Only in a waitining facility, in an actual prison there are 2 or 3, no windows, the door is solid still the room is 2 on 2 meters, and the food is horrible. Also no heating, and you take a piss in the little hole in on the floor.
... don't you guys need imported food and technologies... etc? Don't we all?Originally posted by Otmorozok
Who gives a shit about humanitarians, we are Russian we run our own country ourselves.
yes yes chinese torture! one drop of water every second to drop on his head. His skull will become so soft, it will crack:luciferOriginally posted by Plumpamania
There are also old Chinese methods of torture, like cuttin the colour out of someone's eyes. Or cutting out one testicle at a time and then the other. Or you could cut off the head of his penis. OR you can put peanut butter on his nuts and let a bear into room heheh.
It kept The USSR around longer that it would have without the coldwar.Originally posted by Snagg
Poverty on the streets? Spending a little too much money on heavy industries and military?
It will take a war to see that. If we are loosing a war then it is the end of our nation's existance, why should we care about lives of our enemies, if our lives are finished?Originally posted by Forged
It kept The USSR around longer that it would have without the coldwar.
Otto it doesn't matter that Russia has nukes, no one is crazy enough to drop any nukes now. We realize it would literally end existance.