i think its ok to put your beliefs on the table to be used as knowledge right?
well let me put what i think in here
Some interesting facts
-archeologists found a frozen mamoth that didnt die of freezing in a place that it should have...it had water in its lungs which point to drownding
-large planks of wood found frozen on a peak of the mountain range that noah supposedly had landed on
-geologists say that the flood theory is false because water never could have covered everest...wait a ticker, dont geologists say that the earth is always moving and that back in flood days, the mountain was far diffrent than today? hmmm....
Ill attempt to prove the existance of a God by proving that without him the world should seem absolutly perfect....yet its not...
To prove the existance of God is to prove the existance of Satan/Lucifer/whatever you call the greatest evil in the world. Life is like a scale, there is good and there evil, but isnt it strange that evil is found in humans but not animals?Jesus came as a human, and he was a perfect and righteous person. Where the supposed anti-christ is evil and a trickster. Jesus was the ultimatly good human, AntiChrist is the ultimatly evil human. So Good has an equal bad counterpart. This Good and Evil relationship is found in many things. for example, money. Money is used by good citizens as a way to pay for things and these people arnt taking advantage of it like counterfieit money makers. another example of good and evil is democracy. In one way, its good, in another its bad(look at hitler and mousilini, technically they had democracys, except they beat everyone into voting for them. remember stalin's famous line, it doesnt matter who votes, it matters who counts them.)
So all in all, if there is no God, there is no good nor evil in the world of humans. Animals this doesnt apply because animals dont have something that humans do. that something is a SOUL.
well thats what i have to add, i hope you all actually read it and think about it as possible instead of being lame and shooting down the first thing that comes out.