Got another problem,when an ally of mine leaves the game,the multiboard simlpy disapears???
A neutral zeppelin will not load a unit owned by another player. You need to convert either the hero's player or the zeppelin's player to something. Estimate the time with a wait action then return the alliancy to the original player.peoncaptain said:I wanted to reduce time needed to reach the main base so I got stupid idea:I wanted to make zeppelin express,I made 4 locations for each base(2 are destinations and two are start locations),I want to make somethink like this-when a player enters region(cond if owned by player 1,entering unit is a hero),order zeppelin to load unit and go to destination,I think the problemi is that units owner and zeppelin owner arent the same...(if they were,I wouldnt need a trigger to do this..)I made this
red express
Unit - A unit enters red base helipad to left <gen>
((Entering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
((Entering unit) belongs to an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to True
Unit - Order Zeppelin express 0230 <gen> to Load (Triggering unit)
just to try it but the hero isnt loaded...(is it even impossible?)