[glow=red]C-1 Elva: Alright people listen up, situaion is critical...
*He is interrupted because a Nagalisk pops out of nothere and attacks him. Everyone is starting to fire. After few seconds Nagalisk is dead.*
C-1 Elva: See what i mean? Now lets move out, you heard the captains orders. But first, Yuri go check that room over there, might be something useful in it. We gonna be watching your back.
C-2 Yuri: Sir yes sir.
*Yuri went into a room, and so what he did not expect, the door looked normal, nothing special but then he entered, he saw a huge room filled with containers normally used for cloning. He looked inside of one them, and saw something that looked like a human and a Nagalisk put together.*
C-2 Yuri(To both leon and elva): Sir, you better take a look at this[/glow]