Hellwolf_36 said:
Yeah but its how company's make money off MMOs anyways. There isn't much you can do about it!
I don't want to do something about it, because I don't need to, I'm into Wc too much right now.
Anyways the hacking on WOW is very spread. There are hundreds of ilegal servers in all the big countries. Recently I've heard that the game it was hacked so badly that it can be played on a computer with no net connection.
In my opinion I think that there are 3 times more people plaiyng wow ilegal then the ones on b.net.
Look at Wc, I think that the situation is just the opposite, everyone buys the game.
Cellar Door said:
So what you're saying, is that you'de pay 150$ firsthand for WoW, but you won't spend the 50$, then 11 months of gameplay to add up to that 150$?
Wow, that makes sense!
I am speaking from the point of view of the game as an entertaining mean, or as an object, because in the end those cd's are objects.
So how would you like to go to a store to buy a mobile phone for example and the saler would say "in order to have this phone u must pay us 200$ and after that 15$ for 11 months, each month (and of course if u don't pay one month u can't use it, or better u can't have it even if u do own it)" what would u think about that?
Also, why 11 months? maybe I want to play for 22 months, maybe I want to become the master of wow. In my opinion this is a issue of common sense.
Like I said before, I agree the aquisitions of legal games and this is the way it should be, but paying monthly fees just to play a game, for me is too much, in the end is just a game man.
Cellar Door said:
No it doesn't. WoW and WC3 had seperate developers and such.
Such what?
I know mostly nothing about wow, but I saw a recent trailer concerning the blood elf race, from wich I understood that they are breaking the aliance ..........and are using evil magic.......because they need magic.......they feel thurst for it.......
Also, the chaos legion returns..........
I'm telling you it is turning into soap opera.
Different developers, but they are peaking at the wc people.