o ya
ill give you my E X A C T steps.
1.Player B makes a game and hides in the corner with two wrings.
2. I get an offer for my Tals Armor.
3.Me(A) and C enter B's game
4. I say offer, and show him the armor. He shows me his 08 ss.
5.i put the item back in my inventory whil player B is waiting next to us for me to drop.
6. I set the item, and drop.
7. He says, Crap osrry, i closed screen.
8.He goes into the trade screen with C.
9, C puts down his item and B presses OK thinking that C sees the item.
10. seconds later "DO YOU WANT THE ****IN SS OR NOT?!"
yes i loaded th3 and d2 hackit and loader and i got it from mewgood and everythin SHOULD be fine...maybe its not. i get no error messages and it all loads correctly...im confused....
maybe somebody can mirror me their configured th3 and d2hackit? even though i think i configured it correctly.....
Im definately doin somethin wrong here
im sad