Time to go to work kiddies...
Originally posted by Korrok
Where's your boyfriend now, Deathmate...?
1. America THINKS it rules the world. In reality, the world laughs behind its hand at America and its chimpanzee leader.
2. You've never kicked British ass. The British left you alone because it had the rest of its Empire to deal with.
3. German cars are the only cars. Drive one, understand.
4. Europeans gave you everything you have. Who heard of an American inventor?!
5. Only Americans call football "soccer". It seems that everywhere else regards football to be the proper name for that game. Thus that would be the proper definition. The text from the first post still applies.
6. America is not an obsession, its a sad though mildly humourous reality.
7. Sorry, but TEXAN ACCENTS?!?! Pu-leese!
8. Ever heard the one about the American cavalry films? We do all the hard work, America kind of waltzes in and thinks it's saved the day!
OniSyphon: Scotland is a part of Britain, in case you didn't know. And no, we don't run about screaming "OCH AYE THE NOO!!!", wearing kilts and eating haggis. Although it's funny that Americans seem to think so.
"Ahhhh....Yank beating season must be in, I ain't bashed this many yanks in forty seasons..."
1. Hahaha Yeah behind it's hand the world knows that if it were to laugh in our face America would have to enforce her strong pimp hand...monkey jokes...funny brits...
2. Uh yeah right...so that's twice that suddenly the British had to worry about the REST of it's empire...all of a sudden like that...TWICE...suddenly...just like...that...
3. Hahaha German cars...actually the reviews and sales of asian cars have the best statistics...thanks to americans...
4. Um...shut up...now...please...uh...who heard of an American Inventor?...Just shut up now...your making me laugh so hard I can't type...
5. Yeah it just goes to show how powerful we really are to call a sport a name and have all other countries refer to it as American Football instead of giving it a totally new name like we did with soccer...man everyone just loves are culture!
6. Yeah than it's funny that when I watch BBC or other foreign news channels they seem to talk about America an awful lot...maybe it's just a long a string of coincidences...heh yea that it...
7. Um lol you must have obviously never seen the movie "Snatch" that shit was ****ing HILARIOUS...how do you guys talk like that?! And what the hell is "pu-leese" that just sounded gay...
8. Yeah you had Germany by the balls silly of us for thinking we stepped in...and saved you twice...in a row...but it's awfully funny how bad you guys were trying to get us to think that with all that Propaganda sent to America showing us that we should join in your side...good thing we had our own mindz unlike the canucks...
Um Scotland wasn't always part of the United Kindgom...you should atleast know that!...geez What Ireland was always part of it too eh?...*cough* kiltboy
Originally posted by pan_the_man
Football is the only way to call soccer. What kind of name is football for a sport you carry an oval ball in your hands? Simple minded americans, you think ur strong, you wait for the war to be half over than run in and act like you on the whole thing after britain was already kicking ass.
Canada was one of the first to join WWII and americans were to scared to HAHAHA Whos the pussy now?
Yeah Britain was kick ass...boy that's why they were so eager for us to join the war...and Canada and it's band of mounties had won all those battles like...uh...you know the one with the tanks...and the planes...um...what battles did you guys win? But don't worry we're still pussies!
Sigh just because we wern't Britain's bitches...as well as France's...and had our own mind.
Originally posted by TrongaMonga
Usa only entered war when they felt threathned. Same happend in the WWI, I think. They entered the war when the Germans sinked a ship full of passengers. Before that, instead of helping, no, they frekin sold their weapons to help the war effort, and to help having their safes full.
So um...what EXACTLY was Portugal doing?
Originally posted by TrongaMonga
Answer to Deathmate, supporting Korrok:
1. The United States of America (you can't even spell ur country name) rules no country. I would like to see what would happen if U.S. lost all comercial to any other country. You would merely die.
2. You kicked the British ass with, if im not mistaken, the French fellows help. You need help for everything.
3. American cars are mobile cans, they waste too much gas, noisy, and uncomfortable. German cars are great (and japanese too)
4. Europeans are pussies? In case you didn't noticed, you descend from Europeans. And, towards the generations and the mixing of cultures, people tend to fortify their personalitys. Therefore, you aare more pussies than Europeans. And sorry, Korrok, I must disagree with you. the USA did have inventors (Edison, Franklin, the Wright brothas, some more), but as they all were European descendents, I understend ur point 
5. I have never understood why u call foot - ball to something that u almost don't touch the ball (and that is not even a ball) with ur feet.
6. Not obsession. Joking party.
7. Go hear Bush talking. The man seems a cowboy, yehaoo.
8. You are only paying the debt.
1. See we are Americans we have gotten the right to be called that because no one on North or South America has the balls to even try to take that title from us...when you say America you say the United States...
We're too smart to rule another country we can make a profit off of trade with that country and if it ever if had problems we could offer help or withdraw...we learned from Europe's mistakes...we saw the error of Imperialism. I guess we're smarter than Europeans in that area huh?
2. Uh the French, and Spanish joined during the end of the war because they saw it as a way to take away the most powerful colony that one of their enemies had...we did the dirty work...they saw an advantage in pushing hurting Britain and who are we to stop them?
3. Heh that's your opinion...I know when I step into my gas guzzling Cadillac Escalade I want the whole world to remember who's on top...as Tim Allen would say, "ARHH ARHHH ARHHH ARHHHH ARHHHHHH"
4. Actually saying that America over time has had an extremely diverse mix of cultures we would constantly be changing...Europe on the other hand has stayed relatively the same over time...making them super pussies...by your theory of course. Technically Europeans wern't were original man came from so...that would make them everyone the descendants of the people living in that area of Africa...
5. Simply because we can and no one anyone in the world can do anything about it...they'll accept it as best they can...why? Because we're AMERICANS.
6. Don't worry we have sooo many movies about Europeans...such as Austin Powers
7. Uh actually his accent isn't even that strong compared to most people in Texas...apparently you've just been watching too many cartoons and parodies.
8. In that case...when can we get our change?
Originally posted by B)ushid(o
no,no see if the U.S-British forces did a sea invasion into Japan they could of taken U.S-Brit forces out or make us lose thousands and thousands of lives.
LoL that's like saying..."If he had thrown himself onto my knife I woulda won!....cheater

" It's called strategy and tatics...in your world the Germans would have been stopped at France's Maginot Line.
Originally posted by fub33
listen ppl, all of u dont know shit.
really, who are u ppl? scientist? lecturers? politicians? historians?
ya just a bunch of fuken computer geeks who wanna be like Neo (the Matrix) lol
i dont know shit; im just here to piss u ****s off, now especially onisyphon the little bitch feature
Hey fub33 here boy...comere boy! *waves a ball in his hand* you want this boy?...Ready...*tosses the ball off a cliff* go get it, boy go get it!
Originally posted by B)ushid(o
At the time of WWII th Americans still had those crappy Bi-planes, they let their laziness get to them and didn't think of making better technology for aircrafts. Most air force and/or navy thought that the japanese had crappy bi-planes too and in they went with bi-planes. The japanese had planes code-named for the military as the "Zero", "Betty Bomber" etc. The americans got their asses kicked in the phillipines and early Pacific campaigns before the intelligence units went in and found a great shaped Japanese aircraft. They implemented the design into their planes and thy started to win again. If the japanese had a liitle more time ,iinto 1946 maybe, the American militry would have been nearly destroyed because of new rocket jet engine. btw The americans also let go of useful programs Snipes and had to play catch-up.
Informtion in this post was given by from History channel program: Secrets of the Japanese Aircraft of WWII or something like that.
Uh it's called war...if your enemy is beating you are you going to say noooooo I don't want to learn from my mistakes I want him to KICK MY ASS! And if you want to get technical who do you think sparked Japan's little industrial revolution? Yeah the one country who they opened up trade with while Europe was going territory happy...