My country is dying

Bob Marley

The African Herbsman
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
A Place Where People Cry Less.
that really sucks =/. This isnt only russia either though. people everywhere really need to get their priorities straight. especially america, this country is really going to shit if you want my opinion.


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
Where is an answer made to the original video in the same style. Its a message to the politicians:

YouTube - ???? ??? ?? ??????????? ????? ? ???? ????????

"Dear servant of the people, you could have made your country Great, could have helped people, now its the time to take responsibility. Is it your time?"

"Your nation is degenerating. Science, Industry, Education, destroyed...."

"...all because you profit from it."

" your example you showed us how to live and eat, without thinking about the Motherland. Everything that will remain after you, a robbed, sold out nation. Are you fucking kidding us? Your children also live here. You think you will be able to protect them? No!"

"You think that someone else is responsible for the future? You think that the country will rise in spite of what you have done? But of those like you there is a legion. And that is scary. Because now, at the edge of collapse, you are shifting blame on someone else."

"Telling people that they are consumers, they are batteries. Wasn't it you who made them this way? Intellect, Honor, Love, Respect, why do the young people not value this? Because it isn't worth anything to you. You already took away their dreams, they have no future and neither do you. Because you don't care that the country is dying, your country."

"YOU made lumberjacks and coalminers out of us. At the first opportunity YOU will allow the country to be torn apart. And there will be no more Great Discoveries, Great Victories, Great Culture, there will be nothing."

"Thats your 'Year of the Youth', with no future, no choice, no help, no hope."

"Those whom you have no idea about are learning, creating, showing respect to their fathers, are helping their friends and making a world a better place. In spite of you. Find them, help them, finally start serving your country."

"And you, 'simple people', you allowed them to get this way, to use you, to steal from you, to profit from your alcoholism, to disrespect you, to break the souls of your children. Start respecting yourself, learn to respect the law, create something that has meaning. Start, TODAY."

"Or are you really just batteries?"

"P.S.: Among the politicians there are PEOPLE (opposed to animals), with whom you can and should work. Look for them."

And thats that, both have their valid points in my opinion.

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