Most wanted new char in D3?

most wanted new char?

  • Cleric

    Votes: 39 20.9%
  • Ranger

    Votes: 47 25.1%
  • Wizard

    Votes: 38 20.3%
  • Illusionist

    Votes: 63 33.7%

  • Total voters


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
you people are idiots, others are just not thinking enough, but long story short: most of you guys are idiots

all i keep seeing is "we need elves and gnomes"


Diablo is based on Hell, Heaven, and Earth. Not ****ing azeroth. gnomes, elves, goblins, and the likes have no place in the Diablo world. it just doesnt work.

with taht said, i noticed ont he first page somone mentioned having a Psychic as a class.

im all for that idea, i like it alot actually, BUT, making it its own class will nto work. theres no graphics to there attacks, and theres not much diversity youc an make besides the basics, mind control, levitation, telekineses, and added defence. thered be no graphics for this sort of thing, Soooo

what if you were to create a fourth skillbranch for characters to have Psyonic abilities? i thinkt hat would be the best way to go with it

now to add my own suggestions:

create a second storyline, a perspective for the badguys. create good and evil [kinda like horde and alliance, this is not wow inspired though, i came up with this before i even knew wow had 2 factions.] Good and Evil, Light and dark, call them what you want, dont matter to me.

on one side, you would have the good guys, humans. [note: no god damn elves or gnomes to all you idiots that want a Wow game titled Diablo.] have the basics, the amazon, barbarion, necro, paly and whatnot, add a few other classes in, i havnt really given much thought into new characters [abilities htough, if i can remember what i came up with years ago itd be cool :) i had a ton of ideas] but then the new side, the evil side. have darker characters. create the cursed paladin, create the warlock. create a demonic character [cursed human that transformes into a demon-ish character? i dunno]

itd be interesting that way, and itd create more replay time in the game, wnating to see both storylines. give them darker powers, etc etc

if i remember to come back here any time soon ill try and make a thread with all of the ideas i came up with int he past, it would be a fun read :)


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Russellville, AR
I agree.

I want to see some darker stuff, too. A Hell Knight would be awesome (Essentially a pyro nec, fire spells, skeleton summoning/undead spells, and perhaps some of the bone spells).

Black Legion

New Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Hell Hole.
I would really like the see an Inquisitor char in Diablo 3! Some kind of "holy man" as paladin, but more badass.


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Let me present my humble ideas for characters. I like the idea of an intimidating, red-robed inquisitor, by the way.

Highlander: A cross between the warrior from d1 and the barbarian, d2. My description: Fierce and powerful warrior of great strength with a courageous heart. A brutal, fearsome melee combatant. He focuses on brute strength but lacks magic power and precision in his attacks.

Witch Hunter: Vaguely inspired by the Van Helsing character, he is a former priest on a personal crusade. Dedicated to cleanse the world of evil and followers of witchcraft, he uses cunning, wisdom and holy items to his advantage. "Holy items" are things such as magic cards, sacred books, holy water and symbols (ever played Castlevania?), assuming there would be some fresh additions into the world of Diablo in its third installment. He is also a decent crossbowman and use pistols very well (no modern of course, only 17th Century single-fire ones).

Warrior Monk: In contrast to all Diablo characters known so far, he is of east Asian origin and resembles a Buddhist Shaolin monk (see Jet Li). Description: With a lifetime of training in the martial arts and mastering physical resistance, even unarmed he is a deadly fighter by nature. With meditation and recovery skills, he not only has tough defence but can regain life in the way a Cleric would. Associated weapons are bare fists, stick, sword, spear, axe, halberd, whip (new to DIII) and any other tool usable in melee.

Valkyrie: Mighty female warrior capable with a variety of weapons, blessed by heavenly gifts and the power of light. She may bear the name of a Norse mythological being, but this one is human even though she can use lightning, holy light, angel flight and all those paladin-like abilities. She may seem similar to the Amazon, but she is surprisingly strong for a woman and is best suited for close combat, although she is not a hopeless archer.

Shadow Warrior: An adept in the arts of concealment, entrapment, archery and ambush. He shoots with blinding speed & accuracy. Needless to say, this would be the game's primary ranger. This dark-clad individual is proficient with bow & arrows and javelins, but can also put up a sword fight with less powerful foes. He can strike blindness to enemies hit and diceive with illusions.

Ranger: Lone hunter and adventurer, he is a firearm marksman, but can also prove tough in close combat quarters. Again, assuming that the new Diablo will include early firearms such as arqebusiers, gonnes and muskets, this is the character to master them. Looking similar to the pioneer bushmen of North America, this pelt-clad warrior has no magical talent but a sharp eye.

Swordmaster (poor name?): Trained from birth, this talented swordsman is a true master of the blade, able to slay a monster outright without warning. This is a very offensive choice for a melee fighter, and he excels with all kinds of bladed weapons. These iclude broadswords, rapiers, sabres, greatswords, katanas (why have they never been in a Diablo game when the Indian Katar has?), katars and daggers. He will have skills such as inflicting open wounds and killing blow, the latter can only be used on a single man-sized enemy, where the Swordmaster has a chance to do massive damage.

Alchemist: Possessing great skills in manipulating the elements, she also masters fire and metal to craft weapons and armour. Focus: sorcery, fire & metal spells, conjuration & abjuration. Shortcomings: melee attack strength, life & endurance. This female mage can enhance metal objects such as armour, create magically forged weapons and even turn small pieces of metal (ring mail / firearm balls) into gold. She is also an excellent pyro wizard and can animate various golems.

Black Mage: Born with strong magical affluence, this sorceress controls chaos magic, necromancy and other dark, destructive lores. A little inspired from the look of Lulu in Final Fantasy X (never mind unless you've played it), she is a black-robed character who relies heavily on magic. She uses the same dark and demonic powers against the evil that spawned them, and is able to summon powerful demons, familiars, undead creatures and so on.

Shaman: Channelling and summoning wild spirits, he commands the forces of nature and the will of animals. You may think he is derived from the Druid class, which may not be that far from the truth, although he is a poor fighter and cannot transform into a lycantrophic being. However he is able to animate trees found in the environment to create treemen or dryads, and call for the aid of beasts which he can control. His power is that of nature itself, unlike the Black Mage who attracts death and so on.

--HIDDEN CHARACTERS-- The following two choices must be unlocked by completing the game on Nightmare and Hell respectively and can only be used in single player, since they are more powerful than the regulars above.

Vampire Knight: The son of a vampire lord, this ever-living warrior is vulnerable to sunlight but gains power by drinking the blood of his victims. He possesses many unique skills often associated with vampires, but cannot move freely in the open during the day without gradual health loss. He is also vulnerable to holy entities and symbolic icons, but other than that, a terrific close combatant. He grows temporarily stronger and gains additional experience by feeding from slain enemies.

Shapeshifter: A potent wizard with metamorphic powers who can transform into and act as defeated monsters and spirits. Focus: sorcery, possessing other bodies, learning enemy abilities. Shortcomings: no great physical strength, his abilities are limited to monsters. A very odd character type?

Well, 12 characters in all, 10 of which would be "socially acceptable" even in multiplay. So... Feel free to comment, criticize or whatever you feel like!!


Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
You guys are making diablo into WoW. I do think they need new classes but they should stick to what diablo is good at.


Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
what if u could choose btween the good side and the bad side....each side has ENTIRELY different classes...and possibly races...and completely different skill builds for every like a beast master where(instead of like the druid)he doesnt change into sh!t he can summon all kinds of things of his choice...not just certain things at once...idk...but a vampire would be bad ass on the evil side lol:lucifer:closed_2:


Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
burbank california
id say if their going too add new chars just make a good and evil version of them or/and male female versionslike for the barb
its barb female barb/ corrupted barb/corrupted female barb
paladin,female paladin/ dark knight,female darknight
necromancer tho in the game isnt considered "evil" just have an opposite
i.e. necro , lady necro/idk really
druid, lady druid/ corrupted druid, corrupted lady druid
sorceress,sorcerer(good)/ wizard,witch(evil)
the assassin not really evil nor good but a male version i.e. a ninja or sumthin
amazon,archer/ dark rouge dark lady rouge
well thats my ideas
no different races tho its always been about humans demons and angels oh and animals and things corrupted by demons

and all the characters should be able to summon sumthin or be able to buy like a wolf or lion or tiger to fite with or for them


Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
burbank california
Let me present my humble ideas for characters. I like the idea of an intimidating, red-robed inquisitor, by the way.

Highlander: A cross between the warrior from d1 and the barbarian, d2. My description: Fierce and powerful warrior of great strength with a courageous heart. A brutal, fearsome melee combatant. He focuses on brute strength but lacks magic power and precision in his attacks.

Witch Hunter: Vaguely inspired by the Van Helsing character, he is a former priest on a personal crusade. Dedicated to cleanse the world of evil and followers of witchcraft, he uses cunning, wisdom and holy items to his advantage. "Holy items" are things such as magic cards, sacred books, holy water and symbols (ever played Castlevania?), assuming there would be some fresh additions into the world of Diablo in its third installment. He is also a decent crossbowman and use pistols very well (no modern of course, only 17th Century single-fire ones).

Warrior Monk: In contrast to all Diablo characters known so far, he is of east Asian origin and resembles a Buddhist Shaolin monk (see Jet Li). Description: With a lifetime of training in the martial arts and mastering physical resistance, even unarmed he is a deadly fighter by nature. With meditation and recovery skills, he not only has tough defence but can regain life in the way a Cleric would. Associated weapons are bare fists, stick, sword, spear, axe, halberd, whip (new to DIII) and any other tool usable in melee.

Valkyrie: Mighty female warrior capable with a variety of weapons, blessed by heavenly gifts and the power of light. She may bear the name of a Norse mythological being, but this one is human even though she can use lightning, holy light, angel flight and all those paladin-like abilities. She may seem similar to the Amazon, but she is surprisingly strong for a woman and is best suited for close combat, although she is not a hopeless archer.

Shadow Warrior: An adept in the arts of concealment, entrapment, archery and ambush. He shoots with blinding speed & accuracy. Needless to say, this would be the game's primary ranger. This dark-clad individual is proficient with bow & arrows and javelins, but can also put up a sword fight with less powerful foes. He can strike blindness to enemies hit and diceive with illusions.

Ranger: Lone hunter and adventurer, he is a firearm marksman, but can also prove tough in close combat quarters. Again, assuming that the new Diablo will include early firearms such as arqebusiers, gonnes and muskets, this is the character to master them. Looking similar to the pioneer bushmen of North America, this pelt-clad warrior has no magical talent but a sharp eye.

Swordmaster (poor name?): Trained from birth, this talented swordsman is a true master of the blade, able to slay a monster outright without warning. This is a very offensive choice for a melee fighter, and he excels with all kinds of bladed weapons. These iclude broadswords, rapiers, sabres, greatswords, katanas (why have they never been in a Diablo game when the Indian Katar has?), katars and daggers. He will have skills such as inflicting open wounds and killing blow, the latter can only be used on a single man-sized enemy, where the Swordmaster has a chance to do massive damage.

Alchemist: Possessing great skills in manipulating the elements, she also masters fire and metal to craft weapons and armour. Focus: sorcery, fire & metal spells, conjuration & abjuration. Shortcomings: melee attack strength, life & endurance. This female mage can enhance metal objects such as armour, create magically forged weapons and even turn small pieces of metal (ring mail / firearm balls) into gold. She is also an excellent pyro wizard and can animate various golems.

Black Mage: Born with strong magical affluence, this sorceress controls chaos magic, necromancy and other dark, destructive lores. A little inspired from the look of Lulu in Final Fantasy X (never mind unless you've played it), she is a black-robed character who relies heavily on magic. She uses the same dark and demonic powers against the evil that spawned them, and is able to summon powerful demons, familiars, undead creatures and so on.

Shaman: Channelling and summoning wild spirits, he commands the forces of nature and the will of animals. You may think he is derived from the Druid class, which may not be that far from the truth, although he is a poor fighter and cannot transform into a lycantrophic being. However he is able to animate trees found in the environment to create treemen or dryads, and call for the aid of beasts which he can control. His power is that of nature itself, unlike the Black Mage who attracts death and so on.

--HIDDEN CHARACTERS-- The following two choices must be unlocked by completing the game on Nightmare and Hell respectively and can only be used in single player, since they are more powerful than the regulars above.

Vampire Knight: The son of a vampire lord, this ever-living warrior is vulnerable to sunlight but gains power by drinking the blood of his victims. He possesses many unique skills often associated with vampires, but cannot move freely in the open during the day without gradual health loss. He is also vulnerable to holy entities and symbolic icons, but other than that, a terrific close combatant. He grows temporarily stronger and gains additional experience by feeding from slain enemies.

Shapeshifter: A potent wizard with metamorphic powers who can transform into and act as defeated monsters and spirits. Focus: sorcery, possessing other bodies, learning enemy abilities. Shortcomings: no great physical strength, his abilities are limited to monsters. A very odd character type?

Well, 12 characters in all, 10 of which would be "socially acceptable" even in multiplay. So... Feel free to comment, criticize or whatever you feel like!!
all are like combos of 2 or more of the other characters huh hmmm maybe even have a class wenn you beat the game on all difficulties and hard core you can learn all of the skillz of the other classes


Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
waht the **** is this ****
the thief they promised in LOD


Boss D.J.
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I would say cleric. It could make the game more team based.

Does anyone know if races (human, elf) are a posibility?


New Member
Feb 24, 2008
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i think there should be pimps and hustlas. and hos as mercs. HAHA...


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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any non human species were eradicated because they are inferior. yes. we had a pre WWII version of hitler back in the days of war of sin. there should just be humans, demons and angels. elves and dwarves make it less relevant.

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