*New*: Concerning D2JSP


Respected Member
May 19, 2003
Reaction score
We've revised our forum rules and have come to a conclusion:

Talking about the D2JSP Bot itself or asking for support is allowed.

However, you have to follow these 2 rules:

1) You are not allowed to talk about the cracked version of d2jsp. We won't help you install the crack or solve any problems you encounter while registering/cracking the software. This will get you warned (2 points) and your thread will get closed & voided.
Also, as soon as you state in your post that you're using the cracked version of d2jsp, you will be warned (2 points). We STILL DO NOT TOLERATE Warez (cracked/leaked/nullified software)

2) As soon as you give a link (direct or indirect) to a site that provides the cracked version of the program, will get you temp banned for at least 5 days. Best way not to get banned is the following: Dont post any links in d2jsp thread. If you really have to give someone a link to a file that he has to download, give him the direct link! Linking to d2jsp.org of course is allowed.

Thank you very much

~coolmission & oneyedman

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