5th to represent the spirit.
Blood is a element?
Well...we aren't really more open about it nowadays, but that's only because other people just think we are crazy and don't believe in our beliefs anyway...
Right........ you are open because you are posting it on a forum, now you give the reason why some of you are more open and say that you really not.


Senior Spammer
Aug 6, 2003
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dude this isnt the asylum, and I believe JD if you don't believe in that kind of stuff just stfu, we don't care what you have to say.



Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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This isn't chit-chat or the void either, my post may not of been pleasent and I know it, but you post purely to discredit mine, you might as well of written "shut the **** up, I don't care what you think". There is no reason why, there is no argument or anything to discuss or question in your post it is just a blantent opinion.
Almost everyone just agrees with him, 2 people haven't, all I did is make a argument, spruce up this thread, add some variety. There is nothing in your post much to do with anything in this thread, it is spam.

On Topic:
Most or all of these neo pagan rituals have nothing to do with there roots, you have classed every single religion however similar or different into one catergory, only one branch of Christianity is not included, why? Oh wait you are wrong, it says here in "One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, especially a worshiper of a polytheistic religion.
One who has no religion.
A non-Christian.
A hedonist.
A Neo-Pagan.

Not Christian, Muslim, or Jewish.
Professing no religion; heathen.
Neo-Pagan. "
Dec 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Jason the Destroyer
These days, people are a little more open...
What I meant was the general public being more open to new things, but I guess I didn't really clarify. ORC-r0x0r-ROC, are you really that close-minded? Blood signifies spirit, because it's coming from your body. It symbolizes your life energy, so to speak. A question for you. Do you know anything about paganism other than what's in this thread? Probably not.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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Nah, I'll take your post to heart. But like a few others, you misinterpreted a lot.

And for your definition, taken from Yes, you will find "heathen" and "those who don't profess a religion" in any dictionary...but that really isn't the definition. Not online, but in my dictionary at home, is where I got the definition I put up earlier. Take my word for it or not.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Originally posted by Jason the Destroyer
As for sharing your experiences, it's a little different these days. Pagans of old had to hide their faith and experiences to avoid persecution and death. These days, people are a little more open, and Inquisitions are a lot less common.
It has nothing to do with persecution, he's talking about flaunting it around like it's some kind of token you need to put over other people's heads because they can't experience anything like it.

I for one don't believe a word of it.
Dec 14, 2002
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Anyone can experience it if they want. They simply have to take the initiative and learn about it. Then follow through. But you have to put all your faith in something like this to actually have it work. It's obvious that jd-inflames is a true believer, or else he wouldn't have even made this thread.


Melodic Murderer
Oct 2, 2003
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I am a believer. But accept it or not Jason, it is something that is impossible to believe to others...and shouldn't be pushed.

Perhaps Christians should learn from that. Their religion is far harder to believe than mine...yet they push it and judge people for not believing even though the bible states that you shouldn't.


Sep 18, 2003
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When one sets their mind to finding something they find it everywhere. Ideas such as spirits and magical powers. They find evidence for it because they are looking for it.

When overheated we often feel a little sick for instance. Shadows make shapes all around us and patterns appear if looked for that are either there just because they're there, or because we embelish the details in our mind a little.

Sometimes our despair makes us see signs that a loved one long gone is still trying ot communicate with us.

Then there is the boogeyman when we are children. That little rush you get when you feel like something is behind you when you are going up the stairs to your room when all the lights are off. those shapes that look like monsters that are the clothes you tossed in that corner in your room.

It all feels so real too, but a lot of the time we trick ourselves, we see things because we expect to see them. We experience things because we expect to experience them. Our expectations make us who we are to a degree.

I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong i'm just saying that we see what we beleive sometimes when it is not there. We enhance what is, and we will do so often unintentionally just because our brains are more powerful than we realize in ways we haven't thought of before.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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That post made more sense than this entire thread. Sooooo well said. Our mind IS a powerfull thing, and sometimes it is so powerful that we can't even control it ourselves.

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