Obama: the 44th US President


Premium Member
Dec 2, 2002
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San Jose, CA
After getting off work, I headed straight home. My polling place was the nearby fire station, which had been buzzing with eager voters early in the morning. I decided to walk to the station to save myself some gas. As I left the house, I could see others walking to and from the fire station, leisurely talking politics or hastily rushing to beat others to the front of the line. It was the busiest I had seen the street so late at night.

When I reached the station, I was surprised to see how empty it was. I supposed most had voted earlier, as there were plenty of voting stations available when I had arrived. I was given a paper ballot and a pen. I walked to the station, took the ballot out of its sleeve, and looked at the choices for president. I followed the list down to the bottom. When I saw Barack Obama's name there, a huge grin spread across my face.

To me, this whole experience has been stunning. It was my first time voting in a Presidential election, and I was surprised to find myself leaving the fire station, stepping back out into the bitter cold, buttoning up my jacket and walking home, with that big grin on my face the whole way back. I really felt like I was exercising my right as an American citizen, and it felt satisfying. I rewarded myself by treating my girlfriend out to dinner at a local restaurant where we could watch the election coverage on TV. We didn't get a very good seat relative to the television, but I was able to read some of the larger text on the screen. Suddenly, it appeared on the screen: "BREAKING NEWS: Awaiting President Elect Barack Obama." The restaurant roared with cheers, screams, and clinks. The TVs were turned up for Obama's speech, and shortly afterwards, they were drowned out by mesmerizing chants of "Yes we can!" It was a truly incredible experience.

Around 12:30, I had taken my girlfriend back to her parents' house and was on my way home. As I entered the freeway, I turned on the radio to listen to coverage of the results. That was when BBC's host said something I'll never forget: "For the first time in US history, a black man will be elected President of the United States."

Again, a big, stupid grin spread across my face.

I'm not black. I'm not even a registered Democrat. I'm just proud of my country for electing someone like President-elect Barack Obama. The nation is growing up, and I think the rest of the word realizes it. Perhaps, I thought, it is possible for this country, in which I had long since lost faith, to change itself. Perhaps it really is possible for us to turn the country around and earn back the trust and respect of other nations. Perhaps, I thought, Obama is right: there really is hope. For the first time in my life, I really do feel proud to be an American.


Nov 2, 2008
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Cthulu for president, 2012.


Oct 11, 2002
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I had a quiet day at work today, so i spent my five hour shift watching CNN's coverage on the election. Even though i'm not American, i was really happy to see Obama win this election.

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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Seriously. Give me some logical reasons as to why people want Obama as president. None of this "Well we don't want the same we want change!" bullshit, because that shouldn't count. Anyone who voted simply out of bandwaggoning (oh yes, you better believe a large amount of the votes were from this), or because Obama is all about "change" is an idiot.

Anyone with half a brain can see that he clearly isn't ready for this job, and that he's taking a position that's way over his head. I mean shit, when he was announced winner and said his little speech...no where in there did he say anything to the 50million of us that voted against him. No "give me a chance", no "try it and see", nothing. Just said how awesome he was, how he came from nothing (LLLLLLLLLOL yeah right you don't come from nothing and become the president), and how the "people" are the "real change".

Blow it out your ass. At least for the next 4(8?) years I can be as annoying as the anti-bush faggots have been the past 8 years.

"Not my president".

Metal Gear Flash

Oct 26, 2002
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Lone Star State


Seriously. Give me some logical reasons as to why people want Obama as president. None of this "Well we don't want the same we want change!" bullshit, because that shouldn't count. Anyone who voted simply out of bandwaggoning (oh yes, you better believe a large amount of the votes were from this), or because Obama is all about "change" is an idiot.

Anyone with half a brain can see that he clearly isn't ready for this job, and that he's taking a position that's way over his head. I mean shit, when he was announced winner and said his little speech...no where in there did he say anything to the 50million of us that voted against him. No "give me a chance", no "try it and see", nothing. Just said how awesome he was, how he came from nothing (LLLLLLLLLOL yeah right you don't come from nothing and become the president), and how the "people" are the "real change".

Blow it out your ass. At least for the next 4(8?) years I can be as annoying as the anti-bush faggots have been the past 8 years.

"Not my president".
all i can say to you is "ha ha"


Praetoris Maximus
Jun 5, 2003
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Seriously. Give me some logical reasons as to why people want Obama as president. None of this "Well we don't want the same we want change!" bullshit, because that shouldn't count. Anyone who voted simply out of bandwaggoning (oh yes, you better believe a large amount of the votes were from this), or because Obama is all about "change" is an idiot.

Anyone with half a brain can see that he clearly isn't ready for this job, and that he's taking a position that's way over his head. I mean shit, when he was announced winner and said his little speech...no where in there did he say anything to the 50million of us that voted against him. No "give me a chance", no "try it and see", nothing. Just said how awesome he was, how he came from nothing (LLLLLLLLLOL yeah right you don't come from nothing and become the president), and how the "people" are the "real change".

Blow it out your ass. At least for the next 4(8?) years I can be as annoying as the anti-bush faggots have been the past 8 years.

"Not my president".
Maybe because people are sick of a morally and ethically bankrupt party running the country? Maybe because people would rather see someone young and inspirational in charge than yet another old man? As for not mentioning you in his speech (are your feelings hurt?), there's no need for him to pander to the republicans, many of which kneejerk voted for McCain by default because they love their guns, bibles, and white supremacy. Maybe the intelligent half of your country has realized that cutting taxes in the middle of an economic recession, record breaking deficit, and a war that costs billions and billions of dollars per year is not good policy.

I approve of both of their stances on the space program and stem cell research.

McCain supports the Patriot Act (big minus in my opinion). I do approve of his lobby and fair labour positions.

Obama's tax plan won't really affect you unless your income is over 603K/year. Supports gay marriage, abortion, and net neutrality. Has a good vision overall for the health care system. Clearly I disapprove of the Iraq war since we're merely bleeding troops into a fight we'll never win, and Obama has a timeline to get out. Main negative in my book is the reopening of NAFTA.


Battle God
Nov 29, 2004
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Seriously. Give me some logical reasons as to why people want Obama as president. None of this "Well we don't want the same we want change!" bullshit, because that shouldn't count. Anyone who voted simply out of bandwaggoning (oh yes, you better believe a large amount of the votes were from this), or because Obama is all about "change" is an idiot.

Anyone with half a brain can see that he clearly isn't ready for this job, and that he's taking a position that's way over his head. I mean shit, when he was announced winner and said his little speech...no where in there did he say anything to the 50million of us that voted against him. No "give me a chance", no "try it and see", nothing. Just said how awesome he was, how he came from nothing (LLLLLLLLLOL yeah right you don't come from nothing and become the president), and how the "people" are the "real change".

Blow it out your ass. At least for the next 4(8?) years I can be as annoying as the anti-bush faggots have been the past 8 years.

"Not my president".
In over is head?

I don't think Obama is the messiah of American culture, but I think he's a hell of a lot better than Palin.


Former Staff member
Feb 24, 2005
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New york


Seriously. Give me some logical reasons as to why people want Obama as president. None of this "Well we don't want the same we want change!" bullshit, because that shouldn't count. Anyone who voted simply out of bandwaggoning (oh yes, you better believe a large amount of the votes were from this), or because Obama is all about "change" is an idiot.

Anyone with half a brain can see that he clearly isn't ready for this job, and that he's taking a position that's way over his head. I mean shit, when he was announced winner and said his little speech...no where in there did he say anything to the 50million of us that voted against him. No "give me a chance", no "try it and see", nothing. Just said how awesome he was, how he came from nothing (LLLLLLLLLOL yeah right you don't come from nothing and become the president), and how the "people" are the "real change".

Blow it out your ass. At least for the next 4(8?) years I can be as annoying as the anti-bush faggots have been the past 8 years.

"Not my president".
You're just sad that your candidate didn't win. Obama, like his previous democratic president Clinton, will most likely return us to Record surpluses and bring our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq late in his first term.

The reason why I voted for Barack was because i'm sick of money being shipped to other fucking countries when we have problems here at home.

And why on earth should I vote for McCain (90% bushman)? He supports the same FAILED fiscal and foreign policies that brought us into this mess.

Edit: Even if he is terrible as president that would definitely make us democrats even with the republicans. We had to deal with 8 years of the republicans fucking things up so even if he is a failure we, the democrats, didn't bring about 8 yrs of failed fiscal and foreign policies.


Premium Member
Dec 2, 2002
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San Jose, CA
This isn't about getting even. This isn't about one-upping Republicans. To me, I hope it isn't about "pursuing the Democrat agenda," as now is most certainly not the time for liberal economic policies. In fact, I voted against Democrats in Congress with hopes that we can keep the government on an even keel.

The argument "he has no experience" is plain moronic and ignorant, BARNABY JONES. Put it this way: he has already demonstrated his intelligence. He chose Biden, a senator rife with experience, to be his running mate. Similarly, he is going to flood his cabinet with wise, experienced minds. A president never acts without the careful counsel of his advisors. The same would have been said for McCain had he been elected; he would have put into his cabinet those who are economically-savvy to help him out with such issues. It irked me that people thought that someone even as impulsive as McCain would act on any economic policies without consulting the wisest minds in American economics he can come across.

We should all take the partisan veils off our eyes and look at the bigger picture. I voted for Obama because I support many of his policies, but also because I believe he stands for ideas and dreams rather than simply politics. I see him as a true symbol that can stand up for the United States and prove that we are, as a country, competent after all.

I was also hoping for a V for Vendetta reference in his speech.


Oct 11, 2002
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I mean shit, when he was announced winner and said his little speech...no where in there did he say anything to the 50million of us that voted against him. No "give me a chance", no "try it and see", nothing.
Uh, actually he did. He said something along the lines of wanting to be your President too. Did you even watch his speech? LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOL.

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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Uh, actually he did. He said something along the lines of wanting to be your President too. Did you even watch his speech? LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOL.
He said he wanted it. He didn't say give him a chance. He didn't say that he would try to get the non-supporters to support him. Nothing like that. He basically told the 50million people that didn't vote for him to piss off.

Oh, and the best thing to come out of all of this? The next nigger I hear bitching about how the white man is bringing him down, I'm punching in the throat.


Premium Member
Apr 23, 2004
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Mike turned into a whiny bitch, another good thing from this election. Now I have some entertainment here.


I'm glad Obama won, I hope he doesn't get shot as many people keep saying he will.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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Oh, and the best thing to come out of all of this? The next nigger I hear bitching about how the white man is bringing him down, I'm punching in the throat.
please also send them my regards too


Oct 11, 2002
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