Hrmmm. How about:
Bartuc's Chop Chop
Unique Runic Talons
(60-72) To (110-132)
115 Str Required
115 Dex Required
Item Level: 76
(250-300)% Enhanced Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Hit Recovery
(1-3) to Demon Claw (Assassin Only)
(10-15)% Life stolen per hit
Adds 92-180 Lightning Damage
All Resistances +(15-30)
10% Lightning Absorb
Level 10 Demon Heal (20 Charges)
50% Chance of casting lvl 20 Charged Bolt when struck
This may look at first like its kinda high power, but if you look at the other unique claws (the new 1.10 ones) it's right around the same power as them, weaker in some ways (like physical damage).
Demon Claw would have to be one of the new assassin skills, or be a skill unique to this item. (Like someone earlier was saying, how items could when equipped, add new entries to your skill tabs, which you could add real skill points too, but the skill would only be available when an item with that skill was equipped.)
Demon Heal would be a self-healing spell similar to the annoying way the ancients flash that red thing and heal themselves up during combat.
I used a higher level of charged bolt because it has to be high level to have any appreciable effect at all.
Note: There's actually an entry in the internal D2 data files for an item called Bartuc's Chop Chop. I think its a never made/finished/implemented item. That or its just another name for Bartuc's Cut Throat, but I don't think so.