my apm is around 41-47. is that good or bad?
Indeed...Originally posted by NeverGoingBack
well actually apm does play a huge factor for gosus and should everybody usually the person with better apm can kill off there own dying units in battle instead of giving the exp to the enemy and they make the most use of all thier units abilities etc.
basically it is important, saying that it isnt is like saying micro, and macro isnt important, but strategy is just as important, and the combination of both is deadly, and average players are usually lacking in one of the two, or even both.
the only time i dont see it being imortant is like pan said people doing alot of pointless actions, youll notice that in almost every gosu replay that the players do about 100 pointless actions with in the first 2min of the game. Its when they do a 100 more important actions than there enemy that gives them the advantage.
i'm pretty sure they do, did you notice all of the rally spamming that occurs within the first 30 seconds of gameplay? they do that so that they can jack up their apm so it averages out higher than it would if they have clicked the rally once and done nothing for 15 seconds.Originally posted by Theroy
rally point give you an apm? It dosen't I'm sure of this.