OOC: alright guys, this is how it goes, i dont know if i will be able to kep this thread up, im working 4 days a week, and i get home at around 11 each day. you tell me i leave alot, i tell you you dont work aot. im 15 and have a full time job...........lifes a bitch, but anywho, yes give me time to contemplate this.....the closing of it or not, i just have way too much going on , i barely have any time on the computer.
i hate to say it, but the Megaman, ZeTa threat is now closed. i dont have enough time to run it and have it be fun, so its closed. Here are my reasons:
1- Not enough time
2- Too many people. See before, it was just Me, bam, and Frost..........Tac was in it for a little while, but he left. Lets see.....now its Me, bam, Fure, Omega, Razael, and Seth, thats alot of people for a RPG of this size..........im sorry but there ar ejust too many of you
3- Lack of intrest. I dident like where i started this one, and it was a stupid move in my part to lead you guys all along.
so there you avhe it, im sorry if you guys were having fun, bt there jsut wasent enough activity, sorry, bye.