my school = no football team
we're really into field hockey, and we have some ass-kicking soccer players. some of them are actually nice....weird. but most of the people in my school aren't that horrible, just a few bitches/bastards that think smoking crack will solve ALL of life's problems. no, no, LSD does that. because, if you're dead (or brain-dead, or crazy...i am a glass of orange juice....), then all of life's problems are solved. now death's problems...those are just beginning.
now, if you're anorexic (girls) or rich or whatever, or wear obscene clothing, such as shorts hiked up PAST your ass, and a shirt that's not....quite.....there.......then you're popular. being a bitch and maybe looks have a lot to do with it......for most.
for guys- the d2 playas are high up on the social tree, actually, as are the D&D people. so are the "ghetto" people. punks and such are mid-level, and goths, well, there's only one in my grade and she's really popular, and nice, and not really a category for the smart geeks are in a category that mixes with other categories. some are popular, others aren't.
so it's kinda weird.