You're just sad that your candidate didn't win. Obama, like his previous democratic president Clinton, will most likely return us to Record surpluses and bring our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq late in his first term.
The reason why I voted for Barack was because i'm sick of money being shipped to other fucking countries when we have problems here at home.
And why on earth should I vote for McCain (90% bushman)? He supports the same FAILED fiscal and foreign policies that brought us into this mess.
Edit: Even if he is terrible as president that would definitely make us democrats even with the republicans. We had to deal with 8 years of the republicans fucking things up so even if he is a failure we, the democrats, didn't bring about 8 yrs of failed fiscal and foreign policies.
Another overwhelming concern is that what if McCain dies? That means Palin succeeds as President of the United States. And the McCain supporters overlooked Palin, and mostly was level with Senator McCain's policies. But if Palin is somewhat as stupid as she was during some aspects of the campaign (she probably has intelligence - then there is no telling how America is going to work.
Personally, McCain would have won. But I think Palin brought him down.
Personally, as of right now it's hard to say if Obama will be as bad as Bush will. Or if this "change" he has promised America will be significant enough to actually work.
I say, give him at least a chance - say 1 year. And we will see how Obama runs the country. Then, America can decide if he is right for you or not. Assuming he isn't assassinated before then.
In Canada though, we have been pretty ok with Stephen Harper running the country. Considering in the last election, he actually gained seats - and forced the Liberal leader to quit. The party is basically Republican like and had Bush policies, but he hasn't done anything significantly destructive to our country.
It was either that, or vote for an idiotic middle-wing leader, who's policies cost a LOT to maintain, and who can't speak English for squat.
Why Canadian politics matter? Simple, we are your largest exporter of resources. And our relations can have different views with a either a different Prime-Minister, or in your case - a different president. Because before, it was basically Republican-Republican. Now it's Republican-Democratic. (which is the same relation back in 2000-2004).