NE~The best strategy 4 ne v/s humans

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Nov 13, 2002
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im a human player and i just have to say that really humans have the upper hand when it comes to night elves. now this dosent really matter if ur oppenent is a stinky newb but u will have some problems if u r trying to solo a human player. humans have the most hp, and armor in the game(making them hard to kill) what i go (almost every race this works) is building like 5 footiess and 4 rifles in early game for creeping
i generally go pally or MK but somepeople like to go archmage. i dont (but lets not get in to that) anyways u have melee attackers taking damage while the range deal the piercing damage to big guys. to me its halirous when i c a NE player go all huntresses and my knights with inner fire just work them(if they would just be balanced and have archers they would do better)

Late game= 5 priests-upgraded 10
6-7 knights 25
6-8 rifles 20
55 guys-not to bad!
also acourse i forget peasents but most likely u wont need more than 15 peasents at this point( u shouldnt) so u can stay in low upkeep which isnt to bad

acourse if u need more guys - mortars and sorcers for things like slow and poly-watch out for abolish or dispell.

(by the way mortars rip through archers, ghouls, and help against grunts and footies.) just attack ground in the middle of the mass cuase u will hurt them all.

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
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I don't count really count Creeping as part of the actual game, occasionally I will catch the opposing race while creeping and we'll duel it out, in which case I take the hero out first. That's a big chunk of change that they have to pay that they could be using on some other unit.

So what you're saying is, is that you'd rather take your 5 footies and 4 ranged units and your hero over my probably 6 or 7 huntress' and a hero? But if you meant that your footies and riflemen were completely upgraded... and you were creeping, I find that an un-likely scenario, because it takes a lot of time to do all that upgrading.

But if you didn't, I'd still take my matchup over yours. (6-7 hunts not upgraded against 5 footies and 4 riflemen not upgraded). Obviously like I said in other posts before this and in other threads, it does matter what hero you chose to use, and how you manage your units.

Now if you're talking the late game and your priests have inner fire, then chances are, I'm not going to be stuck on my tier one units, I'd definately be a newbie if you had priests with inner fire and I still had only archers and hunts.

By that time I'd have dryads breathing down your neck. Any inner fire that you decided to cast would be negated, and that's my ranged unit as well... replacing the archer. Again, that's a fight you might win, assuming that I have done a lot has to do with how you manage your units.


Nov 13, 2002
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I think your wrong!

i think you are way off when it comes to 5 footies and and 4 riflemen(i would own u if u only had 6-7 huntresses) acourse we would both have more guys later but if it were just that u would be in trouble. footies have 500 or so health and so do riflemen. plus humans have tons of armor. also i would go pally making it really hard to kill my guys. think about it(footies, 2 food, rifles 3 food)

besides riflemen are one of the best counters to huntreses, (most exp. players know that)

just thought i would correct u:)


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
Pray you get the Keeper of the Grove, use your Force of Nature Spell and beat the hell out of him at the start. It always works.


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Nov 20, 2002
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NE VS humans

NE VS humans i say dependso n the map you are playing. i played ths lvl 17 hu player on solo map: plunder isle. he came to my with 4 footies and defend upgraded, with an MK and an archmage. my 6-7 hunts and a lvl3 DH owned them nearly until they started retreating . i was wondering what a noob this lvl 17 dude is, then with my sentinels on the righthand side of the map, i saw about 7 or 8 steam tanks coming down. i was like shit gotta go back so i didnt TP, i ran back and lost my second tree. I got completely pissed off so i upgraded the other tree on the left hand side of the map (left bottom corner) and make some dott with cyclone. Thing is this time he came bnack with about 5 footies, 6 priests and 2 heros, both lvl 3 or so. my dH was lvl 3, i didnt have a second hero due to my tree getting blown up, and i lost all the wells at my original base. i have 6 hunts naerly full hp with a dh with 1 GoH. some money and no buildings. i got owned.

on map frostsabre i played this lvl 12 human player, who went paladin and tried to go straight to arcane sanctum, luckily i found out and hunt rushed.

On maps like legends i found it useful to defend one side and go chims, get about 9 or so Wands of negation for polymorph and own them. Even footies with defend die easily due to the immense damage of the chims 3-3 with lvl3 trueshot.

against a human footie rush, even if you defend it on a little map, they will get you after that. The rush ****s your equilibrium up and you will have little gold left, as you ahevg been pumping out your units. With your tier 1.5 hunts, you can never kill tier 3 knights, so what i mostly do is when i get 1 hunt, i take my hero with me and attack them so they dont rush. and about this time your hunt will be able to hide, and your dh/kotg is fast enough to escape from them unless your micro sux or he has mk with bolt.

Dont give up once your hero dies and never lose faith. once you do that it effects your play and you get slower.

what i can never counter is mass mass casters. a lvl 3 MK with about 6 sorcs and 15 priests against your army of 11 hunts, 2 heroes, 6 dryads and 2 dott means you lose unless you micro like **** and you hasve your moonwells with you. Chims do splash and even slowed with focus fire they can easily wipe out the spellcasters.

what i noticed is taht ballistas to shit loads of damage to heroes, with trueshot as they do 100%. OK so maybe the ballista slows down your army, get a zepplin. they dont even take up any food. when the opponent sees the zepplin he will most likely attack it first, now knowing you only have 2 ballistas on it. remember to press the ballistas instead of manually suggesting a place to drop them. what you do is show them your zepplin, then move it back, drop your balistas, they have enough range to attack, and then micro your zepplin so it distracts them, cycloning the MK helps and he can bolt your zepplin.

another way of countering mass casters is using the sapper. What you do is rejuvinate the sapper, distract the army, send it to the caster line then press B. it does 500 damage to them which is more than any casters' hp i think. about 2 of these and his hero is the only one left standing.

generally dont just pump out hunts, get your hunts and archers in a 1:2 ratio, 4 hunts, 8 archers. The hunts can tank enough for your archers to rip through, and what you do is hide your hunts, get your bear to rejuvinate, when your hunt as 50% life, attack again and continue. Your hero will also be tanking (usually if your hero is dh).

if you get kotg, make the ratio 2:3 or near that. 8 hunts 12 archers and hero. A good way of doing this is making your hero as team0, your hunts as team9 your archers as team8 and tyour bears as team7. never upgrade your bear fully because he wuil be possesed, polymorphed, cycloned, sleeped, etc.

hope this helps.

G Icesis

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Nov 23, 2002
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Sorcs can beat Dryads, Therefore Mass Casters would beat Dryads.

Sorcs lower food cost, cheaper. Can get more.
Sorcs have greater mana then Dryad's, you wouldn't be able to abolish all that slow. Even if you did, your then leaving yourself open for Polymorph. Especially with the AM's mana regeneration.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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Buddy, Dryads have a passive ability where they can't have magic cast on them, therefore slow and poly would affect them making the casters bow to them in a bloody defeat.


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Oct 2, 2002
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if a human has a caster only army, the dryads will win will win easily, but how often is that the case?
Jan 31, 2003
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first of all humans are the cheapest race ever..
they have all the magic that you have to buy in the shops.
they have cheap ass tanks.
they are gay.
they have polymorph.
they are gay.
they have mega buff knights.
they are gay..

but most humans usually make casters which is pathetic.
its easy to counter casters. just make dryads.. it always works for me..


Jan 4, 2003
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nunya buisness
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if you are going to rush you should go huntressess because if u have a good mass hunts rush it will be easy to win and then in a longer games mass bears and dryads and then gochims if you need them


Jan 19, 2003
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My, my my my my.....such a long post, with tons of info...And i agree with every piece of it


Oct 26, 2002
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'twas a joke. I learned all too fast that riflemen sux0rs against most units. And as for beating a human rush. Its real easy.

Hunts attack multiple units, archers do a good amount of damage, moon wells can rej. your hero, and there is always root if the above fails, also DH is good against a human rush because of the immolation against the footman. Wait...this is an older post, i quit! -.-


Feb 18, 2003
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In the freezing wastelands of Northrend
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Dryads/Bears can handle Humans for the most part. Alas for the Human, Footies are not Ghouls, so they can't run past the Bears as easily, and alas for the Human, Bears are not Ghouls, so if they should get Clapped (rarely happens, most Human players go Bolt against NE), they don't turn legs up in 2 castings.

If they absolutely insist on bothering you, go Dryads/Chims. The Chims' high splash damage cannot be ignored by Human casters, which is why they will throw Slow and Poly on you. Which is what the Dryads are for. :lucifer. This also deals with the annoying Rifles/casters strat some Humans used to use. Rifles are good against Dryads, and Rifles/casters is powerful against Hunts (I've played both sides of the story on this one), but Rifles/casters vs Chims/Dryads... Well. Rifles are ok against the Bears though.

On the other hand, most Human players have forgotten the Rifleman even exists, seeing only the Footmen, the casters, and maybe the occasional Gryphon. So don't worry too much. You may actually find it sad to see how easily some players fall apart when their cheesy mass casters suddenly goes down the drain...


Jan 23, 2003
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ok heres my plan, get 3 types of unit, DotT, dryad, and huntress....heres why, DotT can us faire ring, so u give enemy troops -5? to their armor, and then, ur dryads remove any buffs on them, and finally, ur huntresses are more than a match for nearly any enemy with armor rating of 1 (if against a knight) or -3 if against footmen. so basically, ull own!


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
The thing about Riflemen is..... you can't see where they're firing at! Which can be a problem for many. "Who're they hitting?" *DH falls* "F***"
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