Premium Member
And stop adding all this new crap, its getting annoying. 'Nuff said.
Did you enjoy the forums back in January 03? No? You're weren't even here? Because they were a lot better. It's the posters that make up battleforums, not a bunch of new portals, lame new forums, or some new 133t skin.Originally posted by VizjereiMage
How'd I know someone would post something like this?
All they are trying to do is help.
Isn't that flaming? I thought mods new better...but since you don't, let me explain. "Stop making changes" is my suggestion, in the suggestion forum; if you want to flame me for it, go to the ayslum, but while you're in this forum, I'm going to have to ask you to follow the forum rules. Thanks.Stop complaining, asshole.
That's how I liked it. Some changes you can't ignore.A year back, BF is pretty much the same from when it started.
Change is always nice. And if you don't like it you can ignore it. Simple, really