READ THIS MAN, jk... don't....
U know what I think?
) ...ofcourse u don't!
...i think there DEFINETELY should be water units (i can see it now: terran ship-transporter lands by the zerg base and drops m&m
)) ...but then SC engine should be changed a little bit.
Also there should be more interaction with map:
*caves (like bunkers with certain amount of capacity, where u could hide and/or shoot, i dunno).
*walls - good idea, in addition there should be ramps, not those - map ramps, but ones u could actualy build! ...that could be alternative for drop maybe
*if there would be water there should be (oh crap, i dunno this in english, u know, racing ships with huge engines? ye, something like vultures but in water, and it could lay water mines
) how's that?
) also, workers could build bridges
) ...ship-base 
*i wouldn't mind if there would me more different level of heights, not like there is now - 2 or 3, more...
hmm.... what else? oh i know, GRAPHICS!!!
first of all i think the engine should be the same, or mostly the same, cause u know
- water!! . Engine should be similar because lots of ppl use old PC's, for example, my friend bought 3 pcs for 250$ and made LAN, and if i remeber it was 133mhz and 16ram and it SC worked great. now imagine what would happen if SC would use W3 engine - SH*T! that's what would happen...
well maybe it should need more powerfull pC's
but i would say req's shouldnt be higher than 500mhz, 64ram :/
ok, now SC graphics in my dreams:
>>>resolution 600x800 or 1024x768
>>>better effects (well if there is higher res, there would be better graphics anyway
>> ee... hmm... more realistic animations 'n' stuff ... like 5 diffrent death animation for every unit, or even 5 diffrent styles of every same unit, like u build 4 marines and all of em are different a bit, awesom huh?
what else, oh f*ck it's 2am, school tomorow, ok im finioshing, what else? hm......
oh...... races
eeh, i dont have time for this:
more units
maybe more races, but that could break the balance between'em which is very good now....
ok that's it for now , comment me, but dont mind my english, im only 4 months in US....
U know what I think?
...i think there DEFINETELY should be water units (i can see it now: terran ship-transporter lands by the zerg base and drops m&m
Also there should be more interaction with map:
*caves (like bunkers with certain amount of capacity, where u could hide and/or shoot, i dunno).
*walls - good idea, in addition there should be ramps, not those - map ramps, but ones u could actualy build! ...that could be alternative for drop maybe
*if there would be water there should be (oh crap, i dunno this in english, u know, racing ships with huge engines? ye, something like vultures but in water, and it could lay water mines
*i wouldn't mind if there would me more different level of heights, not like there is now - 2 or 3, more...
hmm.... what else? oh i know, GRAPHICS!!!
first of all i think the engine should be the same, or mostly the same, cause u know
well maybe it should need more powerfull pC's
ok, now SC graphics in my dreams:
>>>resolution 600x800 or 1024x768
>>>better effects (well if there is higher res, there would be better graphics anyway
>> ee... hmm... more realistic animations 'n' stuff ... like 5 diffrent death animation for every unit, or even 5 diffrent styles of every same unit, like u build 4 marines and all of em are different a bit, awesom huh?
what else, oh f*ck it's 2am, school tomorow, ok im finioshing, what else? hm......
oh...... races
eeh, i dont have time for this:
more units
maybe more races, but that could break the balance between'em which is very good now....
ok that's it for now , comment me, but dont mind my english, im only 4 months in US....