I'm actually learning about Nam and the Korean war. LOL, America deserves to lose, it's to full of assholes, bitches and ignorant people to win another major war.
What he said

. My version of WW3
Mr.Bush: Say.... why don't we bomb antartica because they have oil.
Advisor: But Mr.president we own antartica
Mr.Bush: I Don't care! They must know our military strenth!
Advisor: This is political suicide I resign.
Mr.Bush: You can't! This is not a free country.
Advisor: Screw you moron!
Mr.Bush: My daddy will get you!
Advisor: Stfu you noob president all the forces are in Iraq anyways.
Mr.Bush: I knew I shouldn't of hired a geek that actually graudated without his daddy's money.
Advisor: Whats 2+2?
Mr.Bush: (pause)... ok I take that back please don't hurt me.
2 Month later at a U.N conference....
Mr.Bush: I came here in person to say YOU SUCK! Except the people who fund the rebuilding of Iraq, wait... I couldn't give a shit about them! I wage war on the WORLD!! mwahahaha
Rest of the U.N: The president fianally came off the ricker... cut all imports to America.
Mr.Bush: We don't like rice and bannas ANWAY!! And most imports come from outside the country!
China: You're a idiot. We have the largest Army in the world mwahahah.
Mr.Bush: Shut up shorty. You have funny eyes LOL!
Britain: We sent Mr.blair on a vacation sooo screw you! We have the best trained troops in the world and it's about time we got revenge for all the friendly fire...
China: My god you're a dumbass we're waging war on you!
Arnold: (Sits on Bush) I told you I'll be back! (gets up and walks away)
Mr.Bush: (Screams like a girl) Stupid people that don't come from America
Canada: Can't we all just get along...
Mr.Bush: shut up goodie two shoes!
Canada: I was going to side with you but you're a idiot so **** you. (whispers to rest of the U.N and starts planning on putting troops into canada)
Osama: Hey sex princess, wanna game because you owe me for taking the blame for 9/11
Bush: Get out of here before they see you.
U.N: Wtf is going on?
Conspiracy freak: I knew that the president had something to do with 9/11 so you could get a foot hold in the middle east..
U.N: Get him outta here! Mr.President you arrogant dick America doesn't stand a chance against the U.N.
Mr.Bush: It don't matter because hippies are gay
Russia: Oh I forgot, we sold you faulty vector thrust engines.
U.N: Sneaky bloody russians....
WW3 Begins...
America: Send f-15's and f-22's!! but the f-22's can't match up to the eurofighter and the suhkoi epecially when they don't have them vector thrust engines now. AND THERE ARE ONLY 12!! We must rely on the f-15's.
Rest of world: Send the rafales, typhoons and the sukhois.
WW2 vetrans: Get in the spitfires and the hurricanes. (They beat the F-22's and f-15s on their own some how)
Advisor: Mr.Bush, that's why we don't shoot all the pilots and replace them with 5 year olds..
Mr.Bush: It's not my fault only kids aren't terrorists.
America: Send the bombers (They were useless as Mr.Bush shot all the tacticians and decided to send the fighter in first)
Mr.Bush: Send all the battle ships with troops and tanks on!!
Advisor: But were trying to invade canada...
Rest of world: Make coastal defences and bomb the ship habours!
Mr.Bush: We lost all the ships now what do we do?
Advisor: Now you leave the country before a Angry mob kills you.
Mr.Bush: It's too late...
Rest of world: Get the helicopters before Bush thinks of deploying them, if he does think...
Bush: We still have one tank devision...
Advisors: Too late the t-90s got at them. Mr president, why did you kill the tank crews.
Mr.Bush: They were traitors!! They went on strike!
Advisor: They wanted 1p more an hour..
Hitler: (come back from the dead) (Slaps bush) "you facist"
Advisor: The Angry mob is here..Ever though of being gay?
Bush: OMfg gays suck! Gay marriage is foked up!
Advisor: We're about to get rampaged by a angry mob
Mr.Bush: Ok then, one quick shag!
America loses, they might've stood a chance without Bush.