New fuqin dupe!!!!! OMFG!!


battle g0d
Apr 1, 2004
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From New York City To Sweden and Sarajevo City!
yo today i duped by accident lol
me n my friend was xfering right, then we lagged like 123078923897897123 fps
n shyt and anything i typed it wouldnt show up on screen, so i kept typing and repeating, so it droped me out of game with some error OVERFLOW_614 sumthing like that i tried to join games i kept failing (TAGGED)
so i changed my ip
and then came back in game, where my friend was *frozen* and stuff on floor was there AND IN My inventoury....
i would really like to know how to make game laggy like that it might be a new dupe Method :D :D :D
and please dont reply that im lying /w *david-pvp and ill show you results :)


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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Correct me if im wrong,but fps has nothing to do with your lag.If you have low fps ,doesnt mean that your lagging(Internet)wise.Just means your video card is straining:)If what happen,really did happen,I dont think fps was a factor,hence when you said "lagged....423424264fps.Now ping is what I think you were talking about,and if you could lag server,you could mabye recreate this dupe,but that puts us at square one.....hey I know what you can do,look up the necro lag dupe,and try that a few times:)


Jul 28, 2003
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Haha dont do the necro lag dupe you will be trying all day.....

Read the necro lag dupe if u wanted to know why u duped.....


battle g0d
Apr 1, 2004
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From New York City To Sweden and Sarajevo City!
lolz but the fps was about 2k n shyt but the other thing whats it called then FPS its something else i think CHOKE or sumthing that was verry high... it had so many numbers...

but look i Removed A Socket From My DC but beffore lagg i droped all the stuff on the floor and wanted to Xfer it and then all the sudden i wasnt able to click SaVE EXIT i was clicking it but it wouldnt let me out.. so i press ALT+F4 and it exits so i try to join the same game it says it dont exist so i type /f l to see where my friend is he was still in the same game that Does not exist.. so i tried creating a new game I FAILED
i did that like 5-6 times i kept failing so i gave up
then like 3 min later after i changed my ip on CABLE MODEM :) :D :D i was able to join games so i joined lol and that all my stuff is back in old spot.... SO i just started screaming DUPE DUPE DUPEE!!! so i told my friend to press alt +f4 and the same shyt happened he kept failing... and at least he joined some other game so he was like yooo I GOT UR STUFF i was like i have my stuff allready then he said oMFG !WE DUPED!@!


Oct 13, 2003
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scouchpaper said:
Correct me if im wrong,but fps has nothing to do with your lag.If you have low fps ,doesnt mean that your lagging(Internet)wise.Just means your video card is straining:)If what happen,really did happen,I dont think fps was a factor,hence when you said "lagged....423424264fps.Now ping is what I think you were talking about,and if you could lag server,you could mabye recreate this dupe,but that puts us at square one.....hey I know what you can do,look up the necro lag dupe,and try that a few times:)
ofcourse fps has to do with lag. lag is when the frames on your screen are damn slow and the game looks like a slide-show.
a high fps rate is better than a smaller one because if your graphic card displays 500 frames in one second(btw:teh avergae human eye can see 60/sec) it will mean your game is running fast. if if it low... like 2fps, then tyhe game lags, and it looks like a slide-show. ping leads to lag because the graphic card doesnt have anything to display since it doesnt know where to display things, because it didnt egt the information yet, because ur ping is too high, hence teh lag.
ping is the number of servers data has to pass through in order to get to its destination, so if ur ping is high, data take slonger to travel, and tadaaa... LAG!

@n topic: the same thing happened to me long ago, sadly, the only thing i duped was a shako, and even sadder, i left the original one in the game when i dropped out and i didnt go get it again. it happened when all of a sudden i got this monster lag, and hwen i typed something it would take 45 seconds to apper on teh screen, and when i would walk around i would get to a black edge (thirteenth floor anyone? :D) of the world.

BTW: whats ur ISP teh-god?


BattleForums Addict
May 27, 2003
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Michigan, US
Actually if fps had anything to do with lag then when you (entos) duped, wouldn't it have been moving like a 45-second slide show? And ping isn't how far a packet has to travel, but how long it takes for a packet to go from BNet to you(miliseconds).


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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Good job entos,but take this for example....I got cable and gforce 5700 le 256 mb card,1 gig ram,and at the rare occations that I lag,my fps never drops,and if it does its for a second.If what he said was infact fps,then it was more in his video card.I agree with you saying that fps is a factor.....but its not a big factor.What im saying is he didnt dupe cause of fps,and I was just clearing up the crude description between ping and fps.So the main thing is it was more "ping" then "fps".Oh yea I was talking about internet lag,not piece of S*** computer lag o_O


Dec 30, 2002
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Entos said:
ofcourse fps has to do with lag. lag is when the frames on your screen are damn slow and the game looks like a slide-show.
Lag is the shortened for latency, which is an English word standing for a delayed event. This delayed event is what is expressed through the ping. Of course there are multiple events but the ping represents the actual latency. There is always some kind of lag, but we call it lag only if it's extreme and notable in game.
Entos said:
a high fps rate is better than a smaller one because if your graphic card displays 500 frames in one second(btw:teh avergae human eye can see 60/sec) it will mean your game is running fast. if if it low... like 2fps, then tyhe game lags, and it looks like a slide-show.
Yes, but this is simple computer lag, you're computer not being able to put up with the amount of data that needs to be processed for the game clientside. And the average human eye doesn't work in FPS, just like it doesn't work in pixels. Movies run at 24 FPS and seem perfectly fluent while the difference between 30 and 50 FPS is notable, it's far more complex than just a certain number.
Entos said:
ping leads to lag because the graphic card doesnt have anything to display since it doesnt know where to display things, because it didnt egt the information yet, because ur ping is too high, hence teh lag.
Wow, you have no idea what you're talking about. If you would have ever created a fairly simple graphical appliation you would know that the computer and graphics card always process as many frames per second as possible. If there's no data it will display the old data as often as possible. With your argumentation you are implying that every piece of data is only displayed once but this is total bullcrap. Graphical lag is rarely ever connected to the network status, it's got to do with the data that has to be processed for the game, graphical and mathematical-wise.
Entos said:
ping is the number of servers data has to pass through in order to get to its destination, so if ur ping is high, data take slonger to travel, and tadaaa... LAG!
Ping is the delay (latency) in milliseconds that data needs from location A (server) to location B (client) and vice versa. It does not have anything to do with the amount or quality of data sent.
Entos said:
and when i would walk around i would get to a black edge (thirteenth floor anyone? :D) of the world.
So you just proved yourself wrong, good job. The game doesn't have the neccessary information but it still displays something at a fairly normal FPS rate, hell, you're even able to walk around though the specific packets aren't even being sent.

Quality post powered by Korittke :-/


Oct 13, 2003
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Entos said:
ping is the number of servers data has to pass through in order to get to its destination, so if ur ping is high, data take slonger to travel, and tadaaa... LAG!
oops, i must have misread that somewhere :/ sry

Korittke said:
Lag is the shortened for latency, which is an English word standing for a delayed event.
yes so if ur fps is low, your frames will be delayed and it will be laggy, cuz of shit computer

Korittke said:
Yes, but this is simple computer lag, you're computer not being able to put up with the amount of data that needs to be processed for the game clientside. And the average human eye doesn't work in FPS, just like it doesn't work in pixels. Movies run at 24 FPS and seem perfectly fluent while the difference between 30 and 50 FPS is notable, it's far more complex than just a certain number.
i meant that a higher fps than 60 will be unotable by the human eye, therefore i said the human eye can see 60fps, not that it works in fps. where do u get the pixels from though, who mentioned pixels?
please dont link in every faintly related piece of information in order to make ur arguments sound juicier.

Entos said:
ping leads to lag because the graphic card doesnt have anything to display since it doesnt know where to display things, because it didnt egt the information yet, because ur ping is too high, hence teh lag.
This was a very incorectly frased sentence (omg spelling?). what i mean is that if ur ping is too high you COMPUTER will not know where the monsters, players, whatever are and therefore ultimately your GRPAHIC CARD wont display the monsters/players in their correct spots/phase but their old ones.

anyways, thx for correcting/pwning me :p

-=@Driphter@=- said:
Actually if fps had anything to do with lag then when you (entos) duped, wouldn't it have been moving like a 45-second slide show? And ping isn't how far a packet has to travel, but how long it takes for a packet to go from BNet to you(miliseconds).
ping was the cause, i didnt say fps was low, i said the text was delayed for 45 seconds since it's displayed once the packets arive


Dec 30, 2002
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Entos said:
i meant that a higher fps than 60 will be unotable by the human eye, therefore i said the human eye can see 60fps
It depends on what you see. For slow games like Diablo II that's correct though.


BattleForums Addict
May 25, 2003
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gimme a freaking break, t3h-g0d was the guy posting the trojan dupe on this forum...and lag dupes arent "fuqin" new. go back to school kid.

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