I saw Mayan and UnforgivinAngel in here...and two things that I need to say about THAT one.
Mayan was an imbecil...plain and simple. He deserves NO recognition...he was in the D2 forums back when I first registered, and he was homo.
UnforgivinAngel, I didn't quite get along with him at first, mainly because he's an ass half the time..the other half he is quite a decent guy however. I remember when he first tried to say that he was "leet" at GFX...all he did was color some clouds

He did get a little bit better, but I would say he definately wasn't one of the top here. Neither am I, and he is better than I am, so I suppose that I can't really talk.
I would say the most unrecognized is Teddy. Yes, he is well known around here, but I don't think he is as known as he should be. I wub j00 tedhat