There is always a way. Mh for 1.10 will exist, off course !
I hope it will come soon ...
I hope it will come soon ...
Blizzard owned the game in 1.07 and 1.08... when do you think every single hacked item was imported?SHAKUR, Blizzard also owned the Game in 1.09, :O Guess what , Maphack! , Dupe hacks, And so on...
SHAKUR, Blizzard own the game in 1.10 .. :O Guess what , There will be maphacks, Dupe hacks, and so on ...![]()
where am i? do you have any maturity whatsoever?Originally posted by ExoduX
yea i know no double posting blah blah blah but i couldnt find the pictures so that means it was mroe than a year ago.... BUT YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME for i am spam master jay... but seriously im saw it i saw them using maphack those hypocrites.
(me) that damn lucifer he so damn strong... im tired ima take a quick nap.
"dream sequence" tra la la la la hey whos that.:lucifer hey what are you gonna do with that dynomite? no please noo!!!:tnt " end dream sequence"hm... gotta find that bitch.
(lucifer) which bitch is that?hm... i think ima have some fun with this stick... OF DYNIMITE!MUAHAHAHAHA:tnt. rest in peaces...
tune in next time for the next episode of... EXODUX AND LUCIFER!!!!{cues cheesy theme song music}![]()
Might? Were Definitly right! Here's an old MH explanation by PyroKid...a D2 Guru might i add...This lil tut explains why MH wasn't and may, never will be detectable. posted by SHAKUR
i know they own 1.8 1.9 <<<<<< these r normal patch 1.10 is a completely different patch from the other once it kind of expansion pack 2 anyways u guys might be right
I have to agree with that. Sometimes i feel the map is changing as i go the wrong direction. The right way it always the last way i check. ALWAYS, ask my friends we play together, we usually end up exploring the whole map. I dunno about you guys, but after beating the game a lot it gets really old. I don't really mind all that much, it is the way of the game. I just wish there weren't so many damn directions to go.Originally posted by pat
the lack of a maphack isn;t more fun, its irritating.
I've beaten the game too many times to find pleasure in spending hours trying to find the right directions.
Being able to see things is fun as well. Darkness, weather, etc are all just annoyances.