Yea, t'is true. I'm used to play with friends, so I don't go hard on those games.Originally posted by Phoenix2003
That's just it. Nobody uses ghosts or SVs(not for EMP, anyway). If you're turtling and going ghosts(for any purpose) then toss will gain map control and own you. For terran, gas is a limiting factor in tvp. If you're spending gas on tech and ghosts, you have nothing to stop mass goons. As for pvz, like I said, they're too expensive. If they were cheaper, yeah, DAs would be very effective. If you're playing on a $$$$$ map, then obviously this isn't an issue.
Lol, they are all obsessed with Crack. I think I'm going to use them more now that I think about it.Originally posted by Arwhy
Against Zerg, I find Zealots are one of the most useful units all through the game. Its surprising how many Cracklings Zealots can kill. Maybe they should be called Cracklots.