Emperor Pan I
Respected Member
what do you mean by you can see the image?
Best I can do is see which image doesn't inflict damage.
Best I can do is see which image doesn't inflict damage.
I do watch it, and 5 attacking at a time can be difficult, i didnt say impossible.Originally posted by NEOxx0
kinda but not really you can watch carefully cause they all attack at different times and just look for the 1 that does damage its simple.
Read the middle of this page if your TC died then he is probiby in a big battle and he gonna die a 2nd time because the enemys army will just wait there.I Usally get FS for rush great for makeing them mad then I get TC and put him in and out of battles alot and go creep crazy with him.TC's worst nightmare would have to be MK with stormbolt.Damm I love TC and MK.Little hit for human players get MK stormbolt there beastmasters,lich kings,far seers,POTM so there can't use there speacials and there just waste mana.Originally posted by KennyMan666
What the... Reincarnation is one of my absolute favourite skills in the game.