im a human player and i just have to say that really humans have the upper hand when it comes to night elves. now this dosent really matter if ur oppenent is a stinky newb but u will have some problems if u r trying to solo a human player. humans have the most hp, and armor in the game(making them hard to kill) what i go (almost every race this works) is building like 5 footiess and 4 rifles in early game for creeping
i generally go pally or MK but somepeople like to go archmage. i dont (but lets not get in to that) anyways u have melee attackers taking damage while the range deal the piercing damage to big guys. to me its halirous when i c a NE player go all huntresses and my knights with inner fire just work them(if they would just be balanced and have archers they would do better)
Late game= 5 priests-upgraded 10
6-7 knights 25
6-8 rifles 20
55 guys-not to bad!
also acourse i forget peasents but most likely u wont need more than 15 peasents at this point( u shouldnt) so u can stay in low upkeep which isnt to bad
acourse if u need more guys - mortars and sorcers for things like slow and poly-watch out for abolish or dispell.
(by the way mortars rip through archers, ghouls, and help against grunts and footies.) just attack ground in the middle of the mass cuase u will hurt them all.
i generally go pally or MK but somepeople like to go archmage. i dont (but lets not get in to that) anyways u have melee attackers taking damage while the range deal the piercing damage to big guys. to me its halirous when i c a NE player go all huntresses and my knights with inner fire just work them(if they would just be balanced and have archers they would do better)
Late game= 5 priests-upgraded 10
6-7 knights 25
6-8 rifles 20
55 guys-not to bad!
also acourse i forget peasents but most likely u wont need more than 15 peasents at this point( u shouldnt) so u can stay in low upkeep which isnt to bad
acourse if u need more guys - mortars and sorcers for things like slow and poly-watch out for abolish or dispell.
(by the way mortars rip through archers, ghouls, and help against grunts and footies.) just attack ground in the middle of the mass cuase u will hurt them all.