Originally posted by Chain3r-
at least have studied something about mormans
Just off the top of my head, lets see what I can recall about the LDS:
The LDS was founded by Joseph Smith in 1820's. He was told by an angel Moroni that there were golden plates containing a secret history buried in a hill named "Cumorah". He took the golden plates back to his home and made a copy, and they were then taken back to heaven by some angel.
These tablets hold the basis for the book of mormon, which basically says that the mormon people are a lost tribe from Israel, and that after Jesus died and was resurrected he came to America and told the lost tribe that America was the promised land.
Then there was a big war among the two tribes, and the true mormon holy tribe was killed off, all except for Moroni. Moroni hid the Golden Plates before his village could be destroyed and buried them in Cumorah for Smith to find later.
Then Smith moved out in the mid-west. Was murdered by a mob while in jail. Brigam Young took over, and lead the mormons to Utah.
The LDS believes that every person has a spark of God in him, and that when you die and go to the Celestial (one of the 4 places you can go when you die) kingdom, you get to become your own God, and if you had a temple marriage to a woman, you both can populate your own universe (hence the reason for their previous polygamy). You can recieve the Mormon doctrine after death in the Terrestial kingdom. You don't go to hell, you go to "outer darkness" or a "spirit prison". You don't drink alcohol, coffee, or watch TV.
Heh, that was pretty good for not looking at my REL 323 notes.
Your religion thought that Cain was turned black by God after he killed Abel.
http://www.truthwalk.com/Q and A/mormonism overview.html
As you can see, in 1978, the church changed it's antiquated views. Just because you're too young to realize that the world existed before 1990, doesn't mean that it didn't happen recently.
Now how about this.
YOU learn the history of
YOUR religion, and shut the fuck up about me unless you want to continue to look stupid.
I'm glad we had this talk.