I was trading in my game as i usually do, and i see people coming in and out, without saying anything or trading. I figure, "Hey, the must be xfering." That's fine with me, I always let people xfer, but this time it was weird i kept seeing this same guy coming in and out, i forget his name though. So i went and checked out some usually xfer places, and at the bottom of the map in Kurast i see about 50-60 shael runes, he could not possibly have just had them all in the first place, he came in and out about 6 times withing about 2-3 minutes. So i dont know what is going on, either he has a new hack, or he is the faster mouse clicker on the planet, cause it would have taken a long time to drop all those runes (why they were all shael, I will never know). Now I don't have a packet sniffer so don't tell me I should have done that, I would have if I could, and I did message him and asked him about it till he squelched me. So, has anyone heard anything about this, cause if there is another dupe out, how long till it goes public and runes become worthless?