Multiple universes

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  • You just split my mind in two asshole.

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  • I will steal this theory and use it to try to impress people.

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To Punish and Enslave..
Dec 11, 2002
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I'm a wanderer. I am everywhe
Black holes exists but it is invisible. You only know that it's a black hole when something passes there it would be sucked in.


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Global Pinballer
Ever thought of wormholes that exist in space? I'm not sure how it's formed (can't remember...), but it's been there from time to time.

- Amantis


To Punish and Enslave..
Dec 11, 2002
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I'm a wanderer. I am everywhe
What's wormwholes?


Jan 28, 2003
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Originally posted by Maverick
What's wormwholes?
Hmm I think that's what Steve Hawking was talking's one of his theories for time travel...what a crazy guy :p


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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I love him :p

I believe wormholes to be tunnels in the space/time that allow u to go to another space/time in the universe. U travel from this part of the galaxy to the other side, and at the same time, u are there at 1000 billion years ago. All that in an instant. Very complex eheh


Jan 16, 2003
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adidassoccer next time you respond to one of my postings please read the whole thing.

When you think about all the things that we understand now that we did not understand ten or a hundered or a thousand years ago it becomes very obvious that the term chaos may become entirely false. And as I stated before, well just look at my last post.


To Punish and Enslave..
Dec 11, 2002
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I'm a wanderer. I am everywhe
Wormholes are too good to be true.


ok kid

Well... At any instant there is infinite ammount of posiblities; resulting in infinate ammount ofuniverses. you could travel back in time but it wouldn't be the same univers. Or what I think you are thiknig of is another dimension. see dimensions arn't the same place same time. A dimension is different views of one place.

0 dimensional- a point in space with no matter
1 dimensional- a line in space
2 dimensional- a squar in space
3 dimensional- a squar moved perpedicular (lets say upward) resulting that it holds mass (3d)
4 dimensional- now move the squar perpendicular to its own mass. that would be the next dimension. Dimensions ARE NOT a copy of one universe or any place an exaxt copy same space. Dimensions are not more than one different universe.

So at any instant there is infinate ammount of universes in time at one instant. Those universes are seperate universes and do not accupy the same space. They are thier own space. Some of the universes may be older and not have any space at one universes space. Because the universe is constantly expanding.

also on note. Time is larger than space. In one instant in time it holds every thing goin gon in the universe. The universe can not hold all of time. So there for time is larger.

The thought of dimensions existing in that type of interface is totaly miscrewed. Even if two objects in different time seperate universes but in the same spot generally thought in each universe. As if in one universe an object lets say a ball was sitting in one universe on your hand. Then; If in another universe but similar universe, the time held in it held a point were you were holding a ball in your hand the same time as the other universe. They would not be occupying the same space. Because they would be the same universe if they occupied the same space.

No no two objects can occupy the same space. Two objects can occupy a similar spot in alternate time(Universe).


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
Wormholes are thought to be a 'stretch' in space and time. Think of a bowling ball on a sheet of rubber. It stretches and stretches, rite? And shouldn't breatk, rite? It's like it bends space and time.

Think of the stretch as sooooooo damn strong it's so strong to the point light cannot escape. Therefore if we made a new spacecraft made of an element that's hyperstrong and faster than the speed of light, we could traverse the wormhole and end up in a new universe or time. 'Course, that'll be a suicide mission to try.

There's other theories about entropy as well. Some say if you made a long pole made of something thousands times denser than mercury or something and spun it in the universe around 2,000 times per millisecond it would ripple at an alarming rate and if we drove a spacecraft into the ripple we would be warped through space and time. Again, could be suicide.

But why bother with other universes? I'm content here, thanks.



I don't think the term worm hole is good. A black hole is a worm hole. They think there is a white hole. Picture this. A star collapses and its mass goes down so low that its mass becomes into -. THat negative is hard to imagine. A negative mass. A hole from which nothing can escape. Negative mass would be a puncture from one side of a dimensional shape view of the universe. We may jsut go from one side into the other. The gravity would be shooting out on the other side. Picture it on a square. It would be liek ripping form one side goi ng through the center and coming ou ton the other side. That would be a white hole. You could not travel through this with ANYTHINg because no matter what distance you have travled into a black hole. The furthar inside the hole slower time goes and the greater the pull is. So basically you would be watching in slow motion you lower parts of your body get stretched milions of light years. Sounds like a bad death. You would have to stop the gravitation pull in total to prevent this. There for no black hole. So its impossible to go through a black hole. A black hole exist then gravitation pull exist. Therefor even if you wer traveling light speed 2 or 3. Your feet would stretch farther than your hands. And even if somehow light speed 2 or 3 was fast enough to escape the black holes gravitational pull. That would just be escaping its pull towards the center. If you shot in at any speed you would be stretched. Escaping the gravitational pull is one thing. Driving into the pull head on wont make you immune to the pull. I do not think that anything can escape a black holes pull. People get mistaken when they hear that not even light can escape the gravitational pull. That dosn't mean that you have to go faster than light and you will escape the pull.

Escape velocity is the ammount of velocity you need to escape gravitation pull of an object.

I believe the earth escape velocity is 7 miles per second. The sun is 383 miles per second. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. Light cann't escape a black holes gravitational pull. That dosn't mean if you traveled more than 186,000 miles per second means you could escape the pull. The black holes gravitation pull is infinite. Picture the universe side you are on is a side of a square. You are a car that can only move left and right on tht flat surface. A black hole is a puncture going through the middle of the square coming out the other side. that is like a car trying to go left and right when its attached to a wire going up and down. You can't move because your path is cut of and munipulated to the center of the pull. Like going down a hille.

If you punctured the side of the black holes pull. You would have to create your own hole into the inside of the universe.

Picture you were falling into that big sloped hill the pull to the center of the black hole. You would have to rip a whole to the center of the squar insted of going through the black hole. You would be in another dimension of the squar. Could be the fourth because fourth is the interier mass of the squar. The sides of the squar are third dimensional. Dimensions are just a part of the shape. They are part of the same universe. Just like having one universe as a side of a square. then the other sides are just a universe(side) connected at each others sides. THe interior being the fourth dimension of the square. just another universe. THe whole square would just be one big universe. put into sides. Dimensions are just the way it is viewed as its put together into itself. The intire universe can not be viewed on its one side. If you stay on one side you are staying on a 2 dimensional view. Then you travel to another side then you realise the universe is 3d(square). then you go into the center of the squar. The universe thats inside the square. Just another place for space. There can possible be other ways to get to a 5th dimensional part to the square. There is nothing stopping anything from being more dimensions.

TRoubles in getting into the 4th dimension of the universe. THe inner of the square. How would you get into it. Making a hole. Gap into the center. Black holes are pulls so strong it goes all the way through to the other side. You would have to make a non mass, non gravitational gap into the fourth dimension. but. What would happen to any matter in the fourth dimension could some flow out into another side. What would be some consiquences. We might never know. you would have to make a tear that would have no gravity or you might have the consiquences of a black hole. To create this tear. It would be impossible. if you are in the fourth dimension, nothing could come in or go out. But what if someone how in the fourth dimension a black hole formed. Then you would have a hole from its universe. Were would the white hoel be. A normal black hole would go from one side to the other. The inner. It would go into itself? the fifth dimension. hard to imagine. a part of a shape withen withen its own mass. it would be like a inner part of the inner part of the square.

Infinite ammount of universes. possibly. Mabey in one dimension lets say the 7th. THere exist no matter capible of creating gravitational pull. No black holes. THen that would be the end of one universe. Or one shape would be complete. that would be your square.

That raises the idea of there being seperate squares. Squares near each other. Each one having up to lets say 7 dimensions. each dimension being one in its mass. What would be in the space between the different sqaures. NOTHING. There would be no mass. true nothing. There would not be any space. nothing.

Dark matter is not anything special and is NOT filing up the space between universes(squares). It is just matter that has more gravitational pull than its mass allows. It is invisible and fills up some space on some objects. just aobut everything has dark matter. its just fils in some spots. Galexies have dark matter all in it. The space between the visible light when you look at it. It is all in it creating huge gravitational pulls. So the galexies have huge mass for thier size. That is one possibility. THat they have dark matter that make them move and expand through the universe.


There is a such thing as anti gravity. THis would mean that dark matter either exist or dont' exist. Dark matter could still exist the same time as anti gravity. but there may be no need for dark matter and galexies can still move through the universe with anti gravity. Gravity that instead pushes away from objects. This could be the reason from galexies movement. Either way is possible.

I hope I have been of some help to people in understanding a little about the universe. If you have any questions please feel free.

and note: Anti matter is not in another dimension as one object. It is just matter coorisponding with another matter in its componants just an opposite charge. So when they come together they form gluons. nuitural cahrged matter. They are no longer in danger of meeting its anti matter or matter.
one thing that is troubleing is why is ther more matter than anti matter. Why did things in the universe have more matter than anti matter. Anti matter is the exact same as matter just opposite charge. if the universe was made of anti matter. You would notice no differences. just we would have to be worried not to touch any matter. Matter would be like anti matter to us. A question that has puzzled scientist why more matter than anti matter. Who knows.


Jun 18, 2003
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In the beggining of the universe matter and antimatter were produced in the same proportion ending each other. Only a small amount of matter survived maybe because it didn't interacted with another small proportion of antimatter. Our Universe represents the small proportion of matter that has suvived the begginings. But where is the Antimatter? Maybe there is an universe made of antimatter.


BattleForums Addict
Jan 6, 2003
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about u guys sayin the universe is expanding but it can't be expanding cos it is endless i believe and other people believe well i think alot of people believe (lol) that its not the whole universe that is exxpanding well actualy none of it is its just going on forever but all the galaxies are they actualy proved this (not the but about the universe being endless) some people were tracking all the galaxies well something like that and they found that they were all moving away in a sphereical motion away from one point (which was where the big bang was)....or there is a really stupid/funny theroy i made up that the universe is not endless but we thing it is cos there is a big sphere of blackwholes (and not being able to see blackwholes it looks like its goin on forever and they don't suck each other up becos of all the counter forces and stuff) and thats why everything is movin away as i said its just some stupid thing i just made up and i don't really believe that it is true

¥ôÜ §úçK

BattleForums Addict
Jun 19, 2003
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there is a series of books thats kinda for younger readers like 8th grade well anyway the first book is called the golden compas that deals with this exact subject


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Elf- your 'theory' tells me you don't know what you're talking about, so I'll keep it simple: the basic rule behind quantum physics is uncertainty, the principle that says no matter what, you can never know a particles's exact speed and location. So at any one time, a particle can exist anywhere. Now, if this were the case, with every particle being anywhere all the time, you wouldn't see the world as you see it: a chair wouldn't look like a chair because half of its particles are on the other side of the room. If you make a separate universe for each variation in particle speed/location, that "static" effect wouldn't show up. So you can have a universe for every atom; every electron; every proton; every neutron: every lepton; every hadron; every baryon.

Time@space- you obviously don't know what you're talking about, either.


Jan 28, 2003
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Originally posted by ¥ôÜ §úçK
there is a series of books thats kinda for younger readers like 8th grade well anyway the first book is called the golden compas that deals with this exact subject
OMG I read that series...and your wrong so very wrong...they (the dust) that is talked about in that novel are self-aware. Antimatter is not self-aware.

Other books were like amber spyglass and the subtle knife.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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we know only a little bit of what is inside our universe... we have experienced NOTHING of what is outside our universe... oiur universe is made up of matter, and matter has gravity. outside the universe whose to say any scientific laws will be the same? anyone can have any theory they wan about outside our universe because no one will ever be able to disprove it... unless we can escape our universe. then we may just die or stop... if time was created with the big bang, outside our universe must be timeless. im thinking too hard i surrender.

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by elfstone
Here is an interesting theory which I am working on.

Sy for arguments sake that there are multiple universes. These universes would be outside of that which we consider the physical realms. If these universes were identical they would logically overlap, or maybe if even close.

This makes since because matter is attracted to matter as in gravity. Now since two bodys cannot occupy the same space at the same time they would not be able to be occupying the same place in time and space. However if there were some extra dimension of space objects of similar mass would be in the same place. One would think that this may be a paradox for these objects would be infinitely close, but infinitely far away from each other. Also since they occupy the same relative space at the same relative time this would seem to breach the theory that two objects cannot exist in the same space in the same time.

Since this other univrse or universes would not exist in our phisical realm this not a breach of that rule. So the same space is not occupied. although in another since it is. That is why I say infinitely close, but infinitely far away. Time is unimportant for now, because only one part of the previosly mentioned theory of time and space continum (Hopefully I got the right theory) need be different.

I of course am not sure of this, but I figured this was an interesting idea to debate so i'm posting it.
Well, I believe this is where some principles from geometry come to play. If you've ever studied geometry, then one of the first things you learn is that 2 lines can not exist on the same plane without intersecting or overlapping. This, I believe as you do, that this is also true for other universes.

But, no one said that the different dimensions had to be identical or on the same plane of existance.

Now a theory that I've come to adopt on multiverses is that they run at the same time, but just on different planes of existance and not time. As an example, get a peice of paper of legal pad, and look at the lines, each of those lines would represent a deminsion.

But thats just what I think, I'm no expert on the situation, so I'ld welcome any correcting if I got anything wrong.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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I'm skimming over the stuff I haven't read yet, and allot of you are talking about entering black holes and shit. To fill you in: at the event horizon of a black hole, the invisible line you pass where you start traveling at the speed of light, time stops. You can't "enter" anything, even with a really big spaceship that runs on dreams and is painted purple.


Jun 25, 2003
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do u mean more than our four dimensions ( yes i mean 4, time is a dimension idiots), like that kind of universe or like multiple plans of reality... or are they the same thing? o well, i liek the sound of your idea. its also just possible this is another way we try and explain things that conufse us, like ghost, flying saucers. etc

i dunno

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