On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate George Bush's performance as president?

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate George Bush's performance as president?

  • 1 (worst)

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • 2

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • 3

    Votes: 8 18.2%
  • 4

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • 5

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • 6

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • 7

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • 8

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 9

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10 (best)

    Votes: 2 4.5%

  • Total voters


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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Ah W....where to begin..

I'm not going to harp on the fact that he's a complete dumb****, as I think that's been overplayed in places like the media (ahem). But the guy is just completely incompetent.
He's botched economic policy by giving his rich-**** friends tax breaks on their investments, botched foreign policy by starting a war in a country that is costing us millions each day and consequently alienated us from our economic interests in the region, and what's more? The White House is staffed more frequently by aides, cabinet members, and the presidential dog-walkers than the President and his family themselves!!!

Maybe if we bulldozed that stupid-ass dude ranch in Crawford, TX, maybe we'd actually have a leader in the executive seat of power!


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
I want to hit him or laugh whenever I see his face. It just looks so stupid. Reminds me of the guy on the cover of MAD Magazine.*


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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except the guy on the cover of mad magazine is funny.

W makes me puke.


Aug 27, 2006
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Grudgingly I gave him a 1.

He has exploded the size of government. He wants more power given to him than is allowed by the Constitution. He's giving tax breaks to companies that are moving overseas. He's allowing the sales of advanced technology to China. He's for illegal immigration. He is for the NAFTA super highway. He 's hell bent on starting wars with countries that have done nothing to America.

Shall I continue?


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 5, 2003
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He is certainly responsible for making the graph of national debt vs. time undifferentiable...

Wow, I love how Clinton finally gets it balanced and then next Bush just completly FUBARS it.


Mar 10, 2007
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bush is pathetic, as a person i would give him a 2 as the president of the united ****en states I'll give him a negative 10.

i mean the guy represents our country and he is constantly making himself look like a jackass, plus his facial expressions he looks half retarded or something.

I'm kicking myself for being a bush supporter in the beginning, that was a real bad call for me.

Гражданин СССР

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
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Oh god...where do I begin? Oh yes the number. I gave him a 1 but only cause its lowest possible choice, if it were up to me I would have given him -INF. Alright lets see somewhere between failing to protect US from 9-11, failing to act appropriately after 9-11, failing to catch Osama and planting a time bomb on the economy (that 9 trillion debt that keeps on growing is gonna hit you guys eventually and very, very soon), the guy also managed to start a completely unnecessary war with Iraq, blow the shaky stability in the middle east out of proportion and create more terrorists then US forces could ever kill. My god the congress is finally in the hands of democrats and the republicans are disowning Bush, atleast he could be kept away from ****ing things up even more till next election comes and hopefully a democrat will start fixing things like they always do.


Mar 10, 2007
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couldnt of said it better, really bush is an ass he had no place runing for presidant if he was planing on doing a crap job like this.

Гражданин СССР

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
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Bush is really ineffective, he basically is a puppet. I read a Time's article on Cheney falling out of favor and it opened my eyes a bit on the issue. Apparently Bush is a president just for show, Cheney was the one who sponsored the whole invasion of Iraq thing and Bush being a brainless puppet that he is decided to follow through with his VP's plan. Now Cheney is getting phased out and Condaleeza Rice and her so called hellhole gang is trying to patch things up diplomatically in the middle east to atleast try and better Bush's image in the history books...the thing is with Cheney out of power and Rice making Bush do stuff they might actually end up being succesful in taking
significant steps towards bringing peace to the Middle East.

Гражданин СССР

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
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Hey, B~E, this is me Kuzmich. Hells yeah Im nostalgic, plus thats what my user name means in Russian so I put it up so those of you not blessed with Russian language skills can understand.

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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He is certainly responsible for making the graph of national debt vs. time undifferentiable...

There are a few fundamental problems with that graph. First of all, given the way it has been presented, it seems to equate $1 in 1938 to $1 in 2006 (and even to $1 in 2010, but we'll ignore that part of the graph). This may be a simple error in the way that the graph is labeled; however, I seriously doubt that. Simply put, inflation is a bitch. The $1 you had in 1938 would be worth $13.57 in 2006[1]. That's more than a ten-fold devaluation of the dollar over that period of time. The second problem of the graph you presented is that it gives no context. By context, I'm referring to the relative strength of the economy over the same window of time. To illustrate this point, allow me to construct an analogy. Say that a person at time t=0 has an income of $30,000 per year and is $50,000 in debt, and that same person at time t=5 has an income of $190,000 per year and is $125,000 in debt. Your graph would imply that the person in question at time t=5 is in a worse-off financial situation than he or she was in at at time t=0, which is obviously not the case. Also, the graph seems to be trying to assign blame for debt to particular presidential administrations, and it's a bit more complicated than that.

From your same source:

This graph, on the other hand, shows the same set of data incorporated in your graph, but it also includes a plot of debt as a percentage of GDP vs. time. I think this graph helps put our current situation in perspective a bit better than the one you provided does. Not only that, but it can still be used to make whatever points you may have been trying to make (e.g. debt as a percentage of GDP has noticeably increased since our current president took office).

All of that aside...

I would give our current president a 3.5/10 (rounded up to 4/10), but first I'll define what criteria I'm using in my own personal "1-10 scale."

First of all, I'm not judging the president based on some Utopian, perfect (non-practical) figurehead. Rather, I'm looking at this from a historical context (i.e. I am rating him against past presidents). A lot of people who complain about the state of today's economy or the state of today's leading social issues don't understand where we're at in a historical context. Second of all, I'm not necessarily using a 1=worst, 10=best scale. Although that is how my scale boils down, I believe mine is more specific in the sense I'll be saying 5 is neutral, below 5 is detrimental, and above 5 is positive. "Neutral," "detrimental," and "positive" are not economic- or sociocultural-specific.

As such, my 3.5/10 rating means that I believe our current president has had an overall negative impact on our nation. I also recognize it has been worse in the past, and our current situation isn't too much south of average in general. There are some areas (e.g. foreign relations and a pronounced influence of religion in government) which I consider to have markedly worsened under the current administration, and that is why I assigned a 3.5/10 rating rather than a 4.0/10 or 4.5/10 rating. Given the limitations of the poll (i.e. it is limited to positive, whole number representations), I voted for 4/10 rather than 3/10 because I don't feel that things today are that much worse than average when looked at in a historical context.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Well, there is nothing much we can really do about him. He has to be voted out of power after a 4 year term. But I don't think he will be going back into office this time. Cause Impeachment in the American System is down right near impossible. Unless, the person has commited a terrible act or something along those lines and the government allows it. Hopefully, we can get someone who can have SOME control over this War in Iraq crisis.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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I gave him a 6 for a decent job at home but the conflict in Iraq has been terrible. Mind all of you take some goverment classes... this never was a war for the fact congress never declared it. Farthest you can go is 'state of war'


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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the problem is, if he pulls out of iraq, its like saying "sorry guys i was wrong. i spent a couple of millions of dollars on the project that couldve been used for productive purposes."

in other words - political suicide


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Yea if he were to pull out right now, not only would it be political suicide but also all of our troops would have died for what cause? Millions? I was thinking it was more in the range of billions by now.

Гражданин СССР

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
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Yea if he were to pull out right now, not only would it be political suicide but also all of our troops would have died for what cause? Millions? I was thinking it was more in the range of billions by now.
Good job at home? Illegal wire tapings? The whole shitty mess with the DoJ? Pretty much shitting on your beloved constitution? What has he done right? Nothing, nothing at all....billions? Try 220 billion of tax payers (mine included) dollars that magically vanished on their way to Iraq, and thats not mentioning the billions that do get there, don't vanish but are still wasted. The situation is ridiculous, Bush's political career is already over, or it will be then his clock stopping technique will finally fail and Gonzales gets kicked out of DoJ after which a new guy comes in and investigates the shithole of corruption that Bush and Cheney turned the White House into. Its only a matter of time now. US needs to pull out of Iraq! Why don't you look at what happened to Soviet Union then it spent 10 years in Afghanistan, Soviet Union proved it doesn't matter how many millions mujaheds you kill in the end you're still not going to solve anything, meanwhile US is trillions in debt and still spending hundreds of billions of dollars on Iraq, basically throwing the money away now US is rich no doubt about that but there will come a point then your already declining economy (the dollar is going down even now) will hit the melting point with all your debt and crazy spending. There is no other choice, you must leave Iraq before its too late for you.

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