Greetings, I belive you all know who I am and what my business is regarding this particular thread. I must admit I have been anonymously monitoring this forum posting web site for quite some time now, secretly collect up to date data on unbiased opinions towards my old starcraft games. Although I currently have no means to update Normandy Invasion, nor do I plan to in the future, I find myself unable to sit idly by as I have before. The reason I chose to reveal myself from amongst the shadows has to do with the disturbing messages God Illuvatar posted since two nights ago. I'll get to the point -I don't appreciate having my intellectual property stolen from beneath me. From what I understand a majority of the members of this forum support the encryption programs used to prevent tampering of time consuming work, yet what I find obscene is the fact that some of these people also condone and utilize programs that bypass such protective measures. Such contradictions are inexcusable, regardless of why someone would decide to trespass upon my property. The next time you have a question regarding how to walk-through a part of a game and nobody else seems to know the answer, try e-mailing the creator in a friendly, polite and concise manner instead of breaking into the game to find out yourself.
I would also like to state that the built in manual for the campaign editor was all I required to understand how to trigger on Starcraft and that anyone whom can't comprehend said manual shouldn't try to create mods in the first place because you are wasting your and the players time!
In regards towards how to slow down the Hilltop recapture scenario, simply don't allow computer opponent brown to kill a half million points worth of units. I'm pretty sure I explained that to one of you the last time it was asked. The more units lost to the computer the more they counter-attack and recapture.
As for strategy, I think you are all doing fine -although I wouldn't use air units without at least fifty armor and weapon upgrades. Keep in mind that infantry have an upper limit of 125, not 100 and that combined arms is the most effective way to break the enemies lines of defense.
I don't expect to ever post another reply message, thus do not reply to this post if you expect an answer. I will however, contiue to monitor your activities and read your postings. To my fellow gamers thank you all for your fine comments, or e-mails over the years and to the rest of you, I could care less what you have to say about me or my work. Thats all I have to say for now, happy gaming and God Bless America.
-Sincerely, LTC Robert D. Desmond. aka. Panzer_Kavalier